South Africa
"Here is why this is Elon Musk's fault."
- The MSM, probably.
My money, burned as it will be simply through proximity to this situations, is on the latter after whatever flip happened where surgery was dismissed as being required for the label. Now anyone who wants can claim to be whatever they like while putting in zero effort to pass, even though they never would, so you get guys with not only 5 o'clock shadow claiming to be girls but also guys with beards to rival Paul Bunyan.
Yup. Any pet group works, although some pet groups work more than others, despite the irony of that statement.
lol, "work". As if for some of them.
American men have a meat problem.
3 easy steps to turn this back in her face and watch her recoil in horror.
Ask why halal beef is such a bad thing.
There are no other steps, just bring in any group she knows you can't openly criticise as she's trying to do here do the obvious demographic.
The saying goes your first Bond is your favorite Bond
Brosnan wasn't my first Bond but Goldeneye is still my favourite movie.
An attempted response: "But they make up a fraction of the population!"
tl;dw the gaslighting continues
Remember when Olympic events were basically contests of martial challenges but with no actual killing involved? I think it misses that sort of appeal where someone could show off just how well they could throw a spear AT a target rather than just down an empty field.
I'm not say live targets, just something like archery/guns but with the other neolithic options.
Science needs to go back to being biology, chemistry, and physics. All the shit that comes later as per that dumb XKCD comic need their old label of "study" throw back at them rather than parading around as an actual science.
Math is just that far beyond everything else it should simply remain as "Math".
The quiet parts being said out loud: They know who not to ask, and they know why.
What's likely to happen is certain nations may actually go for this, at least in part, while others will say no, and others still will go the other direction and make headway to becoming countries 110 onwards.
AI Betty White needs to be cast for the movie adaptation.
The Office's format is probably one of the easiest to do with an original cast and characters
Keep in mind "The Office" was originally on in the UK, vastly different from what the US version ended up being, but was similar in the first season which is why many didn't like it at the time.
"Should be build for performance?"
"No, let's install more than twice as many facilities as needed on something where space is more than just a premium, it could even save lives."
NGL, I've seen a biological women look like that. I just don't think the goal was to pass as a post wall middle aged alcoholic.
Additional counterpoint, even if a target is missed or far away the fallout lasts decades. "A nuke" isn't the thing people should worry about here, it's the intentionally made dirty bomb.
5, with cursive, and never taking the pen off the page.
7 is standalone.
The first involves the definitions for harms such as inciting violence, hatred, and bullying. As someone who comes from a community that has faced relentless antisemitism and real threats in recent months, I think we need some measures to combat online harms. However, the definitions are not without risks that they may be interpreted in an over broad manner and have implications for freedom of expression.
"Pls don't let someone use this against me."
Second – related to the first – is the incredible power vested in the Digital Safety Commission, which will have primary responsibility for enforcing the law. The breadth of powers is remarkable: rulings on making content inaccessible, investigation powers, hearings that under certain circumstances can be closed to the public, establishing regulations and codes of conduct, and the power to levy penalties up to 6% of global revenues of services caught by the law. There is an awful lot there and questions about Commission oversight and accountability will be essential.
"Pls don't let someone use this against me."
Third, the provisions involving the Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act require careful study as they feature penalties that go as high as life in prison and open the door to a tidal wave of hate speech related complaints.
"Pls don't let someone use this against me."
tl;dr "Pls don't let someone use this against me."
I bet 40 cakes stair muffins she has no idea what an AR15 looks like, and if you were to lay out various models in front of her and ask her to pick which one was the AR15 she'd waffle on about how all of them were a problem that should be addressed without actually answering the question, and of course cackle away at the same time.
Bonus points for there never being an AR15 present in the first place so none of her handlers can even push her in the correct direction, or then again maybe her magic bluetooth earrings would tell her the answer.
FDR is also the reason for the 22nd Amendment.
they will stop calling it DEI
They were trying to rebrand to BRIDGE before, name changing has already started.
Inb4 climate change burns down the factory.
Swine work as an alternative S for... reasons.
Give it 3 days.
Your username is literally margarine, aka fake butter.