Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

A sudden case of climate change? How terrible. 🔥

Vivs3rdSock 14 points ago +14 / -0

If nothing else their staff are suddenly dying from infections! What if a pilot did the same!? :O

Seriously, this is fucking retarded in terms of trying to hide something up as it gives a completely separate reason to not fly with them! Shitlords should just troll the shit out of this and go hard on the line that; "Sure, his death totally wasn't murder, but staff from this company can just drop dead so don't get on their planes."

Vivs3rdSock 5 points ago +5 / -0

So if all music if black people music, that means all the shit music is the fault of black people, too, right? 🤔

Vivs3rdSock 13 points ago +13 / -0

That's still $CurrentYear+6 even just by the more recent standards.

Vivs3rdSock 8 points ago +8 / -0

Change your embed settings, it shows up fine here.

Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

Does Duke Nukem or Doom Guy say "Groovy" at some point??

Ash from Evil Dead does.

Vivs3rdSock 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember Peacock had the live action version of Constantine and flubbed it so badly it only got 1 season. The actor later moved to the CW network and they just integrated the character directly into the "Arrowverse" made up of Arrow, The Flash, and later Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow - which Constantine joined, Black Lightning and various other crap that came later on.

Arrow was marginally ok for a while as was Flash but later seasons turned to dogshit due to flat out abysmal writing. Constantine was quite good, though.

Vivs3rdSock 29 points ago +29 / -0

No. Look at the list of actresses that came out against him vs the ones who didn't.

Almost every one that did was older, past her prime, and had nothing to lose by pulling this bridge up after her, like Susan Sarandon for example.

Meanwhile you have Jennifer Lawrence who not only said nothing but also just dropped off the fucking map for a few years after this happened because she was no longer being fed roles.

The whole thing was a group of post wall, middle-aged and older women making sure their younger competition wouldn't have the same opportunities as they did, no matter what it might have taken to get the roles. When various male actors came out with their own tales of sexual assault being made against them, like Terry Crews, they were told to shut up and let the women talk, it had nothing to actually do with whatever abuse was going on in Hollywood, certain groups just wanted to retain leverage over others.

Vivs3rdSock 21 points ago +21 / -0

He's the only producer that actually bothered to read the script to Good Will Hunting, asking Affleck and Damon why there was a random gay sex scene in the middle of the movie. Turns out the two had put that page in there to see which of the studios would put in the minimum of effort and read the thing and Weinstein was the only one to do so meaning Miramax got to make the film.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hollywood has been openly sex trafficking younger manipulated actors for DECADES on the promise they'll 'get bigger roles',

Sometimes it was, sure, and in the case of Weinstein it was adult women looking for a break that he would facilitate after they climbed on "his ladder", but Hollywood is also known for rampant abuse and rape of child actors and actresses going back decades, to the point many parents who knew about those goings on would never, ever leave their kids alone when on set or working.

Vivs3rdSock 5 points ago +5 / -0

Any of the joints of the front legs.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

So... a walking warcrime waiting to happen? Because that's what using flamethrowers on civilians is classified as.

Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

So glad the replies to that tweet are calling out how no man should ever get involved in this kind of situation now, be it because of examples like Daniel Penny or how recent trends of "stronk and independant wymxn" mean no man needs to help her ever again.

FAFO, wokesters.

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