CriticalDrinker brought this up in his recent review of Ghostbuster Frozen Empire. He said it was a bland, uninspired movie and its only saving grace is that it wasn't as bad as the REALLY shitty Fembusters movie from a while back, and that seems to be how Hollywood is running these days.... Make an absolute dogshot movie, wait a couple of years, then put out something that makes you go ''Well at least it wasn't as bad as that other literal pile of dogshit they threw in my mouth.''
Have you seen the blurbs going on about Puff Daddy or whatever he calls himself now and the circle of blackmail all the music artists are in?
You've got these groups of music people all with blackmail material on each other, mostly gay and/or kiddie related degeneracy.
I also love the part of the story how no one in charge of the temple noticed three feet of dirt in the basement, the bloody children's matress, or the high chair in the three feet of dirt.
We're expected to believe this?
Move to Canada and tell your doctor you feel depressed. Ask for express MAID service.