TriangleGang 19 points ago +19 / -0

I really wonder, who is even complaining about this?

They're preaching to the choir here, but it really is the tiniest of minorities, and they're disgusting freaks who probably don't even play the game anyway.

doing business with such a ridiculous country is really frustrating

About sums it up.

TriangleGang 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think some chick on Reddit did an experiment where she just posted picture of her painting and almost no one liked or commented on it. So she posted different picture with her holding the painting, but the same post text- she was decent looking IIRC.

Of course the thing got thousands of upvotes and tons of comments. It's like these thirsty losers think a woman is going to come out of the screen and suck their dick if they say something nice to them.

TriangleGang 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh, I'm not saying anybody doesn't have the right to self-defense, I'm saying that you shouldn't be allowed to be employed as an agent of the state if you're not a US citizen.

TriangleGang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not bad though. Definitely Norman Rockwell vibes. Those AI art programs are getting good.

TriangleGang 50 points ago +50 / -0

Call me crazy, but I don't think non-citizens should be given the authority to use lethal force against American citizens on American soil.

TriangleGang 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's a bluff. If they actually sue him, that means discovery and depositions. All he's got to do is get a couple dudes to say she sucked their dick for favors and he wins. Even if the jury doesn't believe him and she wins, all of the shit produced during the trial becomes a public record. Her attorneys have got to be advising her that putting private emails on statements about what a trashy slut she is in court records is a bad idea.

TriangleGang 20 points ago +20 / -0

We make such a big deal about conflict of interest for judges and juries, but we allow companies to sell their services as functionally a combined judge and jury in civil matters.

If you or I have a dispute with a company that goes to arbitration, in the vast majority of cases we will never work with that arbitrator, or their company, again. But whoever we're in dispute with hires arbitrators all the time. Do you think they are going to keep hiring a company that rules against them?

TriangleGang 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who said anything about the military?

You did when you said that China would simply board other countries vessels or use fake pirates to steal from them if pivoted trade away from them.

Containing China requires exercising all the instruments of power. Western dependence on China for trade is our weakness, but it's also the only thing that prevents them from being treated like a pariah State like North Korea. Increased economic ties come with increased military cooperation and usually security guarantees.

Nikes and Funko Pops?

The South China Sea is one of the world's major fisheries and trade routes. I'm sure you understand that the struggle for dominance in the Pacific isn't about trash toys.

TriangleGang 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thailand and the Philippines are historic US allies, and I read that even Vietnam is starting to get tired of China's shit. One of the surest ways to piss off your neighbors is to claim control over their territorial waters.

With economic ties come military alliances. One of China's boogeymen is being ringed with adversary countries allied with the US. Let's make that happen.

Right now they bully countries like the Philippines because they know they can get away with it. I think the closest analogy to 2024 China is 1930s Germany.

They're testing the waters to see what they can get away with and we need to smack that shit down hard. Yes they have a very large military, but it's completely untested. Their last real war was with Vietnam in 1979 and they didn't do so hot. After watching Russia fumble in Ukraine they're bound to be second-guessing their readiness to take on Western powers

TriangleGang 8 points ago +8 / -0

China rose to prominence making shitty consumer goods for pennies on the dollar. I don't see any reason that any number of third world shithole countries couldn't replace them by doing the same thing.

We could both reduce our dependence on China and strengthen our ties to their neighbors by encouraging/providing technical assistance/subsidizing the development of manufacturing industry in places like Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, etc.

Hell, it may be as simple as tariffing the shit out of goods from China and providing tax breaks for importing goods from those other countries. If you disincentivize companies from doing business with China and incentivize them to produce their goods elsewhere, they will do it.

TriangleGang 4 points ago +4 / -0

Disparaging surrendering once to the Axis warmachine

They also got rolled over in the Franco-Prussian war before Germany was even a country. Paris was besieged and they were starving in the streets.

TriangleGang 4 points ago +4 / -0

(or politics at all for that matter)

As it should be. An actor opening their mouth up about politics is bound to offend at least some of their audience and there's really nothing to be gained by it.

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

Let's not forget William Randolph Hearst, who hired famous western artist Frederic Remington to illustrate the revolution in Cuba in 1897. When he arrived there he wrote back:

“Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return.”

Hearst replied: “Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”

TriangleGang 16 points ago +16 / -0

I think voting should be required by law to be in person with very, very few exceptions, and those being extraordinarily controlled and regulated to protect against fraud.

There is an interesting idea here though: if even one of your parents was a US citizen, the United States considers you a citizen even if you were born abroad, never entered the country, and don't even speak English. They expect you to file US income taxes and pay them unless you go through the renunciation process. Thus, purely by accident of birth, the US asserts that it has complete control over you as it would any "real" US citizen.

Given the US government's stance, it's only logical that they would be required to afford you all the rights of a citizen as well, including the right to vote. I'm genuinely curious how they would administer this, since voting is all done at the local level, and you don't have a state, county, or city to claim residence in if you've never even entered the country.

TriangleGang 40 points ago +40 / -0

Oh, it's the new troll again.

The thing was captured on TV with multiple camera angles. There are dozens of videos out there dissecting every frame of the footage.

Do you think if anybody was able to show that he somehow spoofed getting shot that the left wouldn't have clung to it like a drowning man to a life ring?

Let's not forget the guy that was standing behind him that also got shot and died. Unless you're suggesting that was fake too.

TriangleGang 50 points ago +50 / -0

Tell me you know absolutely nothing about guns work without telling me you know nothing whatsoever about guns.

People that don't shoot think that guns work like laser beams, but even with a tuned rifle with match ammo that performs consistently well with that specific gun, I doubt you'll find any shooter who would be willing to bet that they can reliably just clip someone's ear while they're speaking and moving their head at any distance.

The mental contortion the left is willing to do to avoid acknowledging a reality they don't like is pathological.

TriangleGang 14 points ago +14 / -0

They now recommend a pre-nup, post-nup, and reaffirmation after a few years have passed. Oh, and if the woman doesn't provide her own attorney, they say the man has to pay for independent counsel for her. And courts still frequently invalidate the fucking things after all that.

You can sign an unbreakable contract with the military at age 17 without any oversight or attorney representing you, but even if you move heaven and earth to keep a prenup valid they'll still throw it out. Absolutely insane bullshit.

But, tell me again about "the patriarchy" and how rough women have it.

TriangleGang 12 points ago +12 / -0


That's the same bullshit reasoning they use to invalidate prenups. "But if I didn't sign it, he wouldn't marry me, so I was coerced!"

Bitch, that's the entire principle behind contracts. Each side offers something the other wants and they reach a mutual agreement. You just want the other party to fulfill their half of the contract and renege on yours.

Imagine if we did this for other contracts: "I really wanted the car, so it was coercion when I agreed to a high interest loan. I should just be able to break the contract, and keep the car". It's laughably insane.

Of course our legal system suspends all logic and reasoning, because wOMeN.

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

LoL, and that fucking trucker mustache. Comics as a media worth reading ended around 1994. Just let them die.

TriangleGang 25 points ago +25 / -0

I wish more people would do this. When you're interrupting the person you're interviewing and arguing with them, you're making yourself part of the story, which is a No-No for journalism regardless of what your political beliefs are.

Pointing at the double standard is valid, but the call should be to get them to shut the fuck up no matter who they're asking questions to. I wish normies would understand the obvious truth that if only one side of the political spectrum is getting this treatment, the reporter isn't neutral.

TriangleGang 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the Democrats don't see the incongruity here, because as long as they tolerate you owning some form of firearm, they don't feel like they're being dishonest in saying they are not going to take your guns.

Basically, they will say they support the Second Amendment when what they mean is they will tolerate you having a shotgun or hunting rifle for strictly non self-defense purposes, provided both the weapon and yourself are strictly limited. Basically their vision is something like england, where you can own it but it has to be kept locked up 99% of the time, and it's basically a toy you take out for a week once a year to go hunting.

It's all bullshit of course. The whole point of the Second amendment is that you can own a gun for self-defense or any other legitimate non-criminal purpose. But I think this is what goes on in their head that allows them the cognitive dissonance to say they're not in favor of banning guns when they openly advertise that they want to ban all the gun models that you are I might want to own.

TriangleGang 9 points ago +9 / -0

If she was catholic, why she wearing a Star of David necklace?

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

Someone else posted a similar "fact check" published by NBC:

Fact check: Trump says Harris ‘wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison’

“Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison," Trump said.

This needs context.

CNN recently reported that in her response to an American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire in 2019, Harris said transgender people who rely on the state for care, including federal prisoners and detainees, should have access to gender transition treatment. The Harris campaign did not answer questions from CNN on whether she still supports that position.


Hilarity ensues when they say "this needs context" for what is a factual statement but they said "This is true, though Trump says differently." When Harris 100% took his comment about having a bloodbath in the auto industry out of context to try and say that he was going to start an uprising if he wasn't elected.

No matter how much you hate journalists, you don't hate them enough.

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