TriangleGang 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was even an video game made where the only thing you could do is beating her up.

Sounds fun. Where can it be downloaded?

TriangleGang 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to love X-Men comics, and didn't really read Batman. I tried watching the X-Men cartoon when they brought it to Disney+ and it just didn't resonate with me anymore.

TriangleGang 3 points ago +3 / -0

Physical media is nice, but hard drive space is cheaper. I may or may not have sailed the high seas to get copies of all these shows and more cartoons from that era.

The idiots that scheduled programming in my area never broadcast Pirates of Dark Water, Exosquad, or Conan the Adventurer in the correct order- I don't know if they ever even showed all the episodes. Back when TV shows were still almost entirely episodic, these cartoons had an ongoing story that didn't make nearly as much sense if you watch them out of order.

TriangleGang 46 points ago +46 / -0

Batman. It has the most lasting impact and has aged the best.

TriangleGang 7 points ago +7 / -0

What you all need to understand about cartoon character, especially classic cartoon character, is that a lot of them were inserts for minority figure

Because it's New York and martial art.

I guess someone missed the day that they taught pluralization in school. Or is this a new part of ebonics, intentionally not pluralizing words to corrupt the language and be "cool"?

TriangleGang 32 points ago +32 / -0

"Turnt" isn't a real word. Using one gibberish slang word to explain the meaning of another isn't very scholarly.

TriangleGang 41 points ago +41 / -0

I count two women that could possibly be French and zero men. If I saw this motley crew on the street at night when driving around I would roll up my windows and lock the doors.

Remember when France used to be accused of being xenophobic by the more "enlightened" western nations for having laws banning hijabs and forcing immigrants to learn French? WTF happened?

TriangleGang 3 points ago +3 / -0

I definitely think that countries feel like they "got away with it" when they fuck us over and we don't take to the streets rioting.

They certainly aren't analyzing the second and third order effects of what happens when a large segment of your population is seething with anger and only behaves because they fear prosecution if they don't.

They better hope their grip never slips, because I think they'll be surprised at the number of law abiding citizens who have been sharpening their dagger waiting for the chance to plunge it into the government's back.

TriangleGang 3 points ago +3 / -0

If only we could get people to act as a group in their best interests:

"I don't have rights as a parent, okay I won't become one."

You need people to have a country, so if all the parents fuck off and don't have kids your country disappears in a single generation. I guess that's why they're importing all the filthy breeders from overseas shit holes to replace us.

TriangleGang 5 points ago +5 / -0

I won't see it either way, but I hope that he either tells them to fuck off outright, or extracts basically the same salary he would have gotten if he had been the leading man in a full movie for whatever shitty cameo they have planned for him.

Didn't they publicly announce that he was fired during the whole Amber Heard thing?

TriangleGang 17 points ago +17 / -0

If you punish speech that isn't causing an immediate threat to life and limb you're not a democracy. It doesn't matter how you government is structured or what your other laws say.

That is literally the hallmark of an oppressive regime.

TriangleGang 47 points ago +47 / -0

Did they quote a TV show in a published court opinion?

The thing about the old days, they the old days.

WTF does that even mean? The entire US legal system is built on precedent; ruling the same way on similar cases ensures fairness and consistency. There has to be a significant reason to deviate from established precedent. "Yeah, I don't think that jives with modern sensibilities" doesn't cut it.

Usually the activist courts pay lip service to the rules while subverting them, I think this is the first time I've seen one come out and blatantly say "we don't have to follow the Constitution because it's not relevant to us anymore."

Fuck Hawaii. The natives there are racist and arrogant. Those islands would be a complete shit hole, just like Puerto Rico if not for the white man's tourism.

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

how can a billionaire have a socialist daughter?

Because what she really believes in is socialism for you, silly. In her fantasy you will live in a Soviet-style cement apartment building and eat bugs, but she will continue to live her life just as it is now, with all of us peons eternally grateful to her for liberating us.

The irony is that while communist countries absolutely have an elite class that becomes rich and live a quality of life equal to the wealthy in the West, it's not the pre-revolution elite. They get the guillotine or the gulag. A new elite made up of the most clever and wicked of the revolutionaries replaces them.

TriangleGang 19 points ago +19 / -0

I don't have a problem with this. Calling people faggots and niggers was what online team death match was all about in the old days.

TriangleGang 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm not sure we can say this is a race thing as much as a "cops are assholes" thing. I mean the white guy with the same name got dragged out of the car and held at gunpoint in a similar situation.

Once things get past a certain point, the system is loath to simply say "we made a mistake and we apologize", because they wrongly believe that admitting fault will somehow lessen people's respect for them. I think this mistaken belief that they're protecting the system overall is behind a lot of really fucked up rulings by judges excusing absolutely outrageous behavior by cops.

In fact it's the opposite, admitting your mistakes and making amends is a sign of maturity and legitimacy. Making a bad situation worse by punishing someone unjustly instead of just backing down when you're at fault is what actually undermines faith in the system.

TriangleGang 4 points ago +4 / -0

The SS veteran was a constituent of Mr. Rota. His spokesperson previously said that the Speaker’s guest list for the event had not been shared with the Prime Minister’s Office.

So, they lied to protect Castro Jr.? Or Trudeau independently invited this guy to his event at the same time Rota invited him to appear before parliament?

I honestly even don't see the big deal. Communism was the boogeyman in Europe in the 1930's and 1940's. The Nazis were initially greeted as liberators in Ukraine because Stalin was starving them. There's a lot more nuance beyond "Nazis bad" when looking at that time.

TriangleGang 47 points ago +48 / -1

NEW: New York has secured over $183 million in compensation for Holocaust victims and their heirs.

Compensation from whom? Despite being one of the nastiest shit holes in this country, NY didn't actually commit the holocaust, so why the fuck are they paying compensation to people for it?

And how many of those people who were in the holocaust are even still alive? If you were born in 1945 you would be 79 years old right now.

TriangleGang 16 points ago +16 / -0

If I didn't know that this was that insufferable idiot Alan Moore, I would have thought it's a mildly amusing stand up comedy routine.

The world he envisions is as banal and boring as his monotone voice. There certainly wouldn't be military applications to somebody who could incinerate something just by looking at it. Oh no, we'll just have that guy soldering plumbing joints as a tradesman.

Remember X2, where Nightcrawler sliced through all of the Secret Service at the White House and almost stabbed the president in about 30 seconds? The fundamental dynamics of power would change when the richest men in the world and the most powerful armies can't stand up against an illiterate preteen from a favela in Brazil.

I think if superpowers were real, the world would be a much more frightening place. How bad would be in direct proportion to the number of people that had them and how much more powerful those gifts made them from normal humans. The one thing it wouldn't be is boring.

TriangleGang 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think they stopped making it: https://www.powerade.com/products/powerade

It's in the group shot that makes up the header, but it's missing from the individual bottles below, and there's a blank spot. They didn't even bother to recode the table so it didn't look like it was missing.

It was the only flavor of sports drink I could ever tolerate. I remember trying it around 20 years ago when it had some goofy ass name like "arctic shatter".

TriangleGang 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a fucking dude in a woman's bathing suit. Show the picture to any 5 year old and they will say the same. The world is fake and gay.

TriangleGang 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's military, from when units lined up in a formation.

From antiquity to the American Civil War formations were used to increase combat power and ease the handling and direction of large numbers of troops. Keeping your place in the formation during maneuvers who's the mark of a good soldier.

It's only a short jump to use the phrase to mean obedience and conformity.

TriangleGang 31 points ago +31 / -0

You ain't kidding. I had a buddy that worked there almost 20 years ago and he complained that the Indians MS had imported on H1B visas to save salary costs had made it to management and all they did was hire more Indians.

It's probably fucking pajeet city by now. If you go to the mall in Bellevue it's all Indians and Asians walking around. You wouldn't think you were in America anymore.

TriangleGang 7 points ago +7 / -0

"I did not go to journalism school"

Yeah, no shit. Your rich (((relatives))) paid to give you a career. You are to journalism what Will Smith's son is to acting- a reminder that nepotism propels talentless hacks to success despite their complete lack of merit.

TriangleGang 1 point ago +1 / -0

What, you don't think she was supposed to be an amateur bodybuilder?

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