That was the original plan, but the game morphed into the abortion you see today. I played the open beta and just turn it off after about 30 minutes. There's nothing enjoyable about it.
He also opposes Israel behind closed doors.
This is a serious concern. He should be opposing them publicly.
Anytime I see the word "dog whistle" I want to punch the person who typed it in the throat.
People don't want to buy games SBI has been involved with. The details why don't really matter. It's a legitimate question to ask the publisher if SBI was involved in the game so you can make a purchasing decision.
Now, if they attack you for asking, like this guy did, it isn't really relevant anymore to me. Now I neither want any game SBI was involved with or was published by you, because you're an asshole.
Oh snap, read the order. The judge who wrote it tore them up.
I made it 3 minutes without any important facts being presented, so I quit watching. I fucking hate YouTube and this shift to having everything as a TV show length video. Just write an article or a blog entry.
What I wanted to know is the details on them refusing to surrender her funds. It's not well known, but banks can delay posting deposits over a certain amount to your account and they can probably delay withdrawals just as long. It would be in their terms and conditions. I wanted to know if this was the case or they were legitimately trying to seize her funds
I have no desire to cause complications or bring unwanted attention to the school,
Why the fuck not? I mean, first there is the fact that they fired you, so you should probably want a little bit of revenge. Secondly, this sort of shit will only stop if these places receive overwhelmingly negative media attention and lose money through lawsuits.
Notice he's doing that shit in Europe. I bet things would turn violent pretty quick if he was doing it in America.
Probably because they were minors, it was a high school track meet.
Still, there's no law that says they have to blur them, so it would have to be a station policy. The real question is if they do that whenever minors are filmed or only for this. That would be a tip off that they're shielding trannies.
Ugh, I was watching TV this week and they had a story about a track meet nearby and play the film of some male tranny just blowing by all the female runners and winning first place. They blurred their faces but it was fucking ridiculous to see that dude on the winner's podium getting his first place medal.
This sort of nonsense is routine by now, and everyone with half a brain realizes it's absolutely ridiculous. I know this is being aggressively pushed by the elites and leftist parties worldwide, but I still don't understand why. These freaks represent an incredibly tiny percentage of the population, and have always been treated as people with a mental illness until the last few years. Why are they suddenly supposed to be the stars of the show?
The world would be better if the Israelis and Palestinians all killed each other. If there was some way to push all the trannies into the mix and get rid of them too, I would.
The concept was vampires take over a New England town, so it had potential. There's four characters you can choose from (only one of which being a white male). So you don't see afro chick at all if you don't pick her and play alone.
I played it for a couple days because it was on Game Pass. Other than NPCs in the bases, the town is completely deserted, so the entire town is like 20 people with only a few of those being quest givers. The majority of the story is told from notes and shit you find lying around.
Then the enemies were stupid retarded, like attacking nothing or standing there while you beat them to death retarded.
The whole thing reeked of corporate design by committee AAA titles.
Redfall’s previous update will be its last as we end all development on the game.
I didn't realize the updated this game at all. It pretty much was DOA.
Who cares. Women are stupid and say stupid things. "Ooh, it would be alone in a forest with a bear than a man" is just their sad version of an edge lord shit post. That an army of them keep reposting it like a bunch of seals barking on command is just for the proof of their stupidity.
Have there been any legal challenges to anti-boycott laws? Freedom of association, or nonassociation, is a core component of freedom of speech. It seems like these laws would be immediately struck down on challenge.
It seems like they're trying to cloud the issue and inappropriately intertwine it with foreign interference laws by not outright prohibiting boycotts of US ally states, but only when they are "encouraged or supported by a foreign state". Just because some country and I both happen to decide to boycott Israel doesn't mean there's any coordination between us or that I just didn't happen to come to the same decision they did independently.
Hey, we may have slipped to a third world equivalent in math, reading, and science, but at least we're still number one in something...
I have said for years that the democrat support for illegal immigrants and weakened voter identity laws was a fairly obvious ploy for demographic replacement.
They don't care if a former working class neighborhood is converted into Little Somalia and populated by idle welfare recipients as long as those people vote Democrat.
We've already seen that with the black community beginning in the 1960's. They used the levers of power to destroy the family unit, stoke racial tension and a victim mentality, and then provided the "solution" in the form of trading votes for handouts with a permanent underclass of their own creation.
They ought to empty their prisons, and give the worst of the worst a one-way bus ride to blue states and major blue cities, but they won't.
"Well, I had to pay $10 for breakfast, $20 for gas, and I lost $1000 because I couldn't work this morning, and I could have just not shown up and paid a $100 fine."
I don't understand this. I mean I absolutely get why the state would try and pay you nothing at all because they're fucking cheap and selfish and unethical, but what boggles my mind is that they think they can do that to you and then you will be impartial in any trial to which they are a party.
I'd be inclined to hang the jury just to take revenge on them for stealing my time. "Oh, you're going to fuck me out of a week's wages while I sit here? How about I just fucking destroy this trial and you can spend another $30K doing it all over again?"
Outdated because it depicted Africans as relatively competent warriors who could use successfully use superior numbers to destroy a British column at the Battle of Isandlwana despite having stone age weapons? Instead of depicting them as completely useless like their modem counterparts?
Really Rorke's Drift was an absolutely amazing defense and by all rights they should have been wiped out like their compatriots at Isandlwana. It's no criticism on the Zulus that they lost.
Don't forget her friends in Hawaii who said that the Second Amendment wasn't consistent with the "Spirit of Aloha" and their pre-American legal tradition.
I'm actually for this. I hope all the lower courts openly defy SCOTUS. They're going to put them in the position of either issuing a soul-crushing ruling that pretty much takes gun control completely out of the hands of the states, or they're going to show themselves to be completely impotent.
If it's the latter, you can expect right leaning states to jump on the bandwagon and begin ignoring any SCOTUS rulings that aren't consistent with their worldview as well.
Then we have the complete collapse of one of the branches of government, and some real shit might kick off.
I'll take "instant grounds for an appeal for $100, Alex".
While I'm assuming the frizzy haired negress is probably a shitty judge it has a very low understanding of the law, surely she knows that after saying that her decision will be automatically appealed, and the next higher court will be practically compelled to hear the case. At that point, you might as well save the paper you were using to write the rest of your opinion, as they'll be pretty much starting from scratch anyway.
For those countries with "duty to rescue" laws, I think it goes without saying that the government imposes no similar duty on its own employees or agents.
Likewise, even though you are compelled to render assistance, should you somehow suffer injury I can all but guarantee those governments won't be providing medical care or any other assistance to you.
When the fall happens, the US government is going to be shocked, not just at how many citizens will refuse to lift a finger to help it, but even more by how many have been nursing an impotent rage for years and turn on it like rabid dogs.
"We waz zombie hunters and sheet!"
That link points to the dev updates page. The game feedback and general discussion pages are still active.
However, I've been poking my head in there the past couple days and they are aggressively deleting any posts that mention SBI/DEI consultants and criticism of the community manager and forum mods.
There's still a lot of posts just saying the game is shit overall.