I agree that there are worse companies out there, but no, they insulted their customers complaining about them being "fratty," never apologized for it, and they're not even American. Anheuser-Busch can go get fucked.
Every single post-2000 big budget samurai film I tried to watch had unexpected homosexual activity in it, which is why I quit watching anything from that genre made after that year. The subversion has been going on for 20+ years.
I recently spent some time looking at Steam's Early Access offerings and Next Fest stuff. Surprisingly, most of what caught my eye were from Chinese developers. When I think "Chinese developed game," I think shitty mobile crap and low-quality ripoffs, but it looks like indie Chinese developers are starting to step up and make serious games now. At least there's a good chance you don't have to deal with trannies or other woke shit in Chinese games, but sheesh, I'm disappointed that it's come to this.
I believe there's some truth in the theory that Ty Franck is the real author of ASOFAI. Long story short, Ty Franck was GRRM's assistant for the books that were actually published. Ty Franck then left to go co-write The Expanse. GRRM hasn't published any ASOFAI books since Franck's departure. Obviously Franck played some crucial role in creating that franchise that GRRM can't replace.
Here's an effort post to show you how to block these channels without needing any plugin fuckery. Hover over the video in the sidebar, click on the three dots that come up, click "Don't recommend channel." Can confirm that it works.
If it makes you feel any better, here's a video of an elderly man kicking Jonathan Yanniv's ass.
I recently tried watching Gundam Turn A. I probably should have quit when I had a hard time figuring out in the first episode if the character was supposed to be male or female (spoiler: it's male, I guess). I should have quit when they started using both male and female names for the same character. I finally did quit when they made an entire episode about dressing this (male) character in high heels and an evening gown. Like you said, 15 years ago, I probably would have just thought it was Japan being weird and kept on going for the story, but my tolerance for troonery is at zero right now. I can't un-see the globohomo propaganda.
There would be far less tolerance of this transgender stuff if more people were aware of the medical horrors involved in these transitions. The gruesome reality in male-to-female transitions, for example, involves creating an open wound in the crotch. The wound must be dilated with a medical dildo every day for hours in order to prevent the body from desperately trying to heal the wound. This is the life that the fanatics want to push children into—a life of dilating an open wound every day. It's just sick. Transgender people need help and these barbaric surgeries aren't it.
I don't get why they don't just save themselves money and make their own woke garbage or adapt the books that win the Hugo/Nebula awards since the only requirement is to screech about the patriarchy or about how evil white men are. They shell out so much money for these IPs only to butcher them
You need to understand that they are intentionally destroying our culture and symbols. This is working as intended. Under Communism, there can't be beloved symbols, culture, and nostalgia for the "old" because that might otherwise inspire and unite people. This is why Atticus Finch and Dr. Seuss are now racists, why Luke Skywalker and James Bond and other white male heroes had to be killed off, why they are hellbent on removing statues, and so on. Everything must be destroyed, and they don't care how much money they lose doing it.
The 1997 setting is great opportunity to make a fun throwback with references to '90s culture. Sadly, they blew it as usual by putting "woke" ahead of "entertaining."