TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its an attitude that gets on my nerves as well. A few days ago I posed a video from a historian outline his view of trends for the 21st century going by actual data and historical trends (rather than just taking 1 point and running it unchanging for 100 years), where he outline that the 2020's and 2030's will be outlined by instability (especially in the 3rd world), but we will end the century in a much better place.

All I got was people saying "No, hes wrong. We are all screwed. Its all over but the crying. No, I am not going to acknowledge his data. I just want to be a doomer."

I think there are a lot of people on the internet who have been staring into the abyss for too long and have started to let it get to them, and maybe what they need to do is take some time off and go do something different. Because whenever I go outside, the world is not nearly as dystopian as the internet makes it look. (then again, I live in a small town in a rural state)

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

Considering the other government officials resigning, I am starting to think there may be something going on. Probably that they are starting to admit to themselves that it was absolutely an international embarrassment what they were doing, and also that the harder they beat people the more they were willing to rise up. And I think the reason you have seen so many governments start walking back their mandates and lockdowns is because they are starting to reach the end of their methods. And their surveillance (legal or otherwise) is starting to say that there is an uncontrollably large amount of people entering "no more fucks to give" territory.

TheModernDaVinci 13 points ago +13 / -0

I remember the last time they appropriate the Gadsen

Ah yes. I also remember that one. I also liked the response one.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yep. I just know that he has a very "Queers Delenda Est" attitude that gives me a chuckle. But he has a very good reason to feel that way since he feels that they ruin everything he has ever fought for as a gay man.

TheModernDaVinci 17 points ago +17 / -0

Queers are nothing more than "Sexual Revolutionary Communist".

sounds of Douglas Murrey ranting and raving about "Gays vs. Queers" in the distance

Personally, I still think my favorite attempt by Communist to appropriate the Gadsden flag is the "We will tread" one of the Marxist fist crushing the snake. Which prompted the appropriate response.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its hackery all the way down though.

Not only does his theory not account for changes in growth rates because things will naturally adapt to fit their environments (I would personally argue the reason you have seen so much slow down in national growth rates is a natural realignment due to many nations being overcrowded).

Not only does it not account for increased productivity that can fix the issue that is being shown (See: Green Revolution, and the rumors here in farm country is we are about to have another revolution in farming).

You want to know the event that Malthus used as the basis for his theory that there is an upper limit to population and you need to do all of the extreme control on it? The Irish Potato Famine. You know, one of the most infamous man-made famines in history! Ireland made enough cereal crops to weather what was happening. It would have sucked, but they could have made it through without the potatoes. Except that then the English came in and said "Ours now" and took all of their own crops to distribute it back to them in amounts not nearly high enough. And this is the entire basis for his theory.

He is about on par with Lysenko as far as "smart scientist" go.

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

They would be following behind China in their attempt to raise birth rates.

This is what I thought. If it happens, its for the same reasons that China is doing what it has been doing. China isnt banning video games, gay stuff, and all the other things its been banning because its suddenly "based" or for some grand scheme. Its because their absolute midwit smoothbrain leaders kneecapped their own population advantage because for some reason no one in the elite is able to figure out that Malthus was a hack.

TheModernDaVinci 21 points ago +21 / -0

Yep. And one of those ND's was so hilarious bad it injured 3 people with a single one (grazing and burning on the shooter, grazed a second person, bullet stopped in the foot of a 3rd person).

I'm not even mad. It takes skill to fail that hard.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +4 / -1

Having watched some other videos from this guy, the suck continuing until the 2040's is if you include the 3rd world imploding due to a variety of issues as the US pulls back and goes full Monroe Doctrine*. For instance, he believes a ton of nations (namely Egypt) are going to explode over water wars as climate changes and places that used to get lots of water dont anymore (and considering Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have already started headbutting over water....).

But the 1st world will stabilize far faster as it becomes abundantly clear that the average person does not approve of the current direction of society, and the large majority of people are demanding the government go away and leave them alone. He largely sees Biden as the last gasp of the old order that is just trying to get one last taste of power before they lose it all, since they cant hold it together anymore.

/*note: his belief is that the United States will reindustrialize (it has already started happening), and then will use its own vast resources for itself instead of just exporting them like it has been. And anything extra that it needs or the few things it cant make on its own it will sources from the Americas, but not the rest of the world. However, the US will still maintain close ties outside of the Americas with the British and Oceania (Japan, Australia, etc) due to long standing and extremely strong cultural ties.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +5 / -1

TLDR: the 2020's and 2030's are going to suck (especially if you live outside of the first world), but if you live to see the 2040's, the rest of the century will be a new golden era for the world. The 21st Century will be a populist and religious one.

Longer Explanation:

  • People, especially in the First World, will start to get more wealthy due to stabilized populations and changes in industry and manufacturing. Low level manufacturing will become automated, but there will be an increased demand (and growing workforce) for hand-crafted, artisan goods as well.

  • Currency will necessarily stabilize or even deflate as markets reach their limits and populations stabilize. Most new economic growth will come from tech breakthroughs rather than the 20th century rapid growth.

  • Wars will become less brutal and involve fewer people, with Total War becoming something that still can not happen due to MAD. The wars will instead be smaller with more limited objectives, with the goal of redrawing borders or balancing power. Armies will also become smaller as there will not be a need for such massive armies when MAD prevents their usage.

  • China will implode in the next decade or two due to mounting issues they have already started to suffer. To a larger degree, there will no longer be a single world power, and it will resemble the Middle Ages with numerous power blocks instead.

  • The United States, feeling civilizational threats, will double down on its Western identity, becoming aggressively Liberal, and possibly having a new Reformation.

  • Europe is a wild card as it seems to not want to take pride in its own native identity. The video theorizes that it will be dragged back into a Western mindset kicking and screaming by the United States, since they will be so weak internationally they will be forced to side with America.

  • Humanity will gain the power of the Gods, and decide they dont want it. People will demand the filtering of technology that will be deemed taboo for one reason or another (things like AI, certain biotechs, etc. The things that generally every society ever has declared "Divine Hubris"). However, other technology will be welcomed as it will improve the life of the average person, like Space Colonization. And any nation that works on forbidden technology will be crushed by the rest of the world.

  • Religion (maybe), Tradition, and Community will take on more important roles as people realize that technology and money are not making them happy. We will also likely see a revival of old religions and even a rise in new religions as many philosophical doctrines start to sound the same (the example used in the video being that Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life seems a lot like the 10 Commandments as far as a religious framework goes.)

  • The world in general will decentralize as no one nation will have the power to maintain a mega-Empire like existed with the British or the United States.

  • An Islamic Caliphate will form, likely in the form of Turkey eating most of the Middle East and possibly the Balkans ("Ah shit, here we go again."- The Balkans, probably). This will happen for the simple reason that so many Muslims want it that it will happen whether anyone wants it or not (and the US will no longer be around to stop it).

  • The Internet will end up being a huge boon to humanity, but will be used for people to regain their identities. It will also lead to the world generally becoming more Populist, but likely more crude by modern standards.

Caveat: In the short term, the Internet will allow nations be to more repressive and totalitarian, but they will collapse in the end as these ideals run counter to human nature.

  • Porn will likely become less taboo as an entire generation has been raised on it.

  • Universities will collapse due to general stagnation and loss of purpose, while the Internet allows more people to gain more knowledge.

TheModernDaVinci 13 points ago +13 / -0

Just to make sure I am getting this right, I am assuming that is on par with calling water "Dihydrogen Monoxide"?

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, I remember that series! Been a LONG time since I have read it, but I liked it.

TheModernDaVinci 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yep, that is what I thought when I read it. Its also not the first time that Dems have done anything like this before. For further proof, look at the part where it "empowers Pennsylvanians to enforce this new law." Which just further shows that they dont understand the argument, because they actually think this is some tit for tat of the Texas law. Meanwhile, this is attacking all men regardless of what they have done, while Texas is merely asking for accountability among people who chose a specific action (how dare they).

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

For further proof of this, I remember Razorfist rants about her when she was still in the AZ state government. Apparently she was a raging, hardcore SJW socialist type, and even he is shocked by how moderate she has been in DC (while utterly confident it’s all about her own power, and would go right back if that gave her more power).

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, the only ways I can offer advice then is to set up some ways to keep your eye out for stuff. I just have a few Youtubers I watch who have similar taste in games to me, and every once in a while I just look through the "Upcoming" tab on Steam and Steam Curators. That is how I figured out that some madlad revived Microprose and was making strategy games again. On that not, if you are into strategy, I would personally argue its currently undergoing a renaissance and has either recently released or will be releasing a bunch of great games.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

AAA-tier? Its a crap shoot, and you will have to keep an eye out of it.

AA-tier and Indie tier? Plenty. I have been enjoying stuff that either has its own internal politics disconnected from IRL politics, or stuff that has no relation to politics in even the slightest. Its just not going to be stuff that stands out and screams for your attention. You may have to find it on your own since it will fly under the radar, with maybe some niche advertising for AA games.

by HypJii
TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

We think my brother had it as well. He was in the Army at the time, and had to be taken out of the field training they were doing due to have some "unknown virus" causing "extreme Pneumonia." And he said that all of the medics and doctors were utterly confused and had no idea what he had in terms of the virus, just what it was doing. This was in Nov. 2019. When the outbreaks were happening, he had no less than 4 times that he was placed in quarantine because literally everyone around him tested positive for Covid, but he never got it. That was around the time the lightbulb turned on and he went "hang on a minute..."

As for myself, the only idea I have is that around the same time (Dec. 2019) some "unknown flu-like virus" tore through the warehouse I work at and damn near half the plant was out at one point. And when they came back, most people said they felt super tired and coughed like crazy, but not much else. I was one of the only ones who didnt have anything happen. I am pretty confident that was Covid in retrospect. As for me not getting it, I remember some studies back when it all started and they were actually taking science to it that said that those with O-Type blood had natural immunity, and considering I have O+ blood...

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

CalArts is the short version for referring to California Institute of Art, who are the biggest animation studio in the US. And yes, they are responsible for it. Gaze upon their works and despair, ye who value fine art and animation!

Also, we cant figure out why we are getting our asses kicked by anime.- US Animation

by HypJii
TheModernDaVinci 13 points ago +13 / -0

Meanwhile, the point I stopped caring about Covid was when my diabetic, tobacco-chewing grandpa and "has always had a weak immune system since she was a baby" grandma got it, and both of them came out the other side comparatively intact.

That was when I realized that there is no real rhyme or reason to this damn virus, its apparently a weak bitch until it isnt, and it is only through sheer hubris that we think we can control it, so we should just go back to living our lives.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

There is a simpler reason that they use CalArts for most of the major, mainstream shows: Its cheap and can be cranked out extremely quickly. Because Disney has declared that their strategy for keeping people watching their stuff is quantity over quality, so that necessarily means cheap, rapidly produced cartoons....that then get no one to watch it, or get invested enough to watch it long term. Which is why Disney is now running into money trouble and may have to start screwing with Disney+ to keep it from going bankrupt.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not really sure if its the type you are aiming for, but Door Kickers and Door Kickers 2 are pretty fun (DK1 being SWAT Teams, DK2 being US Military Spec Ops). Xenonauts is also pretty good if your interested in the classic version of X-COM (IE: Multiple bases, multiple fireteams, but much more aggressive aliens), and they are currently working on the sequel.

I also recommend Othercide. It was a VERY different kind of game, and that is a good thing. Its also extremely good looking game, and it manages to do it with just 3 colors (Grey, White, Red). I will say it has some Roguelite element to it where if you lose, you restart the run but with more skills than before, so there is that. But like I said, I recommend.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just wish we weren't following it again.

Nor do I, and I still dont think there is enough evidence yet that this actually means anything. But if it does? Then like the cultural nomads we have been forced to become, we just have to pick up and move to the next home we can find (even if that means retreading old ground) until we either make our own home that we can defend, or we find somewhere that will actually hold the line and fight.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +2 / -1

I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree then. While I cant speak to Tekken (I am not a fighting game fan), I had a blast with Nexus and Arise and didnt see anything particularly "woke" about either of them. Also, even if the designs in Nexus were more conservative, the female characters still managed to be more attractive and feminine looking than ANYTHING made to woke, feminist standards.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +5 / -1

Probably because its them putting out mealy mouth corporate speak for investors, not actually doing anything. Remember that recently the usual suspects tried to complain about "Tales of Arise" and tried to get is censored, and Namco just said "lol, no" and released it unmodified. Same with Code Vein. Same with Tekken. Same with Scarlet Nexus. They have shown, definitively, that like many Japanese companies, their "diversity" ends when is starts effecting quality and bottom line.

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

Dominic Perettot is a weirdo who thinks we should tear down all of Sydney's old buildings ("because they're ugly") and replace them with shiny modernist structures...

Oh, so he is one of those types. I have never understood the reasoning for that beyond "Make every city look the same" and "The old ways are haram". Meanwhile, in my city, the local engineers still build using modern techniques but have the outside facing parts still at least look like the standard for local, classical buildings (so lots of brick, limestone, and/or wood, like this). Sorry to hear that even your "best" case is still a nutter.

Matt Kean, by contrast, is, umm, pretty much an environmentalist... He's the furthest left in that whole cabinet, and really, really pushes renewables, emissions targets, etc.

Hence why I called him a Watermelon ("Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside"). When I saw that he wants to ban the sale of all non-electric vehicles by 2035, I knew I was dealing with a man who wants to restrict the free movement of people for ideological reasons but is hiding it behind "environmentalism".

And people like him are why I call myself a Conservationist instead (also because I demand what is best for Humans, not "The Planet").

Also, you can just say the Farms.

Good to know. I didnt know if there was a ban on mentioning the Farms by name like there is on Reddit. Will make it easier in the future.

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