KlAModsAreKikeLovers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, it's true you cannot let go of your suspension of disbelief in this movie, but it's infinitely more gratifying to have a story where the guy defeats the enemies, gets the chick and has a happy ending. It's become an unspoken rule that stories like that can't exist anymore.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thor: Love and Thunder rekindled the flame in the relationship with my wife's boyfriend and solidified even further the decision I made of wholeheartedly becoming a Marvel aficionado.

-- KIAModsAreKikeLovers, kotakuinaction2.win

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a meme you retarded nigger faggot I was just joking with you didn't mean to get your oversensitive ass triggered Jesus. You're right though, it's because of joyless retards like you Brazilian are seen as subhuman even on the internet. Neck yourself faggot.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers -1 points ago +1 / -2

"I'm gonna stick to English out of respect for our anglophone frens"

Very small dick energy

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 1 point ago +2 / -1

Tu acha que absolveram o Lula para deixar ele perder? Ainda mais com o WEF mandando ameaças indiretas pro Bolsonaro... sem chance.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 4 points ago +5 / -1

Thank you so much for this, I'll have a look later

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 6 points ago +7 / -1

But yesterday I was looking up facial animation tutorials for UE4 on Youtube and EVERY SINGLE ONE of the first 10 or so results were of a black model which makes it fucking harder to see the expression lines when the final scene is rendered. You cannot convince me someone familiar with this area is not aware of the problems that come with animating black models yet deliberately decided to go with it for some reason. It's insane.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 16 points ago +17 / -1

To me she looks like she has Down and fetal alcohol syndrome all at the same time.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 7 points ago +8 / -1

It's the signs of a deeply sick and dying society, and I mean that unironically.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm disappointed Tri-Optimum isn't included

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 19 points ago +20 / -1

I'm very surprised the crowd isn't exclusively made up of gypsies and mudslimes, yet.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 1 point ago +2 / -1

Think about this, if France allowed citizens to be armed he could have blasted the assailant to pieces instead of going down as yet just another victim of "diversity," forgotten about by the media. They want to take your guns so this can also happen in the US more often.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 5 points ago +6 / -1

I can't believe this is real. I'm speechless.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 6 points ago +7 / -1

I am so used to hearing and reading "gay pride" or "LGBT pride" that in my skimming of this I read it wrong and was thoroughly confused for a second or two.

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 14 points ago +15 / -1

“When a 40-something-year-old man walks in with a 15-year-old girl and rents multiple hotel rooms and then there is traffic coming in and out of those rooms, those are red flags,” Fortenberry told reporters.

“This girl was being sexually assaulted in a hotel room multiple nights,” he continued. “Any time she could have been rescued from that sooner would have been better.”

And who the hell is going to do that nowadays when you can be perceived as racism for anything at all? "Sir excuse me but I'm afraid I have to ask, is that girl your daughter or...?" "YO DIS SHIT BE RACIS' N' SHIEET JUS CUZ SHE YTE DON'T MEEN SHE AIN'T MY DAUGHER YOU UNDERSTAND?" "Yes sir, sorry sir, your room is 312, sorry for the inconvenience."

KlAModsAreKikeLovers 1 point ago +2 / -1

I never thought I'd have a Jew accusing me of projecting, what is wrong with you lol

Ok groomer

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