TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

And think about how we got this close to avoiding it still after the Germans unleashed Lenin, because he only barely survived getting assassinated. And there is a good argument to be made that in the coming civil war, the Reds would not have had anywhere near the pull and morale that they did IRL if Lenin was dead, so the Whites may have won.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, by the way, it's all that Fabian effort, and the Fabians are invested in China, and China is the biggest winner in this war, both politically and economically.

I think that is starting to change though, whether the Fabians want it to or not. There is a lot of manufacturing that is starting to return to the US or is going to non-Chinese locations (a lot of product my work sells moved from China to Guatemala and El Salvador). And while its true that the rest of the world will probably suffer from pretty bad consequences and a recession, the US is in a position to ride it out better than expected due to us still producing large amounts of gas and oil (fracking was already cranking back up before the current jump), and we also produce absolutely hilarious amounts of agricultural product. And much like with Obama, a lot of these changes are happening whether Biden and his handlers want it to or not. And I would be unsurprised to see some state governors override the Fed and start offering up incentives to reshore or drill.

Either way, I am starting to get into belt-tightening mode.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here is the video of Viva Frei giving his breakdown of the lawsuit if you want the full.

The TLDR is that Tim hired Rocco and another girl named Emily Molli to run his spinoff news network Subverse/SCNR [Scanner] for him while he continued his normal things, with Emily being given a 5% stake in the company shares. Both of them were fired after attempting to dox Trump supporters at the Jan. 6 rally and not listening to Tim when he told them to stop. Emily then called an "Investor meeting" with Rocco, "voted" to remove Tim as CEO, and made herself CEO. She then sent the email to Tim, Tim said "That is literally not how this works", and Emily and Rocco just replyed "Lmao XD", moved to California, and took the equipment and money (a little over $1 Million), and have refused to return them to Tim.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

I figured they used a pseudonym, I was more trying to think of the possible culprits. And Rocco Castoro, Tim's absolutely psycho ex-employee who is currently being sued by Tim, would absolutely fit the bill.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Police said the call was automated and traced back to a California resident

Is it Rocco? I bet its Rocco.

TheModernDaVinci 0 points ago +1 / -1
  1. Well, yeah. But when its all you have, you use what you got. Its absolutely not optimal, and it shows the advantages of the US 2nd Amendment (since everyone is already trained with their guns before the shooting starts). But when you are in an existential threat situation, you make do with anything you have.

  2. "Where's the Ukrainian defense forces ?" From the sound of it, they are locked down in the East and South, and those that arent are doing sneaky beaky shit and raiding Russian convoys and reinforcement columns. So there arent really a lot to lock down Kiev, which is where the militia comes in. It is the last line of defense, because THEY ARE IN "last line of defense" mode.

  3. What are you on about? The Kievan has hated the Muscovite for centuries. They hated each other in Medieval times. They hated each other when they were joined by force under the Russian Empire. The Soviets committed a genocide against them. I can assure you, there was no need for propaganda, the rage is quite genuine. Just because Vladimir wants to pretend that "Ukraine" is a myth doesnt make it so. And its why you are seeing such intense resistance in the face of long odd.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +8 / -1

I have noticed this line of accusation toward the Ukrainians where they assume everything is about making bad press for the Russians. The most cited instance I have seen being that "The only reason the Ukrainians would arm the citizens of Kiev is to get dead civilians for the press." Which doesnt make sense to me for several reasons.

  1. God forbid the people stand up for their homes, and at least die screaming so that Putin cant get the easy win. And it has been extremely weird to me to see hardcore ethno-nat types going all rootless cosmopolitan when it comes to Ukraine ("just surrender and stop fighting, and if you dont like the Russians just leave")

  2. This ignores that there is a well established tradition in history of the citizens taking up any and every arm available to them when their home is threatened, and fighting like men possessed to do it. Probably one of the most famous examples being the 1648 Battle of Prague, where the people of Prague decided to fight back against the Swedish Army, even though this was at the height of Swedish power and that the army included the elite Carolean shock troops. And through nothing but guts, balls, and sheer raw determination, they managed to hold the line until a true force could end the fight.

  3. While I am sure some were forced into it, it seems like the overwhelming majority of citizens are taking up the fight willingly, and will use outdated AK's and molotov cocktails if that is what it takes to keep their land.

And I would argue that the reason that Putin has been so slow compared to what everyone expected is because he thought he would just walk in, and didnt expect civilians to be hounding his troops everywhere they go once they got out of Donbas. Which is why you continue to see absolute rando's yoinking Russian military equipment.

TheModernDaVinci 0 points ago +2 / -2

What, that my own personal experience doesnt match the internet doomsayers? Its like when I hear all this talk about how the white race will die out because no one is having children. Then the last census came out, the white population of my city grew (but stayed the same percentage), and there are so many children in the school system they are building an entirely new school because its cheaper than increasing the capacity of existing ones.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean, its true to a certain extent in the US as well. Most of the problems that black people have are in a handful of big cities. Even some of the "big" (by regional standards) cities in my neck of the woods dont have the same problem. When BLM rioted in Kansas City, the KCPD beat the absolute tar out of them. Same in Omaha. And when they went to the local black community and demanded solidarity after the "police brutality" done to them, the local reaction was "You crazy ass motherfuckers deserved to get your asses beat. Now get lost!"

And then in my neck of the woods in a more rural/semi-urban area, a lot of the black families I know are totally normal....but a lot of them unironically believe in the Chris Rock "Black people vs. Niggaz" distinction. Which, incidentally, is the same sort of stuff you will hear a lot of local white people say about "rednecks", because its actually a lot of the same stereotypes.

TheModernDaVinci 0 points ago +4 / -4

More importantly, it continues this false notion that non-whites cant integrate with the west. The US has had a history where the new arrivals off the boat are treated like shit, until they eventually intigrate and then a few generations later they consider themselves Americans with a heritage of [insert original homeland here]. The Irish were treated that way, then the Swedes and Germans, and we are currently witnessing it happen with Mexicans/Hispanics in general.

The only really weird one is blacks, where a lot of them still hold a racial grudge over slavery that they dont want to move past. But I have found that even that is starting to become a regional issue. Because here in the Midwest, most black people I know are pro-USA, at least tolerated Trump (with a lot liking him too), and while they agreed with BLM on paper, they hated the riots (and cheered on the local police when they beat the tar out of BLM).

The only thing this is the "end" of is Russia. Because Putin apparently lost his goddamn mind and became a threat to everyone not just near him, but in the entire world, and he is willing to destroy Russia for it. And then people wonder why all of these different nations want to join NATO.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am just glad that it seems like the new plan is to make Trudeau continue to be a tyrant and keep playing whack-a-mole with them. I have seen that they have already started going back to some areas they were "pushed out from", so now the police have to go BACK, be Jackbooked for live TV, and then turn around and do it again on the other side of the country.

This is the way. Become ungovernable!

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

From their perspective, the answer is "neither". Toss the traitors out of helicopters and drive the invaders out.

I know, and I am saying that they are wrong. Dodge City is majority Hispanic, and has been for most of its existence. Its also one of the most traditional, conservative, and patriotic parts of the state. The only places more conservative are some of the Southwestern counties that still enforce Prohibition. It matters not to me that they are Hispanic, they believe almost all of the same things I do. Meanwhile, the bugmen who currently occupy Lawrence spit on its heritage as the town that decided they would rather going down in a blaze of glory than corrupt powers that be forcing it to accept slavery (while deifying the literally insane terrorist that is John Brown). And Overland Park tries to claim it knows best, only for the black people they claim to speak for in Kansas City hating them (when BLM rioted, it was met with a "bastards deserved to get their ass kicked" when KCPD cracked down on them).

So I will learn enough Spanish to sing the trail songs, and we can sing Home on the Range to the sounds of bugmen getting parachute-less skydiving lessons.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

I dont think it can be stated how disastrous for the Dems it is that Hispanics are peeling away from them. Its placed Texas out of their reach for the foreseeable future (Beto losses to every Republican option, the question is "by how much"). Its made the Southwestern States (Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada) competitive. Its made Florida into a Republican stronghold on par with Texas. Which is doubly problematic for them because it means that now there are two big states that are "safe" Republican for the Electoral College, meaning the Dems need to focus that much harder on winning more states.

And considering that the up and coming Dems are all a bunch of retarded baboons who believe their own hype and refuse to hide how socialist/Communist they are (which is partly killing their Hispanic support), that trend is likely to continue.

The Wignats obsessing over race are going about it all wrong, and are part of the problem. Because let me ask you a question. As a conservative-libertarian white guy who lives in a modestly sized town in Kansas, who do you think I have more in common with: The absolutely massive population of Hispanics who live in Dodge City, who are all sons and daughters of the Vaqueros who came up from Texas and Mexico on the cattle drives, and still proudly celebrate those Wild West traditions. Or the White soy bugmen in Lawrence and Overland Park, who wish we were more like California, New York, and/or Europe, but are too poor to leave so they sit here and seethe.

Which way, Wignat?

TheModernDaVinci 9 points ago +9 / -0

An interesting look at the current Culture War, from the perspective of the 2020 election being the "Email Caste" equivalent of Pearl Harbor, insofar as the idea was to shock and awe the "Deplorables" into going back to being forgotten and serfs of the elites. But just like the Japanese after Pearl Harbor, it didnt lead to a surrender, the Deplorables are rising up like the sleeping giant, and this is the worst possible outcome for the Woke because they already maxed out their war machine for 2020, while the Deplorables are just getting warmed up. And thus it becomes a war of attrition that does not favor the Woke the longer it goes on.

The article even predicted the Trucker Protest in Canada by several months:

In the conflict between the ”woke” and the ”deplorables”, the latter by and large work the kind of jobs where if people walk off the job, it takes days or even hours before one or more critical parts of modern society starts shutting down. If pilots call in sick, planes simply do not get flown. If truckers quit their jobs, every facet of the entire productive economy – from the smallest bakery to the biggest car manufacturer – will quickly become paralyzed and then starts to suffocate. If firemen refuse to go to work, the cities will quite literally burn down in short order. But what happens if people at the average NGO stop showing up to work? What happens if an university professor in critical gender studies refuses to come into the office until this or that issue is solved? How many months or years will it take for the average citizen in flyover America to notice that this person is missing? And when they finally do notice that some gender commissar is refusing to show up at work, will they even care?

Another thing that is not in the article but is worth considering. Essentially, the likes of Klaus Schwab and the WEF have taken this very problem and made it global, and it probably means the Great Reset is doomed before it even gets totally off the ground. After all, the reason that Canada is the one rebelling and not the US is because we never got that far. But if even the CANADIANS, who are most well known for their politeness and non-confrontational tendencies, are chaffing at the WEF's plans, what will that do for other nations?

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

More like 350ish. At least according to the bosses, 98% of the people in the warehouse I work in are vaccinated.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

My family was going on a multi-state road trip so we thought it wise out of an abundance of caution. Now, like a year later my parents caught covid anyway, and I remain the only one in my family who hasnt had it (then again, I havent been sick with anything for damn near 5 years anyway), so turns out the vax isnt as effective on that front as we hoped. But much like I didnt believe Covid was the most dangerous thing ever because that didnt match what I was actually seeing on the ground, I dont believe the vax is as dangerous as a lot of people on here say for the same reason. Almost everyone I know has had it, no one has had heart issues, no one has had fertility issues, no one has had any side effects other than the very temporary ones right after injection.

So I guess if the vax was supposed to be some sort of stealth way to genocide the proles, they forgot to deliver the poisoned ones out here. Which would be weird because we are a deep red flyover state, so they should hate us the most.

EDIT: Of course, if its the booster doing shit, barely anyone I know outside of at-risk people have gotten the booster on the grounds of "whats the fucking point, this shit is long past overdue to be over?"

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

I dont either, and I am one of those rare people on this side of the internet who got vaccinated and thinks they're safe(ish). It was a thing I did, and now its done. I am not making it some big deal. But the lefty types have to brag about everything so they can virtue signal.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

It always confuses me greatly about how all of these so-called patriots are the first to be blackpilled and declare America is dead. We have been wounded, but we are not dead yet. Not even close.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Agreed. Joe apologized because he believed people were gunning for him in good faith. If they continue attacking him, that will destroy that illusion, and that can only serve as a good thing in the long run.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Dems are talking about "learning to live with the virus".

I wish them luck with that. Considering the latest polls show that Dems still overwhelmingly favor having lockdowns and mask mandates, as well as harsh punishments for breaking either. Which of course places them at odds with Independents and Republicans, who are overwhelmingly against those things.

crank the scam up to 11 and use it as a pretext to open the gates to even more fraud.

Once again, I wish them luck. Trying to crack down harder just make the above described situation even worse for them, and despite what the doomerpilled among us would like to argue, this is an upper limit to what you can do with the cheating. And that is assuming they can even do it. We have already seen from Virginia that the Populist Right have taken over a lot of local election infrastructure, and they used several different methods to squeeze the Dems and make any attempt at cheating fail in Virginia.

Call me hopelessly optimistic, but I really do believe that Biden was the last gasp to get over the line, and now they have nothing left in the tank and are about to get run over by the train. And much like The Hare, its their own fault.

TheModernDaVinci 19 points ago +19 / -0

At least from what I saw on the Farms, its funnier than that. Apparently a bunch of farmers and truckers blew through the RCMP blockade and are on their way to reinforce the trucker blockade at the border. So they had to pull back to try and close that up but failed before several dozen tractors and trucks go through, along with a ton of pickup trucks (one of which was playing a Cavalry Charge bugle call as they did).

If I didnt know any better, I would say the Canadian government has done gone and pissed off enough people into the "no longer gives a fuck" camp.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lutheranism is weird, it seems to also be particularly strict. Martin Luther was weird dude.

To be fair, a ton of us are descended from North Germans and Scandinavians, who were some of the most Protestant people on the planet and came to the US because they were sick of the bullshit happening in Europe (what else is new). So much so that my church still has a tradition of where when we sing Silent Night for Christmas, we turn off all of the lights except for candles, and then we sing it in German instead of English.

And yes, Lutheranism is one of the more conservative sects of Protestants (not as conservative as the Baptist, but not far off). But your are right that we are a little on the weird side. Because we value free thought and expression above dogma, since it was the suppression of free thought and expression in the name of dogma that led to us existing in the first place, and many of our ancestors had to shoot their way out of having to listen to what the Pope says. So you end up with situations where I once told my pastor that I disagreed with him over the message of a sermon, and his response was "I am glad you are listening and thinking instead of blindly believing me.", and they know that my fiancé is Bisexual but dont say anything about it (even if she sometimes gets shot dirty looks).

This is where we come in.

Yep. And a lot of them didnt even need to be told, they figured it out on their own. Like I have been saying, I have in the past few years met a ton of Zoomers that I knew had been degenerate, woke Communist that are now Christians (albeit the laidback variety I described in my other post) and Anti-Establishment Populist or Libertarians. Because they saw everything that happened over the last few years, realized how empty their lives were and how messed up they were becoming, even though the people who believed everything they did had all of the power. So they finally started to realize that maybe they were wrong and/or had been lied to, and so they came looking for meaning. I know you consider yourself an Anti-Theist, but I am sure even you would admit that its at least a step in the right direction, and there are ones like me there to make sure they dont go screaming off into being zealots like existed more in the 90's (because "Remember why you hate the SJW's, and dont just become a Christian SJW").

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

In response, the Left will ditch it's Secularism and embrace what South America commonly refers to as "Liberation Theology".

Speaking of South America (and giving hints at your 4th Great Awakening theory), there is some rumblings I have heard from within my own church (a Lutheran one of the Missouri Synod). Specifically, there is actually a huge amount of South American Catholics who are converting to the various Protestant faiths, especially those based out of the US like Baptist, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, and yes, American Lutherans. Because apparently the Pope embracing wokeness may have sat well with the establishment and the "culturally Catholic" types (see: Most of the hardcore Dems who ignore every facet of the faith), it didnt go down so hot with the actual practicing Catholics in South America. So now the Protestants are walking on in and saying "So now that the Pope has betrayed you, how about you come with us who still follow Christ?"

Another thing that I think is interesting is that a lot of the younger Christians (millennials like me and especially Zoomers) are not their daddies Christians, the kind you [correctly] call the "Jesus Take the Wheel" types. If you want the typical result I am seeing, the most well known example would be Lord Miles of Kabul and Sudan. They follow the word of God, they hold to the moral codes, and they enjoy the sense of community that church provides. But then they turn around and shitpost on 4Chan, they see Creationism as just as much of a meme as Flat-Earth, they dont see a need to go and scream to everyone about how absolutely Christian they are, and honestly dont really see a need to go and evangelize to people ("God will call to those who will answer"). They also generally have a much more open taste of things that should be allowed, looser than the Leftist SJW's ironically. Like, most younger Christians I know are huge fans of things like video games, anime, and superheroes, and are not particularly concerned with things like scantily clad women. Hell, I have even heard some of the younger ones going full traditional and arguing "Why should we be offended by the human form?" And of course, they are getting sick and tired of the SJW's trying to break their favorite things.

And honestly, I think it will be better for everyone, from the Religious to the Atheist, that this is the direction things seem to be moving on that front.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

HitlerTrudeau: Real Canadians would comply! They are supposed to be nice, docile, and timid!

Me: looks at Canadian performance and behavior in both World Wars "Are you sure about that?"

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