TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is the genre name for when the main character is, by one means or another, transported to another world, where they then have to start interacting with the new world. Sometimes using knowledge from their own world to make themselves absolutely overpowered (ie: "I am in a medieval world, but I know how to make a gun, so now every fight is trivial to me.")

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +7 / -3

Have you seen the videos of the Ukrainians using Humvee's as for, all intents and purposes, cavalry doing behind the lines lighting strikes.

God, it has been glorious to watch all this shit be used for what it was actually supposed to be used for and see that it can still clap cheeks. Which I dont know if it says more about US military equipment, or Russian military equipment that 40 year old gear is smoking their asses.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you don't count the second season.

Eh. It wasnt as good as the first season, but I didnt think it was that bad. Although we will see what happens with Season 3, since that goes over stuff that is more interesting and consequential to the later plot.


Nah, we need more.

You do you, I guess I am just Isekai'ed out. For me, my recent time has been SpyxFamily, Eighty-Six: 86, and getting caught up on some older anime like JoJo and Fairy Tale. The one exception on the Isekai wagon is getting caught up on Overlord.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

There is a conspiracy going around that Elon owning Twitter is basically just a meme that went to far and now he is in over his head and trying to find a way out.

I dont buy it. It doesnt matter if you are the richest man in the world. You dont blow tens of billions of dollars on a meme. I think Elon had a plan, got a lot more pushback than he was expecting, and is now trying to adapt the plan to make sure he can actually pull off his whole "Turn Twitter into a free-speech platform" and be in a secure position before he draws the Eye of Sauron upon him.

If we are being more honest, I think him talking to groups like the ADL at the same time they were killing his advertising, and then using them killing his advertising as an excuse to yeet the ADL and say "I am not working with them" while looking reasonable to the average Normie.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +7 / -2

Shield Hero at least has a gimmick that can make it an interesting enough story. Not a masterpiece like FMA, but still better than 90% of Isekai at least.

I do agree though that the amount of Isekai right now is too damn high. At least in more recent times it has started to move toward more types (if my anime watch list is anything to go by at least).

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

why don’t you neck yourself

Because my continued existence fills you with rage you fucking Communist.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is also something to be said that Disney and many companies like it are making a bunch of stupid choices off of the idea that they will never fail.

There was a business podcast I was listening to where they were talking about how Florida is planning on building a high-speed rail network to all of its major cities. At Orlando, the rail company decided to look into building stations at some of the major amusement parks. The railroad went to Disney and asked them for a bid. Disney scoffed and said that if anything, the railroad should be paying them for driving traffic. Negotiations stalled, right up until Universal Orlando walked in and said they would be willing to pay for that station, and the railroad agreed.

That is something that won’t be noticed immediately, but in a few years when Disney is losing business because people go to the easier to access Universal, they will scratch their heads and say “what happened?” All because they thought they were hot shit that would never lose.

TheModernDaVinci 27 points ago +27 / -0

Not going to lie: I got a good belly laugh out of that. This is why I love Dank.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a comment I saw elsewhere that made the point that the Right is despondent and demoralized because they didn’t win hard enough, and the Left is currently gloating about how they didn’t get absolutely blown the fuck out. I can easily see it on here.

Worth remembering this isn’t even unprecedented. Carter actually narrowly held on to the House and Senate, which let the 70’s get as bad as they did, and he was still followed by the Reagan golden age. I am happy that even as much as there are debates about going forward with Trump or DeSantis, it’s on the basis of “who is the better fighter” instead of “who is the more moderate.”

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the interest of steelmanning positions, I will say that it seems Vance feels abandoned by Trump. He is still pushing the same policies, but when he was giving his thank you’s, Trump was not on the list. Could be nothing, but still a data point to consider.

Not that The Turtle and RNC helped much either. They deserve the lions share of the blame, but Trump is not innocent either.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kansas proved that direct democracy abortion votes are being treated in strange and inexplicable ways by people who use them as an outlet to shout that abortion should be legal.

Tell me about it. I live here, and it has been hair-pulling frustration to see people talking about it. There is state-level support for pushing the ban limit back from the 22-weeks its at now to be closer to 15. But there is no support for a full ban. The wording of the amendment left open the option that the legislature could institute a full ban if they decided to. People decided they didnt want that. And I saw people say this was a sign the state was going blue and we were going to all die.

Then yesterday, the Dem governor barely managed to hold on (and only because she has actually been a moderate thus far), the Republicans blew out the State House and Executive offices, and many of those who won supported the amendment, and won by overwhelming votes.

Almost like, our issue was with the amendment itself, and nothing else.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact that you don't even know means he hasn't done any pro-Ukraine virtue signaling.

In the interest of fairness, DeSantis has spoken about how Putin is effectively an "authoritarian Gas Station owner", how Biden is making us look weak by being wishy-washy with Putin and Russia, and that Europe, especially France, would fold if Russia decided to invade without the US backing them up (which is honestly kind of based).

The issue with that example is: thats not the dunk people on this board think it is. Being Pro-Ukraine is an extremely popular stance and one of the few bipartisan ones out there. Its only the strange, internet-poisoned weirdos here who think that is somehow a bad thing.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +7 / -1

And stats like this are why I am coming around to the theory I have had on the backburner since 2018 of "Trump as Nixon, Biden as Carter, DeSantis as Reagan" for the coming political age.

DeSantis has shown that he has the same sort of beliefs and policies as Trump, is more effective at implementing them, and does so without being offensive to a lot of people you need to win. He even got the college vote while being one of the leading spearheads in the Culture War, which I have already seen some Republicans try and say is a lost cause and we just need to focus on the economics.

What is to be blackpilled about? I am fired up, and the path forward is now clear.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, I dont get all of the dooming happening in here. The results, while mediocre, are nowhere near as bad as a lot of the goons on here say it is.

As for Trump: I wanted him to run again in 2024. But I have long been an advocate of not letting the Perfect be the enemy of Good when it comes to politics, so I will advocate for a RINO over a Dem in almost all cases (outside of extreme cases like Cheney or Murkowski, where an alternative can be found). But now, Trump himself if allowing that very issue to happen, as he demands those who are loyal to him rather than those who can do work.

Therefore, its time to thank him for his absolutely brazen kamikaze run to kill the political legacies of numerous different dynasties, as well as expose who we are up against. But now we need someone who can take that information and run with it. And it data is increasingly showing that is DeSantis.

I am just getting sick of the blackpilled among us. Maybe its because I diversified my news feed and info intake, but all of the data I see across the board is moving in our direction. It will just take more time.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t get it twisted. I am not letting McConnell off the hook either. Just that Trump deserves a not-insignificant amount of the blame as well, and perhaps it is time to move onto DeSantis. Since he is effectively “Trump with a filter”, as well as having shown an ability to wield executive power to actually enforce his will

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference between the performance in Governor vs Senate was in the rural counties, where there's a general sense that the Evers is doing okay (better than Michigan anyway).

I think that happened in a lot of places. Here in my state of Kansas, Republicans did extremely well in the State House, Moran absolutely skated to reelection in the Senate(over 60% of the vote), and the Republicans won every Executive office up for election, save perhaps Governor. Hell, Kobach managed to win AG, which was a real surprise for me. But if Kelly remains governor, I am not going to be totally surprised.

She managed to not do anything aggressively Left-Wing and avoided making many of the mistakes other Dem governors did during Covid (whether because she knew it wouldnt fly or because she actually didnt want to is unclear), and there was no real enthusiasm for Schmidt. So combine that and you get her squeaking out a win. in a damn near 50/50 heat, with the current chance she may still lose, barely. And once again will be kept in check by the overwhelming R majority in the State and the Executive.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +7 / -1

Honestly, I am coming around to that stance too. Once is something that can be speculated on. But a twice loser is a trend, and it pales to the absolute smackdown DeSantis committed (My man really flipped Miami-Dade?!) and his picks that were not in safe areas did poorly even if they won. I think the only one of his picks that did well was Vance, and there was a certain someone missing when Vance was saying his thank you's.

The random petty attacks on others who share his ideology is also something that is starting to turn me off. I liked his disrespect toward Dems and the Media, but he has been turning those guns rightward for strange reasons way too often now. And he is now officially at the point of tactics getting in the way of strategy, and I will not stand for it.

My one fear is that now, the McConnell types are going to use this to try and push for a "We need to go back to the before-Trump times", even though that is not something that would work either, and would be a great way to screw themselves over.

Although I must say: Last nights results back up my "Trump as Nixon, Biden as Carter, DeSantis as Reagan" theory.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

Governors also went our way, as well as a lot of state level races (which are more important than you would think). This was also a bad Senate cycle for the Republicans. 2024 its bad for the Dems in terms of who is up.

TheModernDaVinci 0 points ago +1 / -1

Seconded. For all of the dooming, the Republicans (namely the MAGA types) have done a very good job of clamping down on the voting and taking over shit that matters in order to keep the elections from being "fortified" again outside of some extremely limited areas. And then we have the fact that the Dems are poised to get BTFO'ed in so many different places that they are going to have to chose who lives and who dies because they dont have the resources, and even after saving who they can they will still probably come up short to keep power.

Incidentally, this follows the trend of US Elections where irregularities and fraud happens. It will always exist in a handful of entrenched areas (New York, Chicago, LA being the prime examples). But when you try it on a larger scale, the person who got screwed has a tendency to come back pissed off and full of rage, and eat your gains as they run you down. So you only have a few years to plunder anything you can before they come and crush you (see also: the Andrew Jackson vs. Quincy Adams election of 1825).

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

Im'a be honest: The Aspergers rant offends me far more than anything she said about Kanye.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

But these are people who distrust the media and wouldnt piss on a reporter if they were on fire. It has nothing to do with Ukraine being the Current Thing. It has to do with people genuinely enraged, mostly driven by them seeking out their own information with direct battlefield video and reporting (that never even touches the media in many cases), Many of them even go further than what the Media says.

In fact, I know people who were being tepid in the days before the invasion saying that it was a bad idea to keep poking the bear and that we should back off. Then the second Russian tanks rolled across the border, they said "I changed my mind. BURN RUSSIA TO THE GROUND!" I have also heard many a "the line must be drawn here" and comparing it to the Nazi's invading Poland, and how the French and British were cowards for not doing more and "We are going to show those Limey bastards and Frogs what a real ally looks like."

Same with the polling and surveys on the matter. Its one thing when you get a contentious issue, or one that is controversial. But when there is almost 70% approval across the board, that is not controversial and shows a definitive political direction.

I know its not what they want to hear, but the people on here are actually in the minority on the issue, by far.

EDIT: Another thing I just thought of. The media has been through about 3 or 4 different "Current Things" since Ukraine was invaded, but the support for Ukraine has remained high. Which tells me that rather than it being a media propped up "Current Thing", it was a genuine reaction that the media just happened to be on the same side as the general public on.

TheModernDaVinci 3 points ago +3 / -0

Getting the US out of a proxy war with Russia will be a successful campaign, and he's one of the only presidents in recent history with a real track record to prove that he can avoid war.

This one might be easier said than done, due to the strangeness of the issue. Basically, everything we have seen thus far show that the majority of people, Left, Right, and Center, acknowledge that we are in a proxy war with Russia, but also say “That’s a good thing.” Their only real concerns I have found come from “What if it goes nuclear?” and “I like weapons, but why so much money?”

It’s one of those that I know rankles people on this board, but all of the evidence show the average American is very much on team “Fuck Russia, Slava Ukraine”. Before we continue, it is worth pointing out that while feelings are strong, it’s not so strong it will ruin anyones support. Which is why Rand Paul can take the radical (to the average) opinion of stopping support and not really move the needle on his popularity.

If Trump, or anyone else, wants to fulfill the standard of stopping the war, they would have do these things (as I have found):

  1. Continue the weapon shipment, or even increase them. As most people I have talked to are in favor of even heavier firepower like tanks, jets, and cruise missiles. One absolute mad lad I met even suggested giving Ukraine their nukes back, but that was radical in the other direction from what I have found.

  2. Stop money payments. It’s easy to corruption away money, a lot harder with physical supplies.

  3. While finding peace is preferable, not at the expense of throwing Ukraine to the wolves. So any peace can’t let Ukraine just be turned into some rump state, and must be allowed to be a threat to Russia long term.

  4. Russia must bleed. As long as Putin is in charge, people want to see him swing from a post, and won’t take no for an answer. Or at least isolate him from the global community (which I am sure the Ruskies are also fine with).

  5. Make it obvious to China that if they try anything with Taiwan, they will suffer the same fate as above, or worse. Since most people still see China as the larger threat.

Very tall order, might be impossible. But if anyone can do it, it would probably be Trump (since he calmed both N.Korea and the Middle East), and not enough people think he is some Russian puppet to keep him from election.

TheModernDaVinci 10 points ago +10 / -0

Another thing that I am unsure if it was an accident or not but is still quite useful:

He went and met with groups like the ADL and SPLC to talk with them about the "hate speech" policy of his new Twitter. A lot of the Dissident Right and others allied with us started going full blackpilled (like usual) and started dooming that it was all in vain and he was just going to be the same as the old regime. But like usual, I decided that I dont really care about what his lips are saying, but what his hands are doing. And his hands were not moving at the same dance as his lips, so I decided to wait and see.

What we saw actually happen was that the second the advertising left (while he was still negotiating), he finally showed what his hands were doing. He pointed at them and said "I try to work with you and this is how you repay me?! Well, you can forget it! I am never speaking to you again if this is the kind of disrespect you will show me!"

Now, to the average normie who is unplugged from all of this stuff, Musk looks like the reasonable and rational one, and they are going to be scratching their heads and wondering what the problem is. And that may lead them to conclusions the Fabians would consider....unfortunate. But that we would be happy about. Like I continue to say, I continue to use my fiancé as the Normie yardstick due to her being actively hostile to politics. And the things she considers to be non-political opinions, if we are being frank, back up that Lenin quote you always throw around (about how the proletariat are the most reactionary force of all).

TheModernDaVinci 14 points ago +14 / -0

Especially when you consider that Lex Luther is probably the most reasonable DC villain. He just has a tendency of going too far (see also: J. Jonah Jamison for Marvel).

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was either Top Gear or the Grand Tour, I think it is the latter.

You are correct. It was Clarkson who did the whole segment, and it was great in his usual way.

I think my favorite one of the bullshit Lancia did is still the one where they only made half of the Civilian-spec cars they were supposed to, but managed to bullshit the inspectors long enough to move the cars from one lot to the other and change their VIN numbers to make it look like they made enough.

If you aint bending the rules, you aint truly racing.

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