You can't purge leftists once and be done with it. You'll just make it worse. They're still riding off of McCarthy busting the balls of a handful of commies 80 goddamn years ago. If they manage to weasel their way back in, they're gonna lock down even harder and nothing like this will happen again until collapse.
Can people not waste their life on Twitter anymore?
How do you make it here and still spout this line?
At least he's got his sound balance mostly worked out. Even up to a year ago the intro music was always way louder than the monologue. I'm sure it's some cool guy metalhead bullshit not to care about that sort of thing, but if I make it to old age, I want to at least be able to hear myself laugh at him, even if he can't.
Bitch his complaint about the "major announcement" bait-and-switch is in the fucking title. You ran into those goalposts head-first, they didn't jump out in front of you.
For most of them, losing their income is only secondary. Over a decade of being fawned over on social media has inflated their egos to Olympian scales, and letting the unwashed masses do what they do with only a few lines of text will be the end of that.
By asking her and hoping she hasn't recently binged 16 hours of true crime TV, I'm guessing.
To the extent that it happens very occasionally, yes, actually, but only really among progs. They don't speak as openly about it as their other beliefs, but they have a serious obsession with black people's hair, particularly black women's.
It's a whole bunch of prog shit crossed together. You have the black fetishism, the simping, "European beauty standards," and as a subset of that, mythology about "natural hair" being socially unacceptable. As such, black women's hair is something like a lesser holy relic to progs. Being allowed to touch it is basically being ritually confirmed as a good ally, the way a unicorn only allows somebody pure of heart to touch it.
See also: Progs desperately wanting a black guy to call them cool, as the "coolness warrior-monks" they see black men as.
If you assume there's a Machiavelli in play, first was a glowie, the rest are up in the air. There was an unusually high level of attention and politicization over the first one, despite the total lack of evidence for a political motive, which did more to cement the idea of power infrastructure attacks as a viable method of disruption than any dissident has managed in decades. It would certainly make it easier for normies to swallow another couple steps towards totalitarianism if regular power grid disruption was on the table.
You're not being fair, but you're right. The insurmountable wall for men's issues is that life isn't fair, and nobody gives a shit about you. For men, you are what you can provide.
I suspect incels don't pay for sex because it's not solely sex that they want.
You're right about them not really getting married. Not that my generation is doing a lot of marrying to begin with, but I haven't heard of a single gay person getting married in real life, and I'm not exactly living in Iran over here. The whole shitfit over gay marriage seems like it had no other purpose than to push boundaries.
Ugly fat black cunt mad because neither white nor black men want to fuck her. Must be a day that ends in Y.
In other words, the only way to be worthy of forgiveness is to suffer at the hands of monsters you must forgive.
Yeah, the pagan larpers have it right. This is indistinguishable from progs and their white guilt letting people like Brooks into our lives in the first place.
Maybe you should consider why you have more expectations for normal people and innocent victims to forgive monsters, than you have for monsters to seek forgiveness.
If we ever get a Pol Pot, I hope Reddit is the first thing he uses to make a list.
At this point, it's basically a given with reboots, and they're just wasting their breath talking about it. They might as well save everyone the effort and only mention it when they're not raping the franchise.
Except it sucks just like nearly every Sonic game. Remember those "Developer Remakes x in Unreal 4" videos from a decade ago? Well, now you finally get to play one of them.
Individual mobile games don't have any meaningful cultural influence, so on the whole, globohomo neither seizes control of them nor bails them out when they fail. Smartphones are important as dopamine machines, but how they work isn't all that important, as long as people are addicted to them and they don't challenge the powers that be.
The Distributist had the idea that it's bait. The idea being, they can bait out right-wingers into loudly declaring that there will be no quarter, so that any moderates in medicine and mid-level policy-making would be compelled not to turn on their own masters, since their potential allies would rather just hang everyone and let God sort them out.
I don't know if it's a good theory. It would depend on if there's any moderates left who only have doubts about Covid, and if they could ever be persuaded away from the powers that be. My opinion of moderates is not very high, so I would doubt that part of it, but the public narrative on Covid has more or less shifted to it coming from a lab, and the policies being retarded (though they haven't accepted it being outright hostilities, as is typical for normies). I don't know how liberals failed to get that narrative under control, but they did, so that ball is in play.
Like 15 years ago, at least.
Maybe they polled Gen Z Arabs.
It's how they flirt.
So I only had somebody explain to me how matrices are involved in 3D rendering in passing about a decade ago, but just to clarify, that task is the absolute basics of the basics, isn't it?
Maybe, but it could be suicidal for the franchise. For as much as progs scream and piss about the Imperium, not only is more popular than all other factions in 40k combined, but the entire universe is built to justify its brutality so that it doesn't become a parody of itself.
Progs have been occupying the 40k hobby for years, but their attempts at subversion have always been weak. The problem for them is that the themes of 40k are reactionary at their core, so it's difficult for progs to get their proboscises in when the entire franchise is corrosive to them.
This article is a good example. It's just grasping wildly at straws. Look at their "popular channels." They're tiny by 40k standards. It's pathetic.
Part of the problem is covering things with a conservative bias. It's hard to imagine what that looks like that isn't just:
Plainly describing reality as it clearly is.
Stonewalling leftists by whatever tactics get the job done.
It's hard to be subversive on the right, and even harder to be subversive as a conservative. Conservatism exists in the same blended political slop that is 21st century liberalism. I'm not sure it stands for anything other than telling progs to slow down, and even conservatives themselves know that isn't good enough anymore, they just don't know what to do about it. I'm pretty sure it's not just being more loudly conservative though.
I have the sense that the Cathedral is trying very hard to prevent the next political realignment, because progs moved so fast that you can now reasonably describe yourself as a "reactionary moderate," and nobody knows what will come of that. We don't need conservatism as it exists today as part of the terminally-ill liberal political mass, but that realignment might let better ideas float to the surface.
I think he's just looking for attention and validation from the right (seeing as he's a spergy white male and therefore unlikely to get it from the left without self-flagellating), but unfortunately, reactionaries are highly outnumbered by basic bitch conservatives and libertarians. The whole polling thing absolutely reeks of lolbert autism, and he's probably more concerned with winning points from that crowd than locking down one of the most valuable propaganda platforms ever invented.