Wow, now that I can see the thread archived instead of just the OP, I gotta say, my faith in humanity has been slightly restored. On Reddit of all things.
Less to do with the gullibility of Redditors and more because she's profoundly retarded. She's aware that she can somehow use rumor mongering and HR as weapons against men who have spurned her, but she has no clue how, so in the attempt, she's practically admitting to it outright. Redditors still love a good outrage, but OP already framed herself as the lunatic, so it got turned around on her.
Wow, now that I can see the thread archived instead of just the OP, I gotta say, my faith in humanity has been slightly restored. On Reddit of all things.
Less to do with the gullibility of Redditors and more because she's profoundly retarded. She's aware that she can somehow use rumor mongering and HR as weapons against men who have spurned her, but she has no clue how, so in the attempt, she's practically admitting to it outright. Redditors still love a good outrage, but OP already framed herself as the lunatic, so it got turned around on her.