What does “poverty” mean in a communist country?
Whatever the state tells you it is, comrade.
In reality it means everybody is starving and homeless - but because everybody is poor, starving and homeless there’s no “poverty”. (Except for the great party leaders, comrade!)
old story too - at least from 2016 - https://www.thewrap.com/zendaya-refused-service-skin-tone-racism-vons-grocery-store-employee-spider-man-homecoming/
I’ve seen an increase in stupid driving. People driving under the speed limit, changing lanes into the passing lane and then GOING THE SAME speed as the car they’re trying to pass. Driving as if they’re the only person the road without any thought about traffic flow or others on the road.
Basically it’s like the great majority of the populace is out of practice because they didn’t drive for 3 years and now only do it when they’re out for recreation.
Now at night it’s a whole different scenario and there’s a lot more reckless driving going on.
2FA isnt if you use a standalone 2FA app or key to authenticate.
Once they had the number and sim they were able to use the "forgot password" stuff for Twitter which would give them access to his DMs there, do the same for iCloud and then if he had anything sync'd to the cloud it would restore to that iphone, same with GMail.
Gay marriage is and always was an oxymoron.
As I argued ad nauseum about 10+ years ago during the gay marriage debates - Marriage is about rearing and raising children, period. Without that aspect there's absolutely zero reason for government to be involved in the private lives of citizens and, in fact, it's HARMFUL for government to be dictating what is and isn't a proper relationship for people who just want to get off.
But nooo... ThIs Is AbOuT LoVe, BiGoT!
The whole argument was stupid
When this was first taking off I saw a post where somebody explained that "cis" stood for "Comfortable in Skin" so people that liked their gender were "CIS". Stupid idiots not realizing that it was a latin prefix but even then, I don't think the usage is correct (in deference to all these enlightened dictionary authors that will tell me what words mean) cis, in latin, means "on this side of" - so cisatlantic would mean, on this side of the atlantic ocean or cismountain - this side of the mountain. As opposed to transatlantic (on the other side of the atlantic) or transmountain (other side of the mountain) GENDER means you're one of the sexes. So cisgender means... on this side of one of the sexes. You're cismale or cisfemale... NOT cisgender. So basically it's high latin slang to indicate "same gender" or "different gender"
And it's STILL a made up concept.
“This isn’t random or light. Someone made a mistake.”
Currently? “This is the way.”