one_angry_gamer 6 points ago +7 / -1

Especially the women.

one_angry_gamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Banned all female writers. That's it.

one_angry_gamer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who are "they" for you then?

The Capitalist? The Marxist? The Globalist?

"They" are all Jewish.

one_angry_gamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Got a specific country in mind?

Because is a hit or miss in South America. It's either traditionally European like Argentina or end stage liberalism like Brazil.

one_angry_gamer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Generalplan Ost is a "concept paper" too, but that didn't stop Jews from kvetching.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does the men have a choice as they get drafted and forced to fight for their country? Does the men have a choice as they have to do hazardous jobs to keep their city functional? Does the men have a choice as they have to go to the woods and hunt for their family?

Men made sacrifices for the “greater good” all the time, the greater good of our family, of our society. It doesn’t matter if you’re not fine with it, you will do it since no one else would. Consent is nonsensical talk because men never have a choice to begin with.

So my answer is if that “greater good” is my family, yes I would because it is my duty as a husband and a father. If that “greater good” is this society, hell no.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

And how accelerationism in this case will get us killed faster than it will benefit us if we just throw away the entire system so that way we can shoot some monkeys to feel like Ultra Badasses for a few days.

You brought up accelerationism while I only said that what you feared is already happening. There’s no point of if because it’s already is.

We get it, you are very tough. That's why you are on a forum whining about it instead of being out there killing the government.

That’s very rich coming from you since that’s exactly what you’re doing in this forum, that’s exactly what everybody is doing, moaning and crying as everything going to shit around us because again, WE HAVE NO POWER!

Or do you not want to yet because of some sort of, what's the word, pragmatism that you should wait until you have enough backing and the correct timing to do so?

How long are you going to wait? How long are you going to sit there as they slowly strangle you to death. They had been strangling you for a hundred years and will do it for a hundred more. They will even released some steam so things doesn’t go to a boil by giving us Trump and try again the next time. This has been going on for far too long because everyone is not doing enough or doing jack all.

I’m not the Imp so I’m not gonna have some multi threads long debate with you. I just wanna say that what you are saying is delusional and unproductive.

one_angry_gamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does America lost its superpower status after 9/11 or does it became a rabid dog that destroyed everything in it path?

This is the equivalent of letting someone punched you so you can shot them with your gun.

one_angry_gamer 14 points ago +14 / -0

Orchestrating it and allowing it are two different things.

one_angry_gamer 17 points ago +17 / -0

The IRS takes money away from the people, the GOP takes money away from the IRS so the GOP takes money away from the people.

How about this? How about not taking money away from your citizens and gave it to some foreign shithole.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not looking for holes just that I never like the train dilemma because its stupid and always required some moronic details to make it more complicated than it is. The answer is always to sacrifice one person to save five because that how we as a species survive. The old must be must be sacrificed to protect the young, the strong for the vulnerable (remember woman and children first?).

I'm sorry if I came across like some cringe atheist but I just don't think this is a good scenario to ask for some Christian perspective. Either option you choose, there will still be blood on your hand and I knew enough Christians in my life that would jump on the track to save as much people as they can even if it would cost their life.

So ask your business professor to came up with better moral dilemmas.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your so called "little defense" is the thing that kept the men from taking their country back. If the government is intends to kill you then what is stopping you from killing the government. We have no institutional power and we will never get it, so don't bother with some hypothetical role reversal scenarios.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Join a traditional religion and practice it, whether or not you believe. Avoid women who went to college, they are much more likely to have been ruined.

Where do you think all these college whore go to when they are used up? The churches.

If you have to compromise and accept risk then you do, men's job is to accept risk. Honor your parents and ancestors by making the sacrifices necessary to continue your bloodline.

I'm honoring my ancestors by marrying a whore so that my grandchildren can be trannies.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

The second part of the question was the "trap". What they were doing was the same, but the illusion of bullshit allowed themselves to lie and pretend like they weren't essentially murdering someone in the process until they're forced to come closer to the ugly truth than they otherwise would be.

If you have the ability to save five people and chose not to, isn't that still murder?

Your Christian moral framing doesn't work here beacause Christianity will just teaches you to jump on the track yourself. I don't think self-sacrifice is a fundamental rule in business.

one_angry_gamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the mistake you are making is thinking you won't be labelled an "animal" by the current power structure defining such by things like "misinformation agent" and "hate speaker."

Already happend with White, Straight, Christian Male so who cares if the punishment goes to the right culprits this time.

one_angry_gamer 14 points ago +15 / -1

DeSantis is losing badly because of his aggressive Isarel cock sucking. Not this gay shit.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +2 / -1

It could be worse, your future could look like America.

one_angry_gamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Libsoftiktok is another milquetoast Make Israel great again tard account at this point. Of course the ADL is behind hiring and funding radical left wing golems.

Libsoftiktok is ran by a Jewish woman. How are you surprised by this?

one_angry_gamer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Place your bet for a Palestinian flag update or a Israel flag update.

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