“If Florida truly believes we live in a post-racial society, then let it make its case,” the judge wrote. “But it cannot win the argument by muzzling its opponents.”
So we are going to muzzle our opponents so we win.
Fucks sake, Giant Meteor cannot come soon enough
One of the first concerts I ever went to, I bought a t-shirt. Rolled it up, shoved it in my front pocket, and forgot about it. Some dried up woman wanted to stand right in front of me (i was right up at the stage), so I said yes. Halfway through the show, I felt a hand going up my leg, then a grip on my new shirt.
"Is that your cock!?"
No, it is a t-shirt, stop touching me lady.
If I had grabbed her paper bag tits, I would have been thrown out. But going for my dick? Yeah, thats fine.
I'm in deep listening to John Carpenter's synthwave stuff.
Its more than that. The racial pandering in all ten (yes, i watched it all. I want that part of my life back) episodes is so blatant that is becomes parody.
Death - black
Rose Walker - black
Unity Kincaid - black
Lucien - black (and a lady!)
Every good person in the show - black
Every evil person - oh yeah, white.
"No, see, the Line makes it easier! You go out instead of up! And square instead of round because why not? Also, Nature! Fantastic Views! In a line leading into the middle of fuck-all nowhere! Plus, imagine how loud we can make the call to prayer!"
Agreed. Every now and again the frogs do something worth a thumbs up.
Hard core.