Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Middle-Eastern eternal war is all of our national sport, hobby, passtime, mission statement, and national bird. We've been playing it for 2800 years, we can wait out 4 for a lunch break."

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

If KFC has taught me anything, it's that you can always double-double down, triple down, and quadruple down anything.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

A simple mantra: "Dude, I'm Canadian. I'll tell you all aboot it. All day we just smoke salmon, maple bacon, and weed up North, I didn't even know you had an election. [Current State you're in] has been pretty awesome so far, though, anywhere you recommend checking out?"

Repeat that mantra any time anyone, of any persuasion or appearance, brings up politics. Downgrade, redirect, move on.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah, Unity Engine had a real awful EULA, and...

Oh, the concept of "unity". Yeah. "Do unto others what you would have done unto you", simple bible verse really. They were doing it to the Right, which means they must want it done unto them, because otherwise, they wouldn't do it unto the others. The kind and Christian thing to do, is to treat them exactly as they've been treating us.

Shill4Hire 4 points ago +4 / -0

The greatest boogeyman they could think up, is that the lawfully elected leader actually has some kind of plan in mind going forward. They became so used to Biden's random madman alzheimer outbursts and unhinged rants that the very idea that someone, somewhere, had a plan about something, was terrifying to them.

But then they realized that they, too, sounded just as unhinged and senile as their president, so they stopped harping about it.

Shill4Hire 12 points ago +13 / -1

If you don't vote, then it wasn't rigged, it wasn't cheated, it wasn't stolen, and you have no grounds to complain, no grounds to act, no grounds to protest nor revolt, because she would be a 100% legitimate winner.

So go vote, you fed wannabe. THEN you can keep fedposting here.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, that's the quote, not the 30 seconds before and after, but that's the Washington Compost for you.

Shill4Hire 13 points ago +13 / -0

But it feels like it's true! Look at you, mansplaining your "facts" and misogynkneecapping me with your "objective reality"! It doesn't matter what IS true reality, it matters what we feel is true!

Shill4Hire 20 points ago +20 / -0

>TFW you're so privileged that in a world full of cultists, slavery, literal demons, oppression, famine, war, mass murder and grand larceny... Your greatest concern is your cosmetic fetish surgeries.

And given shapeshifting magic exists in the canon, it is just fetish surgeries, as someone that privileged could easily have a quick spell cast upon them.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which, considering Rogan's interview style is just "Yo, what you wanna talk about? Okay, talk about that, I won't interrupt no matter how batshit you go", is really saying something.

Shill4Hire 1 point ago +1 / -0

VShoujo doesn't care about their talents or prospective talents... Which is significantly better treatment than Nijisanji. They're a loose corporate shell meant for legal department only, more or less. No "manager drama", no Producer-sans, no think tank they all link up to... In a way, it's a refreshing change from the standard idol environment: actual apathy towards the talents. Of course, from the VShoujo grads, we know that some of the girls weren't fans of this uncaring unfeeling co-operative, and would be better off in a more traditional studio that helps them set up collabs, assigns them "friends"/"genmates"/whatevers, and the like.

Shill4Hire 0 points ago +2 / -2

The issue isn't presence or absence of atrocity. War itself is an atrocity. The issue is the word "most". The poster is proposing that Japan did more war atrocities than killing of millions of civilians and non-combatants with nuclear bombs, more war atrocities than the holocaust, more war atrocities than Stalin's cannibal soldier legions.

The UN, in the modern day, has people admitting they or their cohort committed war atrocities, in the modern era, present day, present time. Which I am sure is true, at least one did something. We ain't arguing presence-or-absence. We are arguing degree: "Most". Number 1. Gold medal. First place at being bad. And alongside that, the merits and morals of championing/lionizing a nation which, 100 years ago, all people involved there victim and offender now dead and gone, did Bad Things. The twitter twit's argument is Japan is not deserving of accolades or respect because 100 years ago Bad Things happened, and that in terms of people doing Bad Things 100 years ago, Japan did the objectively speaking majority of them.

So given your slant, answer this: Did those limited examples of Japanese troops admitting it outnumber, "most", the entirety of the holocaust, nukes, purposeful famines, concentration camps, slavery, "war brides", science experimentation, that the rest of the world committed? If yes, WOW, I'd love some proof. If no, then shut up, because you're being purposefully disingenuous about the core conversational topic.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most is a tricky thing, too. Most... per raw count? I thought Germany's 10 million incidents would drive that count lead. Most per capita? It's a well-known meme that Canada considers them the Geneva Suggestions. Most... by diversity of victim group? I think the USA had that one covered, just by breadth of deployment, but it might have also been Italy just due to geographic location.

Shill4Hire 7 points ago +7 / -0

Such as award-winning Watergate sleuths...

You know, Watergate was a nothingburger compared to the stuff that goes on every day now. Oooh, they used secret service to tap a phone line without a warrant! Oh no! It's not like that's literally done every second of every day now. Crediting Watergate sleuths is like crediting some random arborist for "discovering" that you can cut down trees for wood. Well, duh, everyone knows that, and its being done a million times a day!

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • Supports and advocates for, and actively defends and champions, the "reset-the-clock" pronoun folk.

  • Is suspect in wrongdoings, both business and sexual.

  • Surprised Pikachu Face.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Lizardman's Constant isn't constant, it wreaks beautiful havoc.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Twenty Black Lotuses and twenty Plague Rats. Now that's real Magic." -Old Fogey's flavor text.

Shill4Hire 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know, now that a newspaper has said they're distrusted, I'm starting to think they're too trustworthy, just because it is like an allergic reaction for journos to actually post truth.

Shill4Hire 27 points ago +27 / -0

DEI excludes 95% of the population, it's the opposite of inclusivity. Catering to the masses, the lowest common denom, those icky lower and middle class people who don't even put pronouns in their bios, that's including the greatest amount of people.

Shill4Hire 8 points ago +8 / -0

If you're over 18, unless your job is in social marketing, you shouldn't be posting ANYTHING on social media. And if you're under 18, you shouldn't be ON social media at all.

She signed up for a very difficult but high-paying job for the education requirement, that basically is army-level overtaking and controlling your life for 6-7 years. Then once you hit Christmas Cake staleness, you're thrown out... unless you make it as a vTuber, I suppose.

Even in Western idol culture, you see this kind of pressure. Vedal is one of the few "successful" male vTubers, mostly because of Neuro being female, and in all of his collabs and all of his interactions, he acts like the coldest, most aloof character possible, no matter how flirty the female vTubers are ("I love you!" -> "...And what would you like me to do with this information?" being a real interaction), because he KNOWS their popularity will take a hit if they actually seem to be on good terms. He's shifted himself into a pseudo-"Producer" role in vTuber culture, but even then, needs to be careful, because even western Idol culture demands all women be 1) Available, 2) Sexually pure, and 3) Sexually promiscuous, as self-contradicting as that is. Melody does frickin' hardcore porn and shares stories of being in the industry, and still pretends like she's never conceptualized the idea of a naked man, because that "purity" is expected, even if it's completely unrealistic to have it happen.

Shill4Hire 13 points ago +13 / -0

Japanese fans were worried and concerned when Gwar Gura, an English vTuber idol, had male backup vocals when she sang "Big Iron", because it implied someone male was within a hundred yards of her that wasn't her producer. They had to be placated by English fans explaining that she literally used the backing vocals from the original song, no scary men near her recording booth.

The idol culture is bizarre.

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I can remember the name of the olympian that went to the same high school as me, and the one actress who went to my elementary school. And I was a loner nerd (shocking, for someone on here, I know), yet still remember. If they came up in conversation, and for some reason their early-years school was in contention, I'd certainly pipe up.

Shill4Hire 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly doubt any major businesses throw out tax-critical-information, such as HR records of employment/pay stubs, unless they have a complete fire/flood destruction of everything, including the record-keeping location. Sure the gov can't go back more than 8 years or 10 years depending on circumstances, but once it's been sitting in the records room for 10 years... Are you really going to pay some lawyer or accountant consultancy prices go through every file and check the date and toss them, or just let them pile up?

Shill4Hire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't is also convenient that the naysayers always assume a 100% completion-day-one cost and rate? It's never "It's impossible to get 100% of the criminals, but lets look at the policy from the perspective of fixing the problem a few percentage points at a time", it's always "It's impossible to get 100% of the criminals, so why bother trying to stop even a single one of them?!"

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