SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's ok OP, SFO used to make somewhat useful content.

His deep dive videos on Communism were pretty great. The one going over Gramsci was nice.

I used him like most political grifters: some content has its uses, the rest is drek to be ignored.

Now you can just ignore all of it.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take your own advice and try not jorking the shmeat of joos like your life depends on it every time the subject comes up

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anything to watch that jewsucker squirm

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

I have a friend I'm struggling with right now who just went full mask off over the Trump assassin event.

He was usually a "I don't like politics or politicians" type of guy but he also didn't comment on stuff or cry about things he didn't like. He was definitely left leaning because he is an effeminate little Asian guy that has probably touched a weiner before even tho he has a girlfriend.

This assassination attempt has him completely unhinged however. He's calling Trump a pedophile repeatedly and is claiming he deserved to be executed and wishes the guy hadn't missed and someone should try again yadda yadda.

I would hate to cut the guy out as we've been friends for years and he honestly didn't have TDS before this. He had a general disdain for any and all politicians without bias which was good enough for me. But this new sudden derangement is weird and I'm getting sick of his outbursts.

Sorry, I didn't really have anything relevant to tie in to the Crooks kid beyond venting about my friend. Felt good to type it out.

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

I mean shit nobody with 2 braincells thinks those guys are anything but undercover Democrats

SendTomBoys 0 points ago +4 / -4

Idk man the best countries in history were built on a foundation of TRYING to live by those standards.

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

Kinda like how a lot of people are deciding Nickelback wasn't the worst band of all time just because some weirdos were asserting it was.

I'm still not a fan, I don't do that kind of like, dad rock, but I never thought it was the most heinous shit imaginable.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's most likely a white soy Leftoid. They're well known for being purveyors of all things pedo. You can look up stories about how they'd post CP shit on reddit subs they don't like to get them banned.

SendTomBoys 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah the 3 different "you're mad women won't fuck you" is the huge mark of it.

Because deep down, all women know that their only inherent value is that of a fuckable piece of meat

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

Lmao trying to figure out if this is a mask off moment or if you know something about this guy that we don't.

Is the assumption that he's white? Or what? And what does that make you? Europeans are infamous for having inbred cousin fucker bloodlines. Or are you some shitskinned faggot and this really is your mask off moment?

SendTomBoys 17 points ago +18 / -1

You can't trust a woman to do a man's job period.

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

Brother man, having a degree that says you know shit does not actually guarantee that you know shit.

The medical industry has been proving this for ages now.

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've completely given up/dropped out of society.

I work my job and do it well and get my raises and promotions, I'm not such a skeeze that I'm a burden.

But I haven't bothered dating in 7 years. At first it was a break from all the whores and degenerate brainless retard women that are infesting gen z/millennial spaces, and then after a year I realized I felt fine enough without the constant chase for poon and decided I wasn't going to pursue anymore. The time has passed and now I happen to be several years into the voluntary celibacy/separation from dating.

I can't say I'm extremely happy about it because I know the perfect state of man is to be married and raising beautiful children, but I'm too put off by the hordes of awful women. I can't bring myself to sift through the piles of trash.

I've always been autistic and introverted anyways, so staying to myself and keeping my head down comes naturally. I'm complacent with doing my few small hobbies, working, and sleeping. It's not thrilling or anything to write home about. But I prefer it to all the drama.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

They're literally explaining why so many nonwhite countries are shitholes.

Timeliness, perfectionism, professional work environments. They call it white supremacy I call it a culture that wishes to make something of itself. I'm certain every society across the world that became a world power held all of those standards close to its chest. I don't think white supremacy created the Chinese empires that lasted thousands of years.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +5 / -3

I mean Japanese women were killing their babies and bundling them up in blankets with live grenades and explosive devices

It's 1/2 dozen vs 6 in this case, they couldn't be trusted with weapons but technically every free man has a right to defend themselves.

What SHOULD have happened was they were converted culturally and then had rights restored, but that's fairy land where government isn't crooked

SendTomBoys 8 points ago +8 / -0

I mean, she's not much of a boss bitch if she lets random men touch her ass (assuming she's telling the truth and they didn't fuck) That just seems like she's getting dominated and humiliated atp

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pretty sure thats the tradition of it, no stretch needed.

White signifies purity and virginity. Hell, even secular women will sometimes wear a different colored dress for a second wedding, because of societal customs. I personally knew a woman who didn't wear white on her second wedding because she was no longer "pure".

Now tbh I don't particularly care about these traditions and seem to be more for women to hen peck each other in a social order, butttt

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's very typical of a low IQ, low self esteem mind, "everyone who disagrees with me is trolling or evil and workib. Together to discourage me"

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +7 / -5

Lmao you fucking moron they're not feds because they wear masks, they're feds because the Feds hunted down every single motherfucker in a 10 mile radius of the Capitol on J6 and jailed them, but somehow violent Neo Nazi white supremacist khaki wearing douchebags have never been unmasked or shamed or arrested or jailed.

They're trying to bury Trump for fucking a whore and you think these mfs are getting away with acting like Nazis for free?

SendTomBoys 8 points ago +8 / -0

"hurr hurr criticizing women is incel behavior"

You have to be trolling or just plain fucking retarded to have said that with any confidence.

Where the fuck are we, Reddit? I expected more from people who use this board. Stop being a pussy.

SendTomBoys 22 points ago +22 / -0

In many parts of the world you wouldn't be breathing after criticism of the prevailing government, which is something you've definitely done, so what's your point exactly?

We (Alex Jones and I) live in fucking America. We get to enjoy the right to be free to say and do shit that authoritarian shitbags would kill us over.

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