Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hence the post being about, y'know, how antithetical that kind of weasel-word 'authenticity' is to a healthy relationship.

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Curtis being timely as usual commenting on this years ago, stuff many of us older sealions could have told you in perhaps not-so-perspicuous terms decades ago.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would of course completely expose their blatant hypocrisy to any reasoned individual with enough working memory to compare definitions of words, but if we've learned anything at this point it's that these types aren't embarrassed even by what should be catastrophic self-owns, nor are they much hindered in their control of popular opinion.

Libstian Ecclesiarch:

What do you mean hypocritical? There's no inconsistency at all. We are the good guys; whatever we do is good. If we do the same thing as the bad guys, it's good when we do it. If the bad guys do the same thing as us, it's bad when they do it. I'm not sure how to make it any simpler for you, chud.


Verified Good Guy®, ~Reliable Source~

Schmendrick_Lamar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Compare the endless usage of "systemic" for mysterious, hard-to-pinpoint thought-crime that permeates all around us like The Force.

Schmendrick_Lamar 7 points ago +7 / -0


I agree; get me the lash.

Also Googtrans shits the bed as usual: Tokubetsu janai, shiawasena jikan.

Something like "Happy times aren't out of the ordinary," with the dual implication being that they're not out of the ordinary at Mcdonald's, but also as a family. Based.

Also I love how rather than resenting gingers they can appreciate the beauty of rare traits not in their historic gene pool, unlike some other people.

Where's that lash?

Schmendrick_Lamar 15 points ago +16 / -1

For movies & shows just use Rotten Tomatoes like this:

-Critics love, audience hates: Probably woke garbage preaching to the audience, purposely alienating a franchise's core fanbase, etc...Critics are wanking all over it because they identify themselves with the filmmakers trying to "center marginalized voices in a perniciously white, hetero-centric space" or whatever

-Audience loves, critics hate: Probably worth at least a cursory look. Critics crying because it "panders to a privileged audience and erases PoC & LGBTOMFGBBQ..." or whatever. Filmmakers likely had the audacity to try to provide a quality product that will earn money instead of brownie points with the self-appointed culture-commissariat.

-When critics and audience are in agreement, both are likely right. Sometimes something is just really good or really shit, all politics aside.

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

My six-figure-salaried humanities professors told me it's a good thing when the barbarians sack Rome, and here's why that's a good thing.

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Another hero joins the Sokal club.

Inb4 "It's unethical human experimentation to expose how full of shit we are!" like they said with Sokal, Boghossian & Pluckrose, etc...

by folx
Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly the way I feel.

Man...saner times when TNG was airing. Stay four lights stronk bruv.

Schmendrick_Lamar 11 points ago +11 / -0

Attention...same as always.

by folx
Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Based. We would appreciate it if you guys left everyone else alone and only socialized with each other.

Have fun with your bong, chips, and shit-stank axe wounds.

Schmendrick_Lamar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Later that day, the author crawled back to his shrill harpy masters and begged for a crumb of pussy. He was promptly told to "remember your place, misogynist."

Meanwhile, all the happy nerds of anime land continued to enjoy Dragon Quest, and Bayonetta remained the product of a lesbian's imagination and creative talent (said lesbian was not born with cock and balls).

The end.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now go pirate the good fansub of Kill La Kill

Studio Trigger will never sell out to wokie bullshit.

Schmendrick_Lamar 13 points ago +13 / -0

So can we take this as an admission that you will only ever be a cartoonish impersonation of a real woman?

Cuz...we were all already thinking that.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Old KORN K.O.B., he was a bad dude at the swimming pool.

But I threw down with him in the parking lot and beat his darkie ass with a chain.

Now uh...where am I?

Schmendrick_Lamar 28 points ago +28 / -0

I have no argument

I'll give you one. Ever since you released your documentary, your feed has been flooded with satanic troons with anime pfps wishing death on you. This is unfortunately a small but very unpleasant and vocal sector of the fandom.

Conversely, there's lots of pretty normie Christian weebs who simply enjoy an entire evening of watching a good story without being endlessly placarded and mocked as backward, bigoted troglodytes. You don't see them very much because they don't live on social media.

Basically availability bias. Wish he'd watch some Ghibli or something.

Schmendrick_Lamar 14 points ago +14 / -0

My thoughts exactly. There's more respect for classical western art/architecture/music/culture, etc...packed into one Ghibli movie than the entire capeshit universe combined.

Schmendrick_Lamar 25 points ago +25 / -0

You should die

Awww that's pwecious. Junior's first day on 4-chan. What other names did the trolls call them. Dumb dumb? Poopy face?

Schmendrick_Lamar 11 points ago +11 / -0

Lol, I remember this episode of Venture Bros. from 2006.

I guess life really does imitate art.

Schmendrick_Lamar 16 points ago +16 / -0

All units, deploy damage control.

Narrative collapse imminent. Instruct all women that damaged ovaries and severe bleeding are but a small price to pay for the protection afforded by the "safe and effective" vaccine.

Long live The Science.

Schmendrick_Lamar 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is my personal favorite.

It's long, but it's practically Sun-Tzu levels of Jared basically sitting there smirking while his opponent proceeds to kick his own ass with incoherent rambling and piss himself with fabricated "technical difficulties."

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