I hear nigger being uttered every other match, why do they even bother? Do they want their entire playerbase banned?
John Wick 3 when John falls off a roof and lives.
That's what did it for you? Out of all the improbable stuff that happens in those movies, that's what did it for you?
All of this shit really started after Occupy Wall Street.
Literally 15 years of friendship gone in 30 seconds.
I had a friend I had known for over a decade send an ultimatum to our friend group basically telling us to get on board with social justice crap or die.
Not coincidentally this was after he got a girlfriend who was one of those crazy feminists with "ptsd" from rape (given how hysterical she is I doubt that even happened). He was always left leaning but at least he used to keep his mouth shut about it.
The really mind blowing thing about it is that she's like a 3/10 with makeup. I could understand it if she was hot, and attribute his stupid behavior to him thinking with his dick, but she isn't. She's about as mediocre as they come and crazy to boot. I fucking hate leftist ideology for what it has done to people.
the firmware update in 2016
Try 2013.
I might never have stumbled upon r/tumblrinaction and by extension the original KIA if it weren't for a facebook interaction with a woman I knew in highschool. I made the "mistake" of disagreeing with her opinion on a facebook post slandering all men, and it turned into this giant fucking thread about how uneducated I was, how I needed to check my privilege, etc. I was baffled by where all this rage was coming from seeing as we went to a blue ribbon school in a wealthy area, and she was by no means oppressed.
The real irony is that I would likely still be an ignorant NPC if it weren't for a hysterical feminist woman yelling at me and blocking me later.
Everyone pile into cities for the environment, creating heat islands
Doesn't even have to be cities. The parking lot at work is a full 7 degrees hotter than my driveway.
we instead have the glorification of the worst values possible.
It's bad enough as a white guy having to deal with all the self flagellating white liberals. However, it must be absolutely maddening to be a black guy who just wants to be a decent man, and seeing hoodrat behavior everywhere you go treated as the norm. And when you defy that norm, you are treated as an uncle tom. On top of all that, anyone you meet who has been on the receiving end of black violence is going to dislike you for your skin color without regard to your character.
This is not the face of masculinity.
The guy has the jawline and baldness of a beta male. It really speaks to how few male role models young men actually have nowadays when this walking napoleon complex is one of the "better" ones.
I was about to say, I'm amazed they got 1 and not 0.
Hey you forgot their national treasure Kimi Raikonnen.
Also Stratovarius.
None of the actors sound remotely like they should.
I'm a millenial and I've had to live with leftoid millenials for a couple years.
Every time we had a party at our place or politics got brought up...the most dehumanizing things I've ever heard in my life were always uttered about non-leftists. These were uttered by people who had foot fetishes or were trannies, or were in mutually abusive relationships, and all of them did drugs,
I used to not believe in stereotypes, but the last five years or so have made me flip that belief.
People are fucking braindead. They don't think for themselves whatsoever.
I would argue that most of the people you see around you every day aren't actually human beings, from a philosophical point of view.
They don't think. They don't have an inner monologue. They are just a bag of conditioned responses. Gullible, easily manipulated, low IQ drones that simply exist to serve the hive. They are real life NPCs, with pre-programmed answers to any query you ask of them. You see it every day. People who change their twitter/facebook picture from the black square, to the tranny flag, to the Ukraine flag, and again to whatever current thing is required. They even put it on their lawns or their cars to make sure everyone else in the hive knows they are following along.
Rarely do I come across someone in real life who is able to look at a set of information and come to a conclusion different that what the state/hive has deemed to be true.
They'll do a spin-off next where Mario gets kidnapped by bowser and peach has to rescue him.
You mean like Super Princess Peach for the DS?
Chief Running Fridge
Fucking dying
They kill Trump and that sets off civil war.
I am playing World of Warships. It's a freemium game with emphasis on the emium part of that (the "micro"transactions range anywhere from $5 to over $200).
The gameplay is generally fun if unbalanced and the playerbase is a mix of tryhards and retards.
It's basically naval combat featuring early to mid 20th century warships. Most of the ships are real and some were planned but not built.
I'm running an eleven year old gpu and my graphics are on highish settings so it isn't too hard to max out if you have a newer machine.
Thanks for letting me down again Ferrari.
Where is the actual indictment?
Literally the first sentence of the article, Stevie Wonder.
Women are the only group being asked to embrace members of their oppressor class unquestioningly with no caveat
You mean like every single (formerly) male oriented group in the last fifty years? I can't even remember the last time I saw a male oriented group that was actually made up of only men. Yet you can find female oriented groups literally everywhere that are comprised of 100% women.
Or the Christians in the western world, who are told by literally everyone around them to embrace Muslim invaders and sexual deviants who hate them, and if they dare to resist they are even jailed?
Or the White people who are told that they must live alongside a certain demographic who hates them and murders at a rate far out of proportion to their size?
No, I'm sure the most privileged entities to ever walk the earth are the real victims here.
Yay, I already cant afford a new PC and now I wont even be able to play games on my old one anymore.
Drained after each use? What a pleb. My pool is constantly refilled by the tears of a thousand LGBBQTWAT+-/*# orphans whipped to cry in perpetuity. Not only that, but my jacuzzi bubbles are powered by the farts of Lizzo the hutt herself.