Not that free and nor do they desire it to be that way. A "Free Press" would allow the chance for those outside their circle to gain entrance. They don't want that. They want to be a State Organ where their kind is cared for and groomed. Like Prized Cattle.
Yea the bullshit claim by a judge when you lay everything out and then the judge goes "well I know you're obviously hiding something else, because I'm psychic or some shit." The whole thing is a massive fraud and a corruption of any kind of justice system.
Geeks and Gamers YouTube Channel has a group on the Guild social platform (Discord Alternative) a Private Discord Group The Black Pants Legion has a public connected group known as the Auxiliary which does a lot of Tabletop game stuff and are pretty chill about it.
Sounds like what the last Trilogy turned into. First game Lara set up to be fighting Elder beings around the world. Next games are just Daddy issue shit with cults.
Course they scrapped Pratchett storyline after that first game so I'm not surprised.
Wendigoon is a fine wholesome Christian who covers horror things and gets squeamish when things delve a little bit too far into deeply theological things. His stream on the Angel Hare series is a hoot.
Also number of YouTubers covered a Leftist Breadtuber In Praise of Shadows hit piece on several YouTubers with Wendigoon being chief among them. It's funny to see their content just because of how much of an ass that guy makes himself. Also Hbomberguy for same reason being a Breadtuber piece of shit and he tried the same on Internet Historian.
The tap is about to be tuned off so yes.