Epstien list perhaps...
Initially thought and dissapated when tested.
Why would she bring her baby? Common man fake news. Maybe pump but not with her baby
Until they turn it back on quietly
Sounds like another company about to fold as their own civil war continues. Blue hair trannies vs the devs
Well that's because she was not in control, it's the one that does the co trolling that matters
Sounds a lot like this song, let it finish
A judge? Wtf... that don't mean squat
Another IP down the tube in order to gain wokey doke points to boost the ESG score
Inside Intel states Gamon in Orgrimmar is a tyranny. If anyone kills him again you will get banned. I won't tell you what they did to Thrall
It's all a form of population control, on demand abortion, day after pills, homosexuality, destroy family values, condoms, probably the vaccine as well
You realize the Azov or Neo Nazis... are part of the military that this money is funding. Can't make it up
Repent before it's too late....
Beasts are being collected and reanimated...
At OVER 1000 reactions majority serious to fatal, it's no joke
There are a select few creators on rumble et al that I listen to, the TV clowns are absurd
Globalist machine at work
Let the animals out at the zoo, light fires, pull fire alarms, become ungovernable.... detract detract detract
Just quit... they can have an all tranny team. Pretty simple. Power to the people, if the people actually get off there...
Glad I sold.all.my WOW toons.
Where can I get those? So far I git gas pump stickers, pfizer loyalty cards,
Could of been covid deaths. The pilots waited a while to get vaxxed
Browns always go in the trash.
Moronic has landed, to your battle stations.
They are to protect, they need the ability to make these darkies not breath be it knee on the back or bullet in the head. It has been proven over and over this is the only language they will understand