OurNewsMediaLies 30 points ago +30 / -0

Any time the Media parrots the same illogical story - remember this :


RFK Jr : (from 1:26:30)

"CIA disbanded operation mockingbird and but is now the biggest funder of journalism around the world. It has thousands of journalist on its payroll. Its not supposed to be doing it in the US. in 2016, Obama changed the law to make it legal for the CIA to propagandize americans."

OurNewsMediaLies 13 points ago +13 / -0

I remember during covid - his wife got covid and so did some famous black actor she was friends with.

Trudeau didn't catch covid at that time....

OurNewsMediaLies 22 points ago +22 / -0

Why do we have passport control and customs at our airports?

At this point it seems like a way to harass people who obey the law.

We have a country where drug use is allowed by the police in most cities.

And a country where passports can be thrown away and a military age terrorist can be welcomed in with open arms at our southern border...

OurNewsMediaLies 14 points ago +14 / -0

All the time the UK was in the EU it blamed the EU for the massive number of immigrants.

Who does the government blame for not stopping it now?

OurNewsMediaLies 11 points ago +12 / -1

When you consider that it will be released with all the bugs that have to be fixed by the mod community - how many employees are actually working on it?

One guy?

OurNewsMediaLies 13 points ago +13 / -0

I know they phrase it as 'surge in online hate'.

In the past what this means is 'mild criticism'

OurNewsMediaLies 2 points ago +2 / -0

oops - my bad. I will delete it

OurNewsMediaLies 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm pretty certain the site changed - in the beginning it appealed to the free speech advocates who were the tech pioneers.

Then it shifted to appeal to wine moms.

OurNewsMediaLies 11 points ago +11 / -0

probably ban white people and implement some kind of DNA test to determine who is and who doesn't follow their "1-drop-rule"

OurNewsMediaLies 2 points ago +2 / -0

FDA and CDC bureaucrats will continue to push dangerous vaccines onto us if they can do so with ZERO cost to themselves.

If they see that people are now skeptical of all vaccines because of the MRNA 100% experimental shot - then now they have a cost. Now they lose something which they held dear. The public's compliance on all vaccines.

OurNewsMediaLies 15 points ago +15 / -0

The obvious lying and obvious cult around the pfizer clotshot is making me think about other vaccines for the first time. We know 3 things :

The CDC takes 'royalty payments' from pharma (other countries call that corruption).

The CDC recommends (and states mandate what the CDC recommends) the most 'vaccines' of any country.

US citizens have a shorter life expectancy than of any developed country.

OurNewsMediaLies 7 points ago +7 / -0

You should always be looking for the next job.

Your employer isn't loyal to you and you shouldn't be to it...

as my ex boss once said 'if you want loyalty, get a dog'

OurNewsMediaLies 11 points ago +11 / -0

All these cries for 'online safety' following the UK's terrorist attacks always end up being utilized by the far left to control the thoughts of healthy individuals.

Every time.

Like clockwork.

OurNewsMediaLies 9 points ago +11 / -2

We maybe need to split the internet into at least 2 parts :

Freedom of speech respecting country that created the internet

Remaining white woke peoples and their rapefugee immigrants (insert picture of white woman and 7 black guys looking at her before porn scene)

OurNewsMediaLies 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who elected Elvis Chan (He/Him) of San Francisco as the global censor of American's free speech?

OurNewsMediaLies 8 points ago +8 / -0

And when you didn't break the rules you still broke the rules - but in a CODED way :


Seriously - if you haven't been banned by big tech then you're not saying anything of value

OurNewsMediaLies 11 points ago +11 / -0

The left-wing media and those who want to destroy your country LOVE exaggerating the 'rise of the right wing'

Its like a million Jussie Smollets inventing fake news to endlessly guilt-trip innocent Australians

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