OldBullLee 6 points ago +6 / -0

I had a suspicion that the co-option of the fag/tranny bloc by the Pentagon had some sinister purpose. Here it is.

It's being used as a vector for American imperialism, which is some sort of science-fiction horror now that god only knows what "values" are being forced down the throats of recalcitrant Eastern European countries who cling to anachronisms like Christianity and the concepts of man and woman.

"Washington's cultural narrative"?

It's enough to make a man spew.

OldBullLee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good. Suffer, you fucking scumbag. Saves some good citizen an assault rap. I hope it dies.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +2 / -1

Worth noting, this is an actual contraction of “you all”. That’s where this originated (among white trash, then co-opted by urban black culture, like many other things)…

Now "y'all" is used by white leftists trying to be folksy while sounding Black. It's enough to make a man spew. I rarely pass up an opportunity to ridicule the practice with something like, "How're the fried chicken and corn squeezin's Cletus?"

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

The end of the USSR fell in that doddering old asshat's lap, and idiots have been giving him credit for it ever since.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

On top of their political correctness, the NFL has deteriorated in many ways.

Worst is the decline in defensive capability, with linebackers looking like DBs and DBs looking like stick-men/ballerinas, entire defensive secondaries afraid of contact, and the rise of the "prevent defense" that makes 4th quarters and the 2-minute-warning as dull and predictable as the final 2 minutes of an NBA game.

OldBullLee 9 points ago +9 / -0

WTF is "the black national anthem"? The Liberian national anthem? "The Star-Spangled Banner" embellished with field-slave moans and a vocal bender?

i never imagined Black America would follow the lead of George Wallace: "Segregation now, segregation forever!"

OldBullLee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fuck you. It's your fault for ginning up fear in the first place. Now that your chickens have found their way back to the roost you're inconvenienced.

Cry me a river.

by folx
OldBullLee 6 points ago +6 / -0


This hypersensitive horseshit does not reflect reality. What a surprise.

OldBullLee 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Fake and gay" is the best response.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

there are roving criminal bandits that will rape babies. Those people are also likely to be lynched, beaten to death, stoned to death, or burned alive with a car tire in those same communities.

Sure, if those babies are being raised to be Muslim.

Muslims do not consider us infidels human so we're all just dogmeat to them, and raping our children is the equivalent of what we would call "bestiality."

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0


This is enough reason to ignore anything said in the article and dismiss its writer as an idiot.

OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

"I'ss the waa waa wess out dey!"

OldBullLee 18 points ago +18 / -0

Unintentional homicide is bad enough. His inability to accept responsibility is ugly and marks him as a coward.

The orchestra doesn't care if its patrons are criminals.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clearly the thing to do is to identify any one of their units, break in, and take a shit in a closet or dump a few gallons of pig blood in the pool, or something.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been over since at least 1960. It is a walking corpse that doesn't know it's dead yet.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember "amotivational syndrome"? This was allegedly one of the effects of pot.

OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

The necromorph conquest of Earth continues.

OldBullLee 11 points ago +11 / -0

More neo-Marxist indoctrination.

They will never stop. It is their duty to destroy the social fabric--it's part of their ideology. They are succeeding. The only thing to come of any of this will be some sort of real exodus of the states from the USG.

I hope I live to see state secession.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. Debate works more as a learning tool than as a means of persuasion, especially in the case of an intractable opposition. There is no longer any compromise possible between the left and everyone else.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I prefer "neo-Marxist" to "Communist." It's more specific and has less historical baggage.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have to recognize the words the empire ideology is using to trigger its brainwashed cult members, and either avoid them or subvert them. Otherwise you come off as just another NPC, and modifying it just makes you sound like you're maybe slightly less of an idiot but you're still a fucking idiot.

Goddamned right. Avoid, subvert, and rationally criticize leftist language at all times. Never adopt their terminology, even if doing so would be easier or more convenient; never use it except as a target for criticism.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why, at all times, you have to avoid all euphemisms and never, ever use exclusively leftist language to discuss their totalitarian project. Use leftisms only when criticizing them.

For one gigantic example, absolutely never, even tacitly, agree that such a concept as "hate speech" exists, never use the phrase unless criticizing it, and always trap it between quotation marks.

Be not afraid of using "nigger" when discussing its censorship or when discussing language generally, but remember not to fall into the trap of calling it "hate speech." "Slur" is about as far as I'd go. For god's sake, never use the infantile expression "N-word."

I like to substitute "race hatred" for "racist." It's more specific, it emphasizes the actual category of race, and it avoids the main word-weapon of the left.

This will get you banned from social media but being honest is worth it.

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