I think it's because something that goes against their dogma can't be allowed to exist in its 'problematic' form. They'll seek to either destroy it outright, or infiltrate and subvert it until it's no longer the thing it once was.
Relevant Norm MacDonald clip:
Eve's golden age was 2009-2013 (2009 was when wormholes and Tech 3 cruisers came out). Awesome fun times back then. I'm not saying it's not worth trying at all, but the current state of the game is nothing like how it was, mainly due to a series of stupid changes and pointless additions CCP made.
The game still limps along, but I'm the only person from my group of e-friends from back in the day who still plays, and even I only resub for a couple months a year, mainly out of nostalgia.
Even in the face of all that tho - probably my favorite game of all time. Some of the experiences I've had playing it can't be had in any other game, imo, and I met some great friends who I still know today over the course of playing.
There WAS progress being made on constitutional carry, but the republicans got cold feet and now it's on hold: https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/north-carolinas-no-permit-concealed-carry-bill-dropped-before-vote-in-nc-hous/
NC unfortunately is a purple state now, imo. We have way too many people from the northeast and west here. Around the Raleigh and Charlotte areas there are communities and towns that are 90+% out-of-staters.
Seriously. I'd have literally nothing in common with them, and we would almost surely despise each other. So what would the friendship even be based on?
I have a lot of work acquaintances who I know are lefties to varying degrees who I can be cordial with, but I would in no way consider them friends.
Sorry, I saw this late. It's not that I simply disagree with him and think he's a bad person. He might not even be 'bad' as far as I'm concerned, I have no idea. But my point is that he said he finds himself among 'strange new bedfellows', and not being a libertine is a pretty standard position among many on the right, so implying that it's not an actual conviction by dismissing them as a bunch of tradlarpers is bullshit. To me it's like being surprised that the people on here aren't big on trannies.
GTR 2: I play lots of older racing sims but this is the one I'm on at the moment. Pretty much have played it off and on since release way back when.
Grim Dawn: These type of games aren't usually my cup of tea, but a friend convinced me to play thru it with him. It's held my attention so far.
MX Bikes: The best moto/supercross simulator out right now imo. Really steep learning curve but that makes it rewarding.
Ground Branch: No friendly ai, so playing with friends is pretty much mandatory, but if you have some people to play with, this is the true tactical shooting successor to old Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six. Very barebones atm and development has been s-l-o-w. Weapon handling is second to none.
Panzer Elite: With some mods, probably the best WW2 tank sim I've played. Not the easiest thing to get running well on modern systems, and there is a pretty high jank factor.
X4 Foundations: Has slowly improved since release to a point where I'd recommend it to almost anybody, especially former Eve players. It scratches the itch somewhat.
Seems whatever tranny did this claimed to be from KF, surely in an effort to take it down.
MLB was already pissing me off with their tinkering with the rules in an effort to make the game appeal to people who didn't give a shit about it. Then, their wholesale embrace of BLM/wokeshit a couple years ago finally killed my interest. Good riddance. I love the game itself but the MLB ruined the pro version.
Rainbow Six 1-3 and original Ghost Recon, the STALKER games (stock and modded), European Air War, IL-2, Dragon's Dogma, MX Bikes, X4 Foundations, Doom 1 & 2, Rise of Nations, Rome/Medieval 2 Total War, Descenders (arcade DH mountain biking on procedurally generated maps), Grand Prix Legends and NR 2003 Season.
Also recently been playing Double Dragon 2, Super Mario 3, Contra, etc on my original NES with my kids and it brings back great memories of playing them with my brother way back when. Good times.