I’m so old I remember LGB saying “we were born this way”.
Now we have Disney saying “let your kids watch Yoda suck a dick and let me give them many hours of access through social media and they will become gay”
I wish I liked the Gab website more - it seems difficult to find useful content on it.
"Yes im a racist and so what?"----that's what everyone should say
Also - we’re importing HIGHLY RACIST illegals. There’s a reason Pakistani men only allow their daughters to marry muslim cousins/brothers. It is EXTREME RACISM.
Without the ability to be racist against an opponent who is weaponizing racism. We will lose.
Edward Snowden’s take on the Don Lemon Musk interview is one of the most insightful I have read :
Reading this and dodging the DonLemon acting like a fucking retard for 2 hours will save your brain cells.
Edit : here’s Snowden’s best line of the entire interview-
Reddit’s official Terms and Service only allow racially attacking whites. It’s designed to always push for white genocide at this point.
edit: is there anyone who doesn’t prefer the old.reddit site?
Ketanji Jackson proves their point
Don Lemon’s entire schtick is to act retarded when he is proven wrong :
Just not worth your time to watch anyone with ties to CNN. Its like inserting an ice pick into your frontal cortex.
Finally some good Christian songs to play at my church
When teachers and every film and TV drama undermines your culture - even having free speech enshrined in your constitution IS NOT ENOUGH.
In Europe - women have killed their husbands in cold blood AND BEEN LET OFF for less.
every fiat currency is debased without fail each year.
or you can gamble on a crypto.
Guaranteed loss or potential gain - I know which I would rather support.
Here’s someone who looked at the founders.
Looks like the ADL is overrepresented :
Now I see why politicians want to cancel TT
Proof that we have an inbuilt preference for supporting women
Damn. How did you break a femur and how do I avoid that
We don’t have the luxury of so much support that we can ostracize someone for their
<checks notes>
gaming history
Academics can ALWAYS find a link via p-hacking.
None of their data is actually reproducible. But it always fits with the narrative.
Next year - “Canadian Women- wear a short skirt in case the new arrivals have a sexual emergency*”
What’s “Taglit” ?
edit - just Duckduckgo’d - “taglit is birthright citizenship or the trips to israel that ADL praises as a way to bias americans towards zionism”
Boris was such a disappointment. he went from calling muslims letterboxes to being cucked by his 9th babymama
One of the greatest things about brexit - the public can see that 100% of the fault lies with the politicians in westminster.
They have nobody else to blame.
Hopefully the conservatives get completely politically decimated.
Nobody should trust ANY vaccines after seeing this fraud.
Good point - “grooming the next generation” was their only fee
They also invent historical fake crimes?
Women clearly need to be given more work and less free time.
Lol. (my neighbors could hear me laughing)