Devourment,genital grinder, abominable putridity,disfiguring the goddess
I live in a very liberal city in a very liberal state and they have a mask policy for in store only that got reinstated a month or so ago and I haven't been wearing one and surprisingly nobody has said shit except for a single soy creature
This retard thinks all men question that they are a women at one point in their life lmfao
Maybe the left was right about defunding the police cause they are becoming useless woke retards
Who the fuck ever said they were
Orwellian shit hole
How the hell does this happen cause a gun pointing at me would be an automatic boner killer and I would be pushing rope and definitely not cumming
There's nothing wrong with this they were just forcing diversity by kicking the white people out
Maybe he had a micro dinky and decided to lop it off and become a fake woman
They better kill all the animals in the zoo and the world if they want any hope at stopping this weak cold cause I doubt they can vax every animal on Earth
Jesus Christ how are people not killing themselves over there I know I would living in that orwellian shit hole
Creepy retard has no idea where he's at lul
Who the fuck are they trying to fool with this white supremacist bullshit. They have been crying about them for years and I have yet to see a single one anywhere doing anything.
Dude does not look like a lady and wtf is with the "end tranny genocide" shit it's so annoying that they act like people are actively hunting down and killing these retards
That scene was so stupid but the rest of the movie was pretty good I think
Sounds like my whole state
The only woman complaining about this law are the unfuckable ones anyway
I'll literally eat my hat if it somehow ends up not woke
What a pussy
What are you 12
How the fuck do you get that fat at that age
I'm all for abortions but it kind of makes me sick that these people are so mad that they can't kill babies and also they shouldn't be mad since we live in a world where people can say they are the opposite gender and everybody agrees so what's stopping women from saying they are men and getting an abortion since the law doesn't apply to men
Those comments from the brainwashed are hilarious