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Weimar Republic 2.0
For enough money, women will sell their babies to pedophiles.
I can’t even remember which Terminator movie this is. That’s how diluted the franchise became after T2.
The louder some “celebrity” squawks about Trump, the more kids they’ve diddled.
Majima made a pirate game to flip the bird at Assassins Creed 4.
Thanks for replying twice. You’re still a dumbass.
You’re a dumbass.
The innocent bystanders behind him who were shot and killed might be a clue, Sherlock.
“Oh, there’s plenty of parking!”
-Charles Barkley
“N-not like that!”
But what if I’m NOT a lying whore?
You can choose from Ugly, Gay, or Ugly and Gay.
Tonight’s episode of Suicide Bombing was sponsored by Israel.
Scientific Cat Lady
The Wall remains undefeated.
Make sure you know the Common Law marriage laws for your area before shacking up with someone. Even if you don’t say “I do,” Uncle Sam might say it for you.
Catholicism has been infiltrated from the top down. Look at the scummy Pope.
In the trash where it belongs.
Whatchu gonna do?
She still couldn’t shut up…
“Yes, yes.”
I paid full price for it when it was released (those days live now only in my memories) and was very happy with it. It’s a steal at $5.
Modern women are already mostly useless.
I would t be so sure.
Looks like they left two too many.
slowly plays the harmonica
Lefties don’t care about virtues.
Weimar Republic 2.0