MK56 27 points ago +27 / -0

Two Golden Rules of Neo-Marxism:

  1. Every person fits into one of two classes, as defined by radical leftists: the oppressed or the oppressors.

  2. The oppressed can do no wrong and are never guilty; the oppressors can do no right and are always guilty.

MK56 25 points ago +25 / -0

The ones who print the money (Rothschilds) fund the Communist revolutions (Schiff) and genocides, and own Reuters and every other major news organization, and big pharma.

We are going to have a very difficult time surviving because they have controlled the US military at least since the 1860's and now want us dead like the Russian Christians and we are all individual units with little to no organization, with well over half of us having no clue what's happening, people think it's the "globalists" or "democrats" but it's a religious and racial war and we can't even openly talk about it, we have a long way to go without much time.

MK56 10 points ago +13 / -3

I hate the involuntary face movements I got from taking pharmaceuticals, the bastards knew up to 30% of those who took that pill develop it. Tardive dyskinesia.

I take high doses of vitamin B6 to control it, and never will take another pharmaceutical again.

It's a bunch of kabbalists (worship a god called Ein Sof) who see us as cattle to be abused as they wish with their pharmakeia and this entire Covid hoax is part of their final "great work" in subduing the nations.

They are going to bring out a false messiah called "Yeshua" claiming it's Jesus come to rebuild the third temple in Jerusalem claiming to bring world peace uniting all Abrahamic religions, and a lot of people are going to be deceived. They are saying "Edom" are the false Christians who are against Zion and must be beheaded.

Just be careful if you see a bunch of rabbi's saying they have accepted Jesus, this is likely the "great falling away" where many fall into the system of kabbalah/third temple, as many also into neo-platonic ideas might start seeing visions thinking this is the right path, heading back into the ONE. It's all hermetic-kabbalism (as above, so below), from ancient Mesopotamia, and it all came from Lucifer, the bringer of illumination (false light).

Seek the real Jesus in the Bible, there is no other path.

MK56 20 points ago +20 / -0

"In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

MK56 14 points ago +14 / -0

Not very inclusive to the quadriplegic transgender unicorn community.

MK56 13 points ago +13 / -0

Racial genetics need to be studied, not shades of skin. Also physiognomy as many have condemned as racist, clearly has some basis in reality.

Michael Jackson was still racially "black" the entire time. Which makes the point many defining race by colors is confusing to begin with. Maybe we should go back to older classifications as skin color changes in the sun and race/genetics is set in stone.

The problem is blacks have to have the name you call them change every decade as they keep dragging it in the mud through negative behavior and their name ends up a slur, I won't even get started on the term jew (not trying to be edgy or offensive, this is our reality).

MK56 12 points ago +12 / -0

Often good to make a habit of looking up original meanings of words with a Webster's 1828 Dictionary before they started changing the definitions. Hard copies are $50-$60 on Ebay.


VAC'CINE, adjective [Latin vaccinus, from vacca, a cow.]

Pertaining to cows; originating with or derived from cows; as the vaccine disease or cow-pox.

MK56 3 points ago +3 / -0

We should complain to PETA, saying our horses are all now sick as we have been in lockdown and depended on the mail to get it.

MK56 30 points ago +31 / -1


MK56 31 points ago +31 / -0

Feminism is a cancer designed to topple nations from the inside by destroying the natural order.

Everyone at high levels understands it's not actually about helping anyone.

Women really should be at home taking care of a family, that's appreciating them for the highest possible good and glory they could possibly ever do. Raising a child is a higher job than going to the freaking moon, it's creating and raising a human being. Telling women that homemaking is below them is sinister.

They most certainly shouldn't be voting either, way too easily manipulated emotionally, again, it's not putting them down at all, it's everyone being in their proper place.

Traditionalism works because that's the result of thousands of years of trial and error, to throw it all away and to "progress" away from that is insanity and most often done on purpose for destructive motives.

"With disdain I will throw my gauntlet

Full in the face of the world,

And see the collapse of this pygmy giant

Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.

Then will I wander godlike and victorious

Through the ruins of the world

And, giving my words an active force,

I will feel equal to the Creator."

-- "Menschenstolz", by Karl Marx

"Thus Heaven I've forfeited,

I know it full well,

My soul, once true to God,

Is chosen for hell."

-- Karl Marx

MK56 20 points ago +20 / -0

The question is, if it's true is it still hate speech and should be banned?

That allows for criminal cartels to do whatever they want and say it's illegal to point it out.

Imagine if it was illegal to point out the actions of the Italian or Mexican mafia because it suggested all Italians or Mexicans were bad.

My "hate speech" is directed towards a small group of people with billions of dollars who own most of these media and banking organizations, and it's frustrating they always try and make it like you are attacking everyone.

MK56 13 points ago +14 / -1

It's horrifying, even as a kid I never understood how abortion ever became a thing. It's the most terrifying thing that's ever happened in creation, the fact it's accepted as normal.

MK56 4 points ago +4 / -0

Either way they are Eastern European converts pretending to be something they aren't, according to Tel Aviv Jewish scholar and historian Schlomo Sand in his book, "The Invention of the Jewish People."

MK56 8 points ago +10 / -2

They probably are a legitimate group, they have been doing these marches for years and well known on Gab.

Really weird so many people think they are feds. Just because they aren't fat slobs waving a flag for Israel, and Gateway Pundit says they are feds, it must be so.

MK56 5 points ago +5 / -0

Better be a one-legged black studdering lesbian, everyone needs fair and equal representation!

MK56 -2 points ago +5 / -7

I think his biggest flaw is selling us out to big pharma and the rothschild banking cartel. He's a zionist traitor.

He was groomed from a young age for this position and many still haven't realized that yet.

MK56 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've really gotten into Jonathan Pageau lately, the symbolic world of the ancient Chrisitan church has opened up to me in the past year. I want to read this next by Fr. Damick, "Arise O God: The Gospel of Christ’s Defeat of Demons, Sin, and Death." He also has a good podcast on metaphysics and symbology called "The Lord of Spirits"

I also understand why the Reformation happened (I personally think it needed to happen), in some ways I wish Luther had joined with the East. But I also trust God did all of this for a purpose, maybe to have the West work on WORD, while the East was strong on IMAGE. I have a vision of both joining together in one bridal dress in the end.

So I'm basically half Confessional Lutheran, half EO (there is no EO church near me so I haven't been able to visit one yet). But I love reading the early church fathers now, and people like Gregory of Nyssa and Maximus the Confessor bring an entire world of symbology to life. Chrysostom is awesome also (and based, warned about the jews).

I want to be a peacemaker, and help unite true believers in Rome, the East, and among Protestants. I see true believers in all three, I also see problems in all three because there are sinful humans in all three, along with enemy infiltrations.

MK56 16 points ago +19 / -3

All the global intelligence agencies work together to support black and muslim (ISIS) terrorist groups in an effort to destroy white European civilization because that is the last threat against a small group of oligarchs fully enslaving everyone.

We've essentially been living in the New World Order for a long time, they just kept up the façade a little while longer to test the system and get things in order. Soon all the curtains will drop and everyone will realize they were born in chains.

MK56 16 points ago +17 / -1

We are having local church meetings in our town talking about what's going on, everyone saw the steins and bergs mocking those white children being run over.

We have a mass email chain going with JQ redpills, instructing each person how to explain what's happened since WW1/WW2 to family members and friends.

You bastards went too far.

deleted 11 points ago +12 / -1
MK56 25 points ago +27 / -2

"So long as man remains free he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find someone to worship."

-- Fyodor Dostoevsky

“When man ceases to worship God he does not worship nothing but worships everything.”

-- G.K. Chesterton

"There is a God-shaped hole in the human heart that only God can fill."

-- Augustine, Bishop of Hippo

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