At least the memes are spicy: Germany in 2023 (translation: boar, woman, democracy, highly-skilled workers)
What do you expect from a police force who:
- has the rainbow flag as the background of its logo
- wears rainbow armbands
- flies the rainbow flag outside its headquarters
- participates in gay parades (and when they get attacked by gays at said parade they retreat instead of arresting the attackers)
- protects climate terrorists who glue themselves to roads and go after those who complain about the climate retards
- went full jackbooted thugs during the pandemic to the point where a UN commissioner against torture got involved
- investigates people who criticize the above or the left in general
The Berlin police is not a serious police force. They're a leftwing extremist activist group.
Considering the coal/oil are just going to be sold to some 3rd world country that doesn't care much about pollution, I doubt it.
Instead of developing cleaner power plants and exporting that technology we shut them down. Meanwhile China is building record numbers of new coal plants and they don't care much about CO2.
If CO2 is your concern the alternative should not be wind but nuclear.
The "environmentalists" don't give a shit about the environment anymore. It's all about political power these days.
In Germany the Greens are getting rid of nature and wildlife preserves left and right to literally pave way for their "eco-friendly" energy.
Suddenly a species being endangered is no longer an argument against destroying their habitat for a wind farm.
Oh, that nice coastal nature preserve? Let's put a giant LNG terminal right into the middle and excavate the ocean to create shipping lanes for heavy freighters!
Concrete uses huge amounts of energy to produce. It's also apparently one of the biggest man-made CO2 sources.
Most of it also has to he poured deep into the earth to keep the turbines stable. It's so hard to remove once the turbine's lifespan is over that they often just leave it in the ground.
Basically it's everything that the very same people who push for wind energy campaign against all day. It's concentrated, rock-hard hypocrisy.
Wouldn't be surprised if wind power turns out to be the most environmentally desasterous thing we could do.
There's all the deforestation, wildlife damage on birds, insects and marine life and the insane amount of unrecyclable waste.
There's also the "minor" issue of: the energy has to come from somewhere. They're extracting that energy from the wind. Thus slowing it down. There are studies that suggest this slowing down can lead to droughts because it's wind that transports water everywhere.
There's been infighting since Trump won in 2016.
The Rep establishment refused to fight the Dem fraud in the midterms and the general election because they didn't like Trump. They looked the other way with everything the Dems did and now they've lost the country.
And quite frankly I do not see them stopping after the primary because both Trump and the Rep establishment have been burning bridges left and right.
the left made it forbidden to mention voter fraud in polite society
That's my point. The Rep establishment didn't fight this tooth and nail because they didn't like Trump.
The Dems did fight tooth and nail to keep their rigging machine going.
And so the Reps no longer stand a chance.
All this Rep infighting is why Dems are going to win.
Dems are united. Vote blue no matter who. They back their fraud/rigging/fortification machine from top to bottom. They control elections. They determine who wins.
Reps can't even unite to fight the fraud because they don't like their own candidates and because they are too afraid of the Dem media.
In Europe several mainstream and government media outlets and politicians have switched to reporting surface temperatures instead of air temperatures. Surface temperatures are around 10-20°C higher than air temperatures which makes it seem like things suddenly got worse.
For example they've been reporting up to 48°C (118.4°F) for Southern Europe. Of course they obfuscate that what they are reporting is basically fraudulent.
This image of "her" is even more hilarious.