I wonder how many times this has already happened in a variety of differnet Sciences TM. Can't let reality escape into the public now tsk tsk.
Reminds me of that Fringe episode where a NAZI scientist used a biological weapon that spread to people with certain traits when he released it into certain events. I really liked that show a lot, they explored such interesting SciFi topics. And did it in a way that really embraced what SciFi used to mean.
Archiving doesn't give them clicks though. I get your point- I imagine the search engines prioritize paywalled sites because they get a kickback. So I'm guessing that eventually that is all they would return.
I just get around pay walls by using an archive site /shrug.
Man I fucking wish sometimes. Always been a believer in the Frontier Thesis and space is the ultimate frontier.
Holy crap its been 10 years already. Time flies I guess.
That sounds awful to use as part of uni.
Good to know, I haven't used any normie social media in over a decade (unless you count reddit, when I had an account years ago).
I'd probably follow a variety of things. Its too bad Elon hasn't done a wholesale unbanning of people yet. I could be mistaken but it feels like he has gone further down the path of red pill so to speak but maybe I'm reading things wrong.
Preference cascade seems to be occurring. Makes me smile.
"Right" conspiracy theories are trying to understand reality. "Left" conspiracy theories are desperate attempts to pretend reality if how they want it to be, and force it to their world view.
That is a really great way of putting it and I see it the same way.
So how long can you make it until your next ban, ol Impy?
I hadn't heard about that, are there rumors of a bunch of resignations happening soon?
No way, complete kangaroo court.
Yup, just announced. All 34 counts.
So what mechanism are they going to use to remove him from the ballot in dem controlled states?
Troubled Asset Relief Program was a bailout of toxic assets to save the banking system in 2008 but that is a lie and all it did was kick the can down the road. Ron Paul tried to warn us.
This scares the shit out of me because I have family who fly a few times a year. I've even verbally explain my worries but they just shrug it off.
It is wild seeing this sickness infect Japan at such speed. Seems like the machine finally is going full steam there. Its like watching what happened to the West only a speed run version. The little things combined with what is happening with them pushing alphabet people laws really paint a bleak picture.
Good to note on the wokeness and mods. I'll definitely have to get some. Its looking like I'll try 4 over 3 so far.
Picking up, no.
Pirating with all dlc. Yes
No doubt brother.
Shit, I'm out of the loop on Sim city, when did they come out with a new one?
That's too bad about Sims 3 having a shit engine. So Sims 4 is good enough?
Didn't even know they were making 5, I remember liking Sims 2.
Re: shield hero. I barely got through the second season but I'm glad I picked it back up for season 3.
There have been more brown/darker brown colored characters in a variety of different anime the past few seasons. Which from my understanding is meant to be black to the Japanese, right?
It hasn't impacted the story or anything like that yet. I hope it isn't a sign. It is just something I've been noticing as of late more and more.
What happens with him? Did he recently have a meltdown?