Not recently, it was a while back. As such, I don't remember all the specifics, but he essentially got fired, from The Blaze as I recall. There was all sorts of drama going on, and he really got the raw end of the deal, lost his show, lost advertisers, and stuff. Really broke his mental, and he came back seemingly a totally different person.
Also, he had a show with Sydney Watson which also, predictably, fell apart. Somehow that crazy drama factory always manages to land on her feet, though. If I was a right wing content creator, I wouldn't go within a mile of Watson.
What happens with him? Did he recently have a meltdown?
Not recently, it was a while back. As such, I don't remember all the specifics, but he essentially got fired, from The Blaze as I recall. There was all sorts of drama going on, and he really got the raw end of the deal, lost his show, lost advertisers, and stuff. Really broke his mental, and he came back seemingly a totally different person.
Also, he had a show with Sydney Watson which also, predictably, fell apart. Somehow that crazy drama factory always manages to land on her feet, though. If I was a right wing content creator, I wouldn't go within a mile of Watson.