I hate how journos get away with saying things like "Some people are saying..." "There's a general feeling in the public that..." "This angry tweet like many others indicates..." and then messaging their own bias.
When you ask "What people? Which tweet? What are your sources?" they just say "Well I can't tell you that, of course."
I've been increasingly tempted to shift my beliefs to "In matters of importance, serve the same punishment for incompetence as malice." While it means well-meaning people can be punished, those people know it going into the situation, while low-merit and malicious people will stay away.
Half the songs in rap and hip hop are about fucking women or objectifying women
And there was recently a big star-studded event that celebrated 50 years of this. I still have trouble mentally processing that. I guaran-damn-tee that there won't be an event anytime soon to celebrate 300 years of classical music.
I love how Critical Drinker tore apart his character. Something like "Every time he lost a battle he acted like it was on purpose for a greater plan or something."
People go where the entertainment actually is.
Exactly. One example is AM radio: Normies think it's only for a highly niche audience and weather bulletins, but Rush Limbaugh had a successful show on it that millions listened to. I think Sean Hannity is still on it.
Of course the left knows this and works day and night to block people from "unapproved" or "subversive" entertainment. They even pressured the EIB network to stop broadcasting Rush.
It's one of those three things.
Only one?
What a weird meme to use on a person who has more energy than almost anyone else his age as well as most people who are younger.
I hate that we're being pressured so hard to enable it. They can identify as anything they want because they're mentally ill; but we're not allowed to identify them as who they really are because that's "bigotry" and "sexism" and somehow "fascism." You could lose your job, your friends and your livelihood for not playing along with their fantasy.
If you're still there in a few years, tell us which wing takes over the company and how the other wing responds.
I'm with you; I won't even try to predict. But I won't be surprised over the stunts the establishment will try to pull; even if it means a military coup, political coup, widespread armed conflict or domestic terrorism with nuclear bombs. There is no line in the sand that evil will not cross.
It also taught me how much the other side rattles their sabers. "Ok they can shut down the country with lockdowns. Ok they can push us to take experimental jabs. Ok they can cheat. Ok they can try to assassinate my guy. But if they do it one more time? Just one more? Wellllll then I'm ready for civil war!" No, they're not ready. They would surrender their guns first thing after the FBI breaks the door down because they don't want to see their family murdered in front of them.
People in my blue city who aren't even in government love to vote for spending. Any spending. Any spending you can possibly imagine. All except for one kind of spending: Funding audits. Those always get shot down because voters are programmed to believe they're unnecessary or a poor use of money.
Good thing we're a constitutional republic, then. Well, on paper anyways.
"If you don't know what you're doing, then neither can your enemy."
-- Tzu Sun
Larry Croft
This needs to go viral.
I'm not on it but I expect my organs to be harvested anyway.
"She" could hammer nails into metal with that chin.
I made the mistake of clicking on one of his videos once; took me over a week to flush all his other videos off my recommendation list. I swear YouTube tried to make me binge his entire channel.
If the US copied other countries' strong voter integrity practices (like finger ink dabs after voting), Trump would win at least 40 states.
Be thankful there's a graph at all. In twenty years crime rates will be described by phrases; the final recorded crime rate will be "double icky" before they stop publishing anything at all because nobody at the office will know how to do it.
And some PC gamers who want to leave funny reviews; probably content creators too.
And though probably nobody would play it with intent to throw money at it; Sony's execs will still be giving each other high-fives as loyal media outlets push out puff pieces like "We beat the haters!"
Some fables are difficult to read because of how graphic they are...this one is going to give me nightmares.
One reason may be that they have stricter food quality rules. It's one of the few things I wish the US would be more in parity with.
I really wanted to make some naan bread the other day, but I couldn't because on the ingredients list was "75% or better Indian heritage."
I fear one day if all the people with family in India leave our country, I'll never have naan again.
I never get tired of watching that master choreography.
The Harris campaign is so maddening right now.