And that maintenance has to be paid for, which will make rent even more ridiculous than it already is in Manhattan, and there is no lack of vacant spaces. What happens if it sits at 20% occupancy for an extended period of time? I'd wager corners get cut on maintenance.
That's the same problem people had with professional baseball 150 years ago. Grow out of your childrens' games and learn to drive a team of mule, or go get a job at the steel mill, or if you want adventure go work for a railroad company. Just don't think about baseball.
Sociology studies in general are essentially never truly scientific, which is why they come to bogus conclusions that are defended by verbiage like "backed by extensive scientific research."
One of my favorites is how they claim to have proven harsh punishment doesn't lower crime. I guess that is why they feign shock at the outcome in cities like San Francisco, where the only things punished are righteousness.
I never did the fansite thing, mostly because I'm in my mid-thirties, so by the time I found them I was probably 20, and they always seemed to be stupid rumors from people who knew no more than me, and I wasn't that fanatical about anything I liked that I needed to constantly read about it.
Still, I'm reminded of a kid I knew at university -- he was 14 and a junior in college -- who loved Pokemon so much. He would go to anime club and just watch pokemon on his laptop, rather than whatever they were showing. Turns out another person who went to the club -- a normal-aged freshman -- ran some big Pokemon fan site the kid loved.
Such a memorable moment seeing a prepubescent kid super excited, saying "you're [username redacted]!?!", with the grumpy zero social skills freshman completely blowing off the kid. Maybe he just didn't know how to react, but what it looked like was that this young fansite admin was just a jerk; I doubt he got much better with age. I kept up with the kid until I got rid of social media, he's a transgender antifa influencer or something now, so perhaps the moral of the story is don't look up to site admins or reddit mods?
Edit: heh, I still know the guy's username, which found me the site. Turns out he isn't an admin (at least not anymore, maybe never was), but is still very active on the site posting articles. It's been over a decade, he probably is 30 now; maybe he is a true believer, or maybe he is one of the vampires.
The thing that saddens me is how at least one of their big news sources, NHK, is pure globalist propoganda. Turned on the TV just the other day and saw some crap on NHK World about the trans community in Pakistan; why does this have a segment on world news again?
I don't know general Japanese sentiment towards propoganda outlets like that, but I hope it is negative.
I got a degree in math, about half my graduating class was female (about 50 out of 100), and I knew 2 who were passionate about math. Neither went into teaching (well one might be a professor now, she was sharp), but both would have been good at it. The others? Who knows.
Physics department at least mostly had people who really were passionate about the field, but out of 30-40 students, I think only 4 were female. Mostly white, too, at a school that didn't skew that way -- my theory on that is no Asian parent is telling their kid to do physics, as it is as much work as engineering with like half the pay potential.
There is an old Alex Jones interview with Aaron Russo from about 2006, and he talks about how one of his Rockefeller friends laid it all out to him, and how the feminism movement was a Rockefeller controlled effort, to increase the workforce and give government more control over children.
Russo seemed to be telling the truth, nothing weird in his body language and he corrected Jones a few times when Jones said things a little over the top, and everything he said really looks true when watched today. Russo knew he had cancer when he gave that interview, so I think he just told what he knew straight since he wasn't worried about them killing him.
They won't be able to project power if they are in shambles. There is a chance everyone else is in shambles too, but basically the worry for locals in most any area around the world would be their local civil wars and conflicts, not a world bully China.
Agricultural runoff from Mexicalli, from water they only have because an aqueduct in California along the border has a dirt bottom.