Kass01 -2 points ago +1 / -3

So why would you leave a fan project? Sounds like you had something good going there and Nintendo did release Majoras Mask 3DS which fixed some glaring issues like allowing travel by hour which is VERY handy for certain side quests! They moved the stone mask to a more sensible location.

Kass01 -4 points ago +1 / -5

I've figured that out. I just wish Nintendo would go back to it's Super NES days when they actually gave a damn about competition.

Kass01 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn't talking about Reddit though. Your all stuck on Reddit I guess that's all you know. I'm talking of smaller forums like Zelda Dungeon or Mushroom Kingdom.net for Mario,etc. I used to get sound files from the latter back in the day. Now it's all either dead or only certain 'My favorite' topics allowed.

Kass01 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also a name of a shrine s 'Jee No Shrine' which pronounced 'Gee No Shrine' and yes it actually is no shrine they just give you the spirit orb as a 'blessing'.

Kass01 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've noticed that too everything is 'politics first' now. BOTW discussion or any Zelda game discussion for that matter is moved aside for stupid meme pictures and 'Gee Har Har Har' which is actually the name of a shrine.

Kass01 2 points ago +2 / -0

So would they be the people in BOTW who boss rush to the final bad guy and ignore all the in between moments and not caring at all about the livelyhoods of some of the memorable NPC's? Yes there are a few out there and they thank you if you do a sidequest/save them,etc.

Kass01 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've gotten banned on ZD and nearly banned on ZU and one person Baton Rouge told me it's an SJW wet dream which is why none of my game topics got much noticed. My topics are more interested in exploring gameplay concepts and What If's,etc that require actual thought.

They just want the same old stupid shit posts.

Kass01 2 points ago +2 / -0

I figured with how popular BOTW is (and still is) someone would make an ultimate BOTW website where all discussion can take place there and people can share experiences, Criticism, funny moments,etc and art/media,etc. Back in 1999 if BOTW was released I can guarantee people would have been creative with websites on it much like Ocarina of Time was.

Kass01 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! You talked a lot about social media but I'm more into the niche forums that started to grow like Zelda Universe and Dungeon do you think those sites got taken over by the Progs and opportunists? I see the comments there seemed very controlled like a Borg hivemind.

Kass01 2 points ago +3 / -1

How come on Youtube there's all sorts of serious players that actually give a damn and want to break the limits of the game and find all there is to find? Unfortunately YT has made it so you have to be literally live on the chatroom to be seen which goes by too fast. I'm on a computer and most people are on phones so it's all f'ked up.

YT is great for lore videos but sucks for discussions of said videos.

Kass01 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well back in 2011-2014 Zelda Universe had a lot of members that no longer exist. There was this one member that pretended to be Fi I thought was fun but for a short while the registration didn't work then somehow a bunch of purging a year later happened. I can see why either they left or were deleted. Not sure which but 2/3rds of the forum based just vanished and you'd think Breath of the Wild would triple the members considering how successful it sold and how long it was successful.

Two years later players discovered insane things they could do with the physics engine by natural manipulation. Look up things you STILL didn't know you could do in BOTW to see what I mean.

Kass01 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's because I did my own shopping and found bad results even on the forefront they look inviting till you actually participate. Since you seem to know the universal secrets care to share?