JadeMonkey 15 points ago +15 / -0

he's going to keep wokies out

That will be relatively easy, for a while.

Any colonists will need to pass a battery of psychological tests, to ensure that they can handle the confined conditions of the trip to Mars as well as in the pressurized colony on the planet.

Plus, they'll need to have a useful skill in order to contribute to the colony.

I think that'll weed out pretty much all of them.

JadeMonkey 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you were still on Twitter, expecting some sort of reprieve, you are a fool.

Twitter is not, and never has been, an ally to free speech or debate.

When you use that platform, you simply continue to empower those authoritarians.

JadeMonkey 10 points ago +12 / -2

Don't care.

The Wheel Of Time was a shit book series that grew out of a single novel and became so bloated and tedious that the original author chose to shuck his mortal coil before it was completed.

It is fifth-rate Lord of the Rings.

It will have a second and maybe even third season only because Amazon and Sony are dumping money into it, hoping to build a Game of Thrones-style franchise.

JadeMonkey 8 points ago +8 / -0

500 NG soldiers. That's it?

Well considering what a single armed 17-year-old accomplished, I think 500 trained Army soldiers with equal -- if not better -- equipment could at least hold out until reinforcements arrive.

And it's quite likely that some of that 500 spent time in active duty overseas, in combat zones. These guys will have each others' backs.

I also don't anticipate street thugs to be bold enough to roll up on armed, uniformed soldiers. I could be wrong, but I doubt it would go well for them if they tried.

JadeMonkey 15 points ago +15 / -0

I see even your second point also as a good thing; the Right should never assume that their opponents are weak or unarmed.

The best thing that could happen to the Second Amendment is the Left suddenly becoming big proponents of it. That will make their short-sighted war against the First even more difficult for them.

JadeMonkey 35 points ago +35 / -0

Kyle, go lay low for a while. They'll be coming for you. Good luck, and godspeed.

I am amazed but relieved by this development.

JadeMonkey 19 points ago +19 / -0

Just another reminder that the First Amendment isn't simply about the freedom to say something offensive or stupid: it's also about freedom of assembly.

JadeMonkey 5 points ago +5 / -0

Activist groups may buy a ton of copies and distribute it among the faithful (to bump sales), but only activists will bother to read it.

Most people stopped giving a shit when Chauvin was convicted. The Left will always find another martyr.

JadeMonkey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Start the timer to see how long before Twitter flushes this down the Memory Hole.

JadeMonkey 43 points ago +43 / -0

Rittenhouse is not free and clear yet.

We shouldn't break out the champagne until the "not guilty" verdicts are read, the jury is dismissed and Kyle goes a full year without some animal attempting to kill him at his home, at school, or at any job he holds.

We live in an age of absurdity where outrageousness goes uncontested. Don't assume this trial couldn't be subject to any of that.

JadeMonkey -1 points ago +3 / -4

The Internet is full of LARPers who think that they're going to be the Great Savior Of The Second American Civil War.

They're completely ignorant about how civil wars a) never go the way any of the original belligerent parties believe, b) inevitably weaken a country and leave it vulnerable to external enemies while they continue and c) are utterly devastating to innocent families and annihilate the wealth of communities.

Anybody clamoring for an open conflict is simply a dangerous idiot, who is more likely to get others killed than themselves, first. Not unlike a drunk driver on the road.

JadeMonkey 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fuck me, that was even worse than I anticipated.

JadeMonkey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your comment made me laugh, because it seemed so on-target and true.

And then made me sad and reflective, for the same reasons.

JadeMonkey 13 points ago +13 / -0

She doesn't have bigger balls than anybody else.

She's a lesbian, and therefore is emboldened because she's far higher on the oppression chart than any man. She might be completely clueless that many of her supposed 'allies' will turn on her as a result of this.

They'll still try and destroy her.

JadeMonkey 22 points ago +22 / -0

There is no good reason, they are openly Christian and very innocent in their humor. Anyone going after them would seem like bullies.

There was no good reason to harass a Christian baker about the cakes they bake, yet it happened.

To the Left, any form of opposition to what they proclaim is the natural order of things is apostasy. They will punish it. And they'll scream that they are "punching up" and "fighting racism/sexism/whatever-phobia" all the way. And their media allies will push that lie.

This is the Left's playbook. We've seen it numerous times.

JadeMonkey 26 points ago +27 / -1

I enjoy the BB, but can't help but think that their days are numbered before the Left targets their hosting provider, domain name registrar, and/or payment service.

Because if there's one thing the Left can't stand, it's people laughing at them and their icons. They're supposedly the "enlightened ones" who are allowed to wield satire and mockery.... never the ones subjected to it.

JadeMonkey 8 points ago +8 / -0

Whose definition of 'false' will they be using?

Whichever one can get you punished.

Because it's not about what you say, it's that you won't obey.

JadeMonkey 5 points ago +5 / -0

How long before we have a month dedicated to celebrating abortions?

Minor tweak to the inevitable.

JadeMonkey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Marvel and DC Comics have been Left-leaning for decades; you don't need some kind of half-baked conspiracy to make this SJW push happen.

The cycle is this:

  • Lefty author pushes established character in new direction (or replaces them utterly with a female, gay and/or minority character).

  • Media picks up on this and goes "oh, how progressive!" and serves as free advertising.

  • Woketards purchase an issue or two (not necessarily because they're really interested in the character, but because they're virtue signaling).

  • Corporate bean-counters notice increased sales for the quarter, report to upper management. Upper management goes "hey, we should do more of this!" and hire more Lefty authors.

  • Sales return to normal, then dip lower because nobody wants female Thor or gay Superman. Original Lefty authors move on to other media, and cash in on their status for being so 'original' and 'groundbreaking'. Management panics, pushes stories that are more "traditional" to stabilize sales.

  • Cycle begins again, due to the infusion of Lefty authors hired in the last cycle.

JadeMonkey 3 points ago +3 / -0

True. If this really was an accident, then I have a bit of sympathy for Baldwin. Even if I think he's a scumbag, I'd rather he be hoisted by his own petard than be party to a fatal accident.

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