Women just follow the herd and are easily influenced.
Reason number one for why the 19th amendment was a mistake.
Their economy is stagnant, their people are overworked and suicidal, and they're slowly dying out. Japan isn't well functioning.
This is the bullshit leftists push to destroy Japan. If Japan accepts the globalists agenda, then soon it won't even be Japan. What good is a big population, if it's a bunch of violent, third world welfare leeches?
The reason leftists hate Japan is because their media is popular in the west and it isn't Marxist, which makes them an enemy in their culture war.
Which is why they plan to force replacement immigration and ultimately destroy Japanese culture.
Allowing black cops to kill White kids is exactly how it would go. All he'd have to do is accuse the kid of saying the nigger word and he wouldn't even get a slap on the wrist.
There are many phrases that have guided society, but I doubt anyone was betting on "always spay and neuter your pets" being so important.
Please use archive links for wikipedia. https://archive.is/Qnn5v
I see. Hard to tell when "stormfag" is one of imp's favorite insults. Especially when people point out how nonsensical her ramblings are.
It's a good one, but you should always use archive links for sites like reddit.
When you use retarded insults like that, it just lets everyone know that everything else you might say can be completely ignored. Storm front hasn't been relevant in ages. The only thing less relevant than storm front, are retards that think an insult like "stormfag" is supposed to mean anything.
Pope Francis is a heretic. By defending him you just out yourself as a fool, and comparing him to Christ makes you a blasphemous fool, too.
Don't forget the mandatory kill switch. They're only forcing this bullshit to get more control. Same as everything these would be tyrants do.
You can't maintain a society like that.
This is true of feminism in general. It didn't get pushed with the intent of benefitting the masses.
In 2020 I knew suburban republicans who voted against him due to mean tweets.
Ask them if that's how their wife's boyfriend told them to vote.
I really can not understand that mindset. They didn't like "mean tweets", so they voted for the party out to destroy the country out of spite? "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" is too mild of an analogy for something that stupid.
Wait, is this some kind of self-own? Did they just refer to the troon as a victim of pedophilia? This feels like another case of leftoids going so far that it feels like they've gained self awareness. In this case, it's by accidentally admitting that trannies groom children.
That blacks in Africa did so poorly is more than enough to debunk this "all races are equal" bull shit. If all races are equally capable, then blacks in Africa should be much better off. Instead they never developed agriculture, a written language or even got out of the stone age, as far as technology goes..
Do we need some kind of "internet 101" post or something? You really need to use archives for sites like the BBC, all of the time.
Please use archive links for sites like wikepedia. They don't deserve the hits.
I definitely agree with this assessment. The government can only abandon its duties for so long, before the citizens will start filling in for them.
Those are some worthless police
Only if you're still naïve enough to believe that "protect and serve" was referring to the peasants. They'll gladly enforce the rule of communists like Castro's bastard son.
They accidentally got his BMI mixed up with his approval ratings.
They're communists. If any of the things they do remind you of something out of '1984' or 'Animal Farm', then just remember those were both based off the real life Soviet Union.
She's too much of a tard for that. It's her handlers that are in control. Same as with Biden, Fetterman or McConnell. They're being seriously blatant about their brainless puppets now and I can only assume it's for demoralization.
Looks like they're the equivalent of that other woke narrative writing company I've already forgotten the name of that's responsible for doing contracting work with a lot of gaming corporations.
They're called "Sweet Baby inc", because they have to have a creepy sounding name too.
Get a load of some of the games on this list, too. God of War Ragnarok and Spiderman 2, goes to show that they really put the "soy" in "Soyny".
We need to bring back slavery or at least Jim Crow for a couple generations so these spoiled children learn some fucking manners.
Send them to Africa. See how they feel when crying "racism" at every slight has zero benefits.
When it comes to open borders I do feel there is an agenda to flood western countries with the third world or replace the dominant population (whether it is the WEF, Bildebergs, CFR, Club of Rome, etc.)
It's the United Nations or at least they're the ones with a webpage dedicated to the subject.
but I do think another aspect of it is human trafficking because they use kids and pretend to be their parents which was why they had that separation done that the media went crazy about (kids in cages).
They only went crazy about it when Trump got into office. They didn't care when it started under Obama. I even remember there being an article that got deleted. It talked about the peak number, but people pointed out the date happened under Obama and they nuked it.
Add in all those conspiracy theories regarding elites and pedophilia and there is quite a bit of smoke.
The response to "pizza gate" was very telling. Reddit freaked out hard on that one. Their reaction was enough to even lend some serious plausibility to the whole thing.
As for the modern day slavery thing, I remember I asked a guy who was lecturing me about American slavery why he doesn't focus his energy on donating or volunteering for organizations that help victims of human trafficking/modern day slavery. He told me I was deflecting and didn't want to acknowledge America's past. I just shook my head and walked away.
NPCs gonna NPC. Could've asked him why he was avoiding talking about present issues instead of ancient history, but my interactions with NPCs lead to me knowing it's a waste of time.
There are bots involved in this voting.
NPCs that think it's funny to vote as a joke. Maybe they're even retarded enough to think the developers will change how they behave because of it. The only thing they accomplish is to remind everyone of how utterly worthless all of these awards really are.
Please use archive links for retarded articles like that.