Now this Dear Betsy columnist is seeking $10 mil on top of the $5mil? For an encounter 30 years ago she doesn't even have a shred of evidence for? She wouldn't even have dared bring the suit before 2017, now she stands a shot at winning another judgment?
I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting this, but the precedent seems truly dire. Any woman who can prove they were in the same geographic area as any particular man could retain the ability to sue them forever. You can't maintain a society like that.
Now this Dear Betsy columnist is seeking $10 mil on top of the $5mil? For an encounter 30 years ago she doesn't even have a shred of evidence for? She wouldn't even have dared bring the suit before 2017, now she stands a shot at winning another judgment?
I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting this, but the precedent seems truly dire. Any woman who can prove they were in the same geographic area as any particular man could retain the ability to sue them forever. You can't maintain a society like that.
This is true of feminism in general. It didn't get pushed with the intent of benefitting the masses.