Right. Saying mean things about joozians is now double-plus illegal
They are what they accuse you of. Never forget this.
This is the real answer. Modern publishing acts as gatekeepers desite having a terrible track record as tastemakers. They publish not what people want, but what they think people should want.
Lol you're not allowed to not like gays
They were 'raising awareness.'
Yeah, seems legit https://i.imgur.com/irll0oX.png
Democracy is fake and gay.
Can't out-vote a xerox machine
Its still baffling how the entire game journo market was captured by people who hate games.
He'll never win because his voice sounds weird.
Most people have only the basic heuristic vaccine = good, anti-vax = bad. This is largely true across the political spectrum.
They don't think about it at all. I forget who it was who said it, but if you outsource your knowledge about a subject you are outsourcing your decision making about it. Seems obvious when stated but few understand this.
We sure do.
But no voter ID
If your loss prevention guy can't prevent any loss what good are they?
I wonder how long before stores are staffed with AR-15 armed security.
Another day in the breakdown of civilization.
Arguing over what the law says is pointless. The black guy was a saint who was about to cure cancer, the old man is a horrible racist trying to restart slavery. Everyone will pretend it is totally normal for random blacks to come to your house in the middle of the night and nothing bad ever happens from it. Those who point out otherwise will be demonized and destroyed.
FYI, when something like this happens:
-Don't call the cops (they will NOT help you)
-Don't cooperate with police more than the law requires (demand a warrant)
-Say NOTHING. EVER. Deny ALL wrongdoing. I don't know what happened, officer. No statement at this time.
Very unlikely random scumbags are going to call 911 to report being shot while attempting a break in. No one cares if they go missing either. but if you call the cops they pretty much have to hang you for it. Their own jobs and livelihoods depend on it.
The problem is everyone wants to tell their story. They think if they just explain what happened everyone will calm down and it will be okay. They think the rules exist to protect them, but they are wrong. Act accordingly.
Panel 3 belongs at the beginning, that's the reality.
Clearly a racist asking for it (/s)
The world has been 18 months away from certain doom my entire 35+ years of living.
90% of gay men (and 100% of lesbians) quit within 10 years, which isn't even supposed to be possible.
It's quite amazing that they are able to justify their grooming by claiming their victims wanted it. In a sane world these people would already have received the Henry Smith treatment.
Soon as you remove the kids from the aggressive brainwashing their mental state improves.
Every single study shows leftists are insane. Greater depression, worse anxiety, bad mental state on every metric. It's a sign of the cult's domination that the worse they treat their members the more they blame the rest of the world for it.
Lucky for us there's no such thing as transgender people.
Women rarely understand the concept of profit because they never have to take care of themselves. They fear no repercussion for bad decisions because they never face the consequences. "Women feel money is men's to earn and their's to spend."
I think my position on abortion is so extreme both sides would despise me.
I am pro-legitimacy. Abortion should be the FATHER's choice--if my wife is pregnant with a tardo baby that's just going to be a burden on the rest of the family, I don't want it. I am renting that womb, it's products belong to me.
Currently there's no such thing as legitimacy, so all children are the responsibility of their fathers, whether the mom is married to him or not. Hence, no women should be allowed to choose without consent of the father.
Women don't like it, restore legitimacy. Single mothers can murder their bastards, but can't soak the fathers for a single penny. They want support, get married. Those are the only fair choices.
Well, it worked for hundreds of years, but now it's considered extreme. My view on human life has taken a sharp dive; I don't cry for bastards who will probably grow to become leeches and thieves.
Is there a higher level of simp than "pay for her ghetto baby abortion" simp?
I'll take shit that never happens for 400.