Black women who know how to play the system have life on super-easy mode.
Everything old is new again.
We've basically gone right back to the point when anime was barely a blip on the radar, anything imported would be of dubious quality(or horrifically butchered to conform to 'american' standards), and trying to acquire the good stuff would require effort most normies can't manage.
Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
The automotive market in the US is weird as fuck right now, and I hear people complain about it all the time.
I could likely sell my current vehicle at or exceeding what I paid for it. That's not normal.
Well, yes?
The general public is ready to accept the idea that women are slowly ruining themselves, as evidenced by the slow crash of the dating market in general and how they try to girlboss everything, only to complain about intimidation when you're not having their bullshit.
Unless you know where to look and see what most of us have seen, you're probably not willing to entertain the idea that a good chunk of the nation would celebrate your death and do so without hesitation.
The government would rather see you dead and buried than accept help from anyone else. Or help yourself. Remember that.
Jews only make up around 2% of the population of America, so they're never really exposed to them as a whole. They never get to see behind the curtain, or have the 'masks off' moment when jews think they're alone and start going off on gentiles.
And if you point out the odd population spread per capita or that jewish IQ is a myth, you get called anti-semetic. Huh. Funny, that.
99% of Whites have no idea of how powerful ethnic and tribal bonds are. They've never been exposed to it, it's never talked about, they can't even conceive it.
Reminder that said retarded animal shot past his partner, who was in the drivers seat to kill said white woman.
I really can't fathom anyone who's not somalian(or anyone with a sense of self preservation) wanting to work with these invaders.
It's always good to know what the latest propaganda roll being pushed out is.
Sean Connery was right about women.
I'm too lazy to look it up, but there was one stupid motherfucker that successfully(sadly) campaigned to force McDonalds to stop using lard when cooking their fries. The reason? He developed serious heart problems from eating said fries almost daily, and thought lard was the reason.
No, you water-brained retard, it's because you were consuming carbohydrates(read: sugar) every goddamn day.
Making fried potatoes in lard is goddamn delicious. Just... don't eat it every day.
All the LP and streaming I've seen of the game has it come across as... well, kinda boring. Maybe you just gotta play it to enjoy it.
I can't say I'm a fan of the way they tried to do the squad mechanics - either you get some bros to help you play the game or you've got two annoying bots running around. SM1 atleast had several solo missions. And the scuff has been all over the place.
Plus, there's all the extra DLC coming down the pipe.
Also, I don't like the new guy they got to play Titus. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Still irks.
Weirdly enough, SM2 has made me dislike the Primaris even further. It seems the more I get actively exposed to it, the more I'm coming to actively dislike it. When it initially came down the pipe, I was fairly ambivalent and neutral, but the more I've gotten into the model side of things, the more Primaris annoy me. It's weird.
I might pick it up in a few years at a deep discount for kicks and skittles, but beyond that... know, that is a very good point.
You haven't even played Morrowind?
Man, you're missing out. It's rough in parts and takes a little to get used to, but once you realize that the game is basically begging you to break it in half, it becomes quite the trip.
Plus, you have the added hilarity of so many Elder Scrolls tourists trying to play up the poor, poor downtrodden Dunmer in Skyrim makes it very fucking clear they know nothing about the series.
Maybe I'm a little weird, but I don't see any difference between what Vtubers do than what some other streamers do - people like Zach Hazard and Accurize and Vaos don't even bother with avatars when doing their stuff.
I'd even go so far as to say what Vtubers do isn't that much different than what some radio announcers do.
But, like I said, I might be a little weird. I tend to focus on the voice, and if the voice and content isn't good, I just shrug and move on.
Then again, I never donate. But free entertainment is free entertainment...
Cause alot of them are honestly entertaining. Chances are, if you're into something, you'll probably find a Vtuber that's also pretty enthusiastic about it.
Plus, the immediate chat feedback can lead to impromptu hilarity. So that's always fun.
Putting aside whales and simps, Vtubers can be... oddly wholesome, at times. I've got a meme stashed away somewhere of Mori Collipe(Hololive Vtuber) basically going 'Guys, don't donate if you don't have any money, spend responsibly, c'mon' with a random Twitch E-thot trying to shame and harass guys into giving her money. It's a weird contrast.
Alot of tranny Vtubers really don't hide it, though. It's VERY obvious.
Zentraya is probably the Ur example, though. It's weird.
Huh. I forgot. Is having a cellphone scrambler/blocker illegal to own, or is just using it that's illegal?
Yeah, that was basically my thought. I imagine the various three-letter agencies were busy writing down ideas after they saw the bullshit Israel pulled off.
Assuming Israel didn't steal the idea from said three-letter agencies to begin with.
You're not following through with the interpretation. Look at as an allegorical lesson, a parable. Ignore the examples given, and look at what Jesus is basically saying at it's core.
If you have an opponent, force him to respect you.
If they seek to ruin you, force them to be shamed by society.
If they seek to enslave you, force them to break the law.
There's nothing passive about that. It's the very essence of being proactive, of pushing back against those that would hurt you.
A friend of mine's wife is a doctor - brain surgeon, basically, though I've never got to nag her about the particulars of her job(invasive as opposed to non).
And from the stuff I've heard her ranting about re: the people she's worked with, my attitude toward the medical community can basically be summed up as 'Whelp, better make sure I never get sick!' Or else go to a really well-vetted doctor I can trust.
Funny enough, I also know a nurse... who retired rather than get a covid shot. I wasn't planning on getting one regardless(and never did), but man did that make me raise an eyebrow or three.
Supposedly nurses are the most difficult group to get to take vaccines, and I don't blame them.
I've thought about going on a schizo rant about this, but here's the summery; Priests, jokes aside, aren't exactly stupid people. And I think they know that the largest threat to any stable society is young adult men with nothing to loose, so the majority of their teachings are built around 'gentling' them(read: neuter.)
This has had a lot of unintended consequences.
So he isn't retarded, he's just actively evil.
Well, good to have that cleared up.
If we treated Haitians the way we treated Italians back in the day or the way the British treated the Irish, we'd have alot less Haitians. And alot less immigrants wanting to come over as a whole. Though we'd probably still have to deal with all the organized crime bullshit.
(Spoilers: Said treatment involves lynching and genocide.)
Water-brained midwit fuck knows nothing about history and trying to blather off a zinger that he thinks sounds cute.
GW on the phone right now to get him to play the first female live-action Custodes.