I got tired of it halfway through but the Malazan series was pretty all right at times
Toshiba recently told stockholders that they don’t expect to be able to fulfill all of their customers orders until 2023
Blasphemous is cheap on Steam and it had me cautiously optimistic about gaming again. Just going to have to go indie for a while
leftist cheerleaders, both in the media, and on Reddit, saying how "wonderful" this all is
You gotta keep in mind that a lot of those folks are paid shills
God I hate what Reddit has become. You just know that guy thought he was like dropping the mic 2 or 3 posts in.
“Crazy!? I’ll have you know I was suicidal before I cut my Dick off!”
Most of us are trained not to vote in these things
Yeah, like I get the point we’re making, but why was Larry Elder just walking adjacent to a bunch of bums
These corny, boomer-con and somehow simultaneously stereotypical-millennial talking points have to be trolling or glow posting.
Get a job, bro. Literally. Grocery stores are paying out $1k hiring bonuses at this stage and they pay enough to for you and your girl to save up a down payment on a midwestern house.
I hate Candace, but very early on part of her back and forth with this clinic is that she can easily get tested somewhere else. The drama is in the fact that this learned woman of science thinks COVID is so serious that she has to blacklist people that speak against it even thought blacklist will literally cause more COVID
And here I thought mainstream conservatives were just too busy being effective leaders to acknowledge tech censorship as a serious issue
The fake laughter is borderline horrifying to see in a real adult
and who currently occupy the top position of the executive branch.
They occupy that position because you’re outlook enables this recurring cadre of retards that can’t even come close to convincing the average idiot not to hate them
And the few that do have done it with the long hair undercut look. It’s never this terrible style
All of the worst boomer-tier subs participating
You’re not entirely wrong, but it’s important to highlight this stuff somewhere so that normal people can see it, shrug it off, and then redpill themselves sometime later when they realize that all of Western popular culture was co-opted by hysterical responses to “very fine people” for over a year whereas this kind of thing gets explained away and ignored.
Because mainstream studios are just adult daycares for soyjack npcs and literal children with MBAs. It’s why they can’t reliably push out their formulaic garbage in good times, let alone with coastal COVID restrictions.
She retweeted something about “the gods of capitalism” being at fault for COVID deaths. We really are doomed arent we? People really are this retarded
There’s probably a shit ton of overly between the group of people that think social media race-issue word salads are insightful and people that think Jeopardy is some sophisticated thing for intelligent people.
NASA has agreed to delay work
I thought it was court ordered. A stay or an injunction, I don’t know the terminology.
The leftist: “can our troops and Jesus get an amen?!”
That’s a surprisingly low number to be honest. Makes me kinda sad for all the ladies that are gonna have to live with themselves for a smaller amount of money than I’d thought
I can see how you’d think that but I dunno, bro. We literally terrorized a whole country for 20 years and we’re about to like just get away with it. We’ll call it a tragedy with a serious tone in a few speeches here and there but then, outside of a few folks well have written off as woke weirdos, the entire western world is just gonna move on. The absolute worst repercussion for anyone close to being in charge of the war on terror is going to be like a bad performance review for some dude in an obscure defense industry consulting firm. Anyone that takes any amount of time to roll the idea around in their head will see it and there’s nothing they can do about it.
Zero to do with Biden and everything to do with suppressing news on the decades of failure from the unelected bureaucrats that make up the military industrial complex.
Per Google:
Jennifer Cafarella is the inaugural National Security Fellow at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a position created to sponsor rising national security leaders
To clarify, he didn’t “take down” anthem either. Iirc he sat on his stunning expose until well after the game had released and tanked
It’s like when Mel Gibson fought the redcoats to save the joker