All I can conclude from this is that the kid on the right is a retard who's too stupid and/or lazy to just move his ladder to the side of the tree where he can reach the apples.
Might be he really is sick, but from all the drug cocktails they've pumped him with over the past few weeks in a feeble attempt to pep him up and make him presentable. They clearly went into overdrive with them for his Big Boy press conference (and the Ukraine one just prior), considering that was the only time in his term where Biden actually walked with purpose and without any chaperones or that confused old man shuffle he always does. Covid could likely just the convenient excuse they're running with to hide that.
Did they conduct the test in both his nostrils?
Channeling the spirit of his hero, Karl Marx, with that beard. That, or maybe a lifetime of drugs and alcohol have finally caught up to him and ravaged his once boyish face.
We all know Kung Fu Panda's made for Chinese audiences.
Least he doesn't have a long or beak-like nose. In fact, from the side view, it doesn't look like he has a nose at all. He must have had to tape his glasses on.
Bangs?! They're calling gunshots bangs now?! What would they call a bombing on Trump? A boom-boom?
Whether you like Trump or hate him, you gotta admit, he handled that really coolly. He reacted as though he was just bit by a mosquito before realizing what was up and hitting the deck. And when he's being hauled off by his bodyguard, he still fist-pumps for the crowd. Definitely a stronger showing than everything Biden's done without anyone shooting him.
Even his criticisms on Biden are laced with attacks on Trump. Leibowitz doesn't hate Biden because he's a senile old fool who's not qualified to run a lemonade stand let alone the country. And he certainly doesn't hate him because he and his whole family are crooks who've been selling us out to China, throwing open our borders, compromising our national security, and getting us involved in more foreign wars. Leibowitz hates him because he's helping to usher in a second Trump term (and because his masters are telling him to).
And now, in the Big Boy Press Conference, he just said he "wouldn't have chosen Vice President Trump as Vice President if [he] didn't think she (sic) was qualified."
To think, Trump has been Vice President AND a woman ALL this time!
There IS reason for the racism in The Witcher, but getting a greater understanding of the context behind it requires either some deep-diving into the lore and in-game literature, playing the previous games, and/or reading the books. In short, racial tensions always existed between elves and humans that resulted in a lot of bloody battles in the past, with the results being the former losing an entire generation of fertile youths (elves live longer than humans, but have a considerably shorter fertility window) that left their population in sharp decline and made way for the fall of their civilization. Those hostilities have still left marks on both people, and many elves refuse to integrate with their human conquerers but also lack the basic agricultural skills needed to form their own communes, so they act as thieves and brigands, which in turn drives humans to be more hostile to them in turn.
As for Dwarves, well, many of the biggest banks in the Northern Kingdoms are owned and run by them, Vivaldi being the most notable. Take that for what it's worth.
Furthermore, five years before the first game began, when Nilfgaard launched a second invasion on the north, it commissioned and made high promises to disenfranchised nonhumans to spur them into assisting the empire, leading to the formation of the Scoia'tael which engaged in guerilla warfare all across the North. And even after the war ended and Nilfgaard left them high and dry, the Scoia'tael is still active and still engaging in banditry and other mischief (which we openly see in the first two Witcher games), which is doing nothing for race relations, and in turn makes humans suspicious of their nonhuman neighbors. Said suspicion is also not always unwarranted because a lot of said neighbors are in fact Scoia'tael sleeper agents. And by the time Witcher 3 begins, Nilfgaard is launching a third invasion, which is doing much to drive up more racial paranoia; they're not employing the Scoia'tael anymore, but the common (and ignorant) man doesn't know that, and considering the Scoia'tael recently partook in a number of actions that further weakened the north, like assist an assassin in killing King Foltest, and taking advantage of the unrest in Aedirn to form a new independent nation in it, well...
Don't buy Leibowitz's bullshit for a second. For every safe, half-hearted, and media-approved "joke" he throws at Biden's expense, he will throw at least five towards Trump and his supporters, going on how he's also old, senile, and decrepit, alongside being a liar who LIIIIIEEEEESSSSS and is EBIL! And January 6th! Can't forget January 6th.
He is not rebelling against the Democrats. He's just jumping on the latest corporate-approved bandwagon (as he always has), likely at his masters' behest, and pretending that he never saw what we were fully aware of for at least five years.
Contextually, the Zero Dawn part of the title makes sense and is explained in the story. Honestly, it's what the series should have been called, rather than being the subtitle of the first game. Horizon, however, is just one of those stock words that gets thrown into the titles of fantastical stories to make them sound epic and mystical, but are really just trite and pretentious. Others tend to include shadows, darkness, destiny, empire, fire, throne, fate, eternal, eternity, chronicles, dragon, blood, and likely others.
Why the hell do good IPs (or at least formerly good ones) keep getting shitty adaptations, but worthless ones that wokies already get their girldicks hard over are always skipped? This is one redhead I would have gladly let the blacks have! Then again, it's understandable in this case. I don't think anyone at Netflix has the talent to convincingly animate a freaking Watcher machine, let alone something big and iconic like the Thunderjaw which is what everyone would tune in to see.
All that hatred women had for Trump is giving them the impression that he's a bad boy, which is in turn making them wet for him.
There are women that look like Jim Sterling.
His ex-wife for one. Who cheated on Jim. And had him take care of her crotch goblin!
Well, he failed as a parent if he raised a woman like her.
This is why they don't date each other; trannies hate other trannies only slightly less than they hate themselves. They know how physically repulsive their partners are and not only does it continue to serve as a continual reminder of their own ugliness, but it summons a bitterness in them with the realization that this thing is what they have to settle with. When they really wanted to have hot lesbian sex with a busty hot 10/10 model.
Plus, all the drugs they do likely don't help.
Either you wrote the link wrong, or the tweet was deleted.
My Ordinary Life, also known as Nichijou. Its a silly manga and anime posing as slice-of-life, but is really more akin to a sketch comedy. Funny and very child-friendly.
I'd also recommend Shuna's Journey by the one and only Hayao Miyazaki. It's not quite a manga, it's more like what's called an "emonogatari." It reads more like a book with illustrations, although there are some sections that have a manga-like structure where character dialogue and thoughts are depicted in word balloons. But it's a good story, the illustrations are beautiful, and there's definitely an element of horror in it the girls should enjoy.
Jeff Goldblum after coming out of the telepod with Ellen "Elliot" Page.
I hope he still has some moments of lucidity, and I hope he is feeling the worst pain, misery, and despair imaginable within them.
So aliens with super-advanced technology that makes us look like insects in comparison come to planet Earth to answer the cry of wacist powice, because that's apparently so important that they can hear it through the cosmos...and their solution is protest with them?
Even lefties' wish-fulfillment fantasies suck. But then what is there to expect? They have no imagination.
They'll probably also open the game up with Yasuke ranting about the evils of racism, slavery, and white people while he practices his layups on the now deceased Nobunaga's basketball court.
And just yesterday, he said he was not dropping out. But then, this does line up with what was said earlier this week, when it was claimed he would officially be making his announcement of leaving the race this weekend. Which all goes to show that none of this was his decision. Grampa's too far gone, has no idea what the hell is going on anymore, and won't stop yelling into the mic, which he's been trained to do because it gets him ice cream. So where the hell is his ice cream?!
A shame; I was hoping he'd drag this out all the way to Election Day. The longer he stays in the race, the more disunity he would sow in the Democratic Party. Plus, Trump's going to have to change the gameplan in his campaign, since he can't rely on pointing out how sleepy and useless old Joe is. And I dread what new candidate the Democrats will put up; it could indeed be someone who will rally voters, or at least make the race close enough that the Democrats can safely cheat again..