FromTheShadows 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bart: Hi, Moe. I'm looking for a Bhole. First name Aneeta.

Moe: Just a second. Aneeta Bhole? Hey, Aneeta Bhole! C'mon, does anyone here know Aneeta Bhole?

Barney: Just use an empty beer bottle like the rest of us.

Barflies: Ah-hahahahahaha!

Moe: Wait a minute...it's you again, isn't it?! If I ever find you, I'll run you down with my car, then take it to the body shop to give it a new paint job with your blood!

FromTheShadows 21 points ago +21 / -0

Pretty damn softball attacks on Biden if you ask me. He's acting like Biden's only sin is that he's old but that he otherwise hasn't done anything bad, unlike Trump who's OBVIOUSLY EBIL because he's been sued, indicted, and impeached! No mention about how inflation all throughout the Biden administration has tanked the economy these past three years, how we lost energy independence because of his executive orders, his gross use OF executive orders, the disastrous Afganistan withdrawal, how he smuggled classified documents of his own during OBAMA's administration, the diary listing an incestuous and pedophiliac history that the FBI was deployed to retrieve, the constant sniffing of children, his protection of his son every time another one of his crimes are exposed (with the money always tracing back to Joe), or his throwing the southern border wide open and impeding every attempt to secure it while aliens come in in greater droves than ever before. Hey Jon, you DO know what "barbarians at the gate" means, right? It's not a metaphor.

Don't trust a damn thing that Mr. Leibowitz here says. For one thing, he's only repeating what the writers have prepared for him, just like all those assholes shown in the first minute of the clip. For another, he's long shown his true colors with Apple.

FromTheShadows 20 points ago +20 / -0

The other question to ask is why did the dipshit behind this game (Kim Hyung Tae) choose Soyny's console to put his game on exclusively, even after knowing about their censorship policies?

FromTheShadows 10 points ago +10 / -0

A genetic counselor and a maternal-fetal medicine specialist told Jen that it was very likely the fetus had Turner syndrome, a disorder in which a baby assigned female at birth is born with one missing or partial X chromosome.

Then they should have asked the doctor to assign the baby male at birth. That way, the disorder would never happen!

FromTheShadows 10 points ago +10 / -0

You should have asked this person what "normal right" is. I myself would like to know.

FromTheShadows 15 points ago +15 / -0

If this is true, then what a fucking brain-dead retard. Surprised it's lived this long with that level of stupidity. Ignoring the idiocy of getting this abominable surgery, there was NO NEED for any of this. If you can't make your appointment because weather conditions make it too dangerous to travel, you cancel the appointment and reschedule it. There is no need to waste your and everyone else's time, and risk your friend(s) lives for an operation you don't even fucking need. Utterly despicable.

FromTheShadows 14 points ago +14 / -0

They also stigmatize men who do sleep around as "misogynists who only see women as sexual objects." Just because they like to have sex with men by the bulk doesn't mean they like or respect them. The men they screw are equivalent to janitors or garbagemen in the feminists' eyes; lowly, disgusting peasants doing them a service fit for their station.

FromTheShadows 20 points ago +20 / -0

AKA that poor, tragic, misguided soul who only wanted to commit a mass genocide of all non-blacks in the world, and who we should all feel awfully sorry for.

FromTheShadows 24 points ago +24 / -0

All look like Debra Wilson, who in turn looks like a washed-up crackwhore with bugged-out eyes.

FromTheShadows 3 points ago +3 / -0

Asking them what their favorite book is is also a good one. If they say anything related to Harry Potter, or any YA book, it's also an instant reject.

FromTheShadows 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, they still haven't decoupled themselves from the Harry Potter franchise. They're as obsessed with it as ever before; they just try to pretend that a heretic like Rowling didn't create it. And the funny thing about Hogwarts Legacy is that it's the only piece of Harry Potter media they attacked. Didn't see anyone attacking Universal Studios for their Harry Potter rides and attractions, Barnes and Noble for devoting entire shelves to Harry Potter books and merchandise in their stores, or LEGO for still producing and selling Harry Potter sets. No, it was just this one retarded game that drew all their ire for some reason. And personally, I wouldn't be surprised if the troons and Marxists screaming about the game still bought it because they just couldn't resist the temptation of living out their fantasy of attending magic high school.

FromTheShadows 7 points ago +7 / -0

Still Harry Potter, but you have to tear out all mentions of J.K. Rowling's name from it.

FromTheShadows 23 points ago +23 / -0

I have the ultimate subversion: the Others stop faffing around and execute their plan, bulldozing the Wall down, overrunning Westeros, bringing on an eternal winter to it, and killing everyone. Because bad guys and the universe as a whole don't just wait around for everyone else to finish their character arcs before taking action. Bam, big story about deconstructing fantasy conventions done.

FromTheShadows 22 points ago +22 / -0

Every now and then, I ask myself: why is this arrogant fat fuck still alive, while the younger, more health-conscious, and incredibly humble Kentaro Miura dead?

FromTheShadows 4 points ago +4 / -0

You don't need to cover up the face, because that could easily belong to a man too, or at least a teenage boy. Even the sex scene does little to depict any femininity in Abby, since the abomination looks like it's taking it up the ass.

FromTheShadows 6 points ago +6 / -0

Don't need a screening by a medical professional to see where the cancer is on them.

FromTheShadows 28 points ago +28 / -0

I'd gloat, but like all other award shows, they're trash, never indicative of real quality, and at the end of the day, are just overpaid celebrities and media personalities patting themselves on the back. So there's no schadenfreude for me to enjoy. Though I suppose I can get some at seeing how once again, no matter what you do for women, wokists, and feminists, it'll never be enough.

FromTheShadows 25 points ago +25 / -0

But so was "The Problem with Jon Stewart." I wish he would just disappear because he's a dangerous propogandist that normies actually listen to. And it's clear he's returning to push the anti-Trump and extreme leftist machine extra hard this year.

FromTheShadows 5 points ago +5 / -0

Feminists should be angry. What the hell is the Academy Awards thinking, giving all the props to a man, especially a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN, from a movie built from the ground up to be female supremacist propoganda?

FromTheShadows 8 points ago +8 / -0

Either she really is that clueless, or she knows the answer but understands she can't actually say it because it is one of The Things that Do Not Ever Happen, at least according to the MSM, who are more than happy to destroy the lives of anyone who speaks out of turn.

FromTheShadows 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anime studios still haven't figured out what Pixar did almost 30 years ago.

FromTheShadows 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Witcher was a slight step up in complexity from the mindless auto-attack systems that are common in RPGs, and especially in MMORPGs. The only thing it added in was a rhythm game mechanic where you clicked the mouse once the cursor prompt appeared, and a dodge you would occasionally use to avoid getting mobbed. The only way to get confused by the controls was to not bother reading the tutorial messages in the prologue.

FromTheShadows 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even Viconia's non-romance, non-alignment-change ending implied a redemption for her happened, where she fell out of favor with Shar and assisted do-gooder Drizzt in saving Suldanessalar from a Zhentarim plot. Seems the writers at Larian really hated her and Sarevok and felt the need to go out of their way including them in a story that didn't require them just to assassinate them, character-wise and literally.

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