They'll probably also open the game up with Yasuke ranting about the evils of racism, slavery, and white people while he practices his layups on the now deceased Nobunaga's basketball court.
Why stop there? Why not have a 2021 BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating? Assassin's Creed was never historically accurate, so you might as well go full retard.
They'll probably also open the game up with Yasuke ranting about the evils of racism, slavery, and white people while he practices his layups on the now deceased Nobunaga's basketball court.
Why stop there? Why not have a 2021 BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating? Assassin's Creed was never historically accurate, so you might as well go full retard.
I might actually pirate the game if they did this. Then again it's hard to laugh at excess these days when so much of it is meant sincerely