FordFalcon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do enjoy doing basic wrenching on my car, however the most what I enjoy about is cleaning (or detailing, depends which is applicable) and maintaining my own pride and joy.

During good weather I would put some fitting music and just drive, no destination in mind and not worrying about tomorrow. I do enjoy the local demolition derby events and attending rallies, quite a lot to see especially in such tiny land as the Netherlands.

I would love to own an E39 generation 5 series. A dream car would be an 540i sedan with M-Sport package, but I've ended up with a Saab convertible of all things.

FordFalcon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would also recommend M539 Restorations to the car list, he specializes in taking old, neglected BMW's and restores them to their full glory. Good sense of humor and great work ethic.

FordFalcon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paying here around € 0.65 per kWh. How the fuck is anyone accepting €10+ per kWh, insanity

FordFalcon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds about right. To nuance it a bit, while cost is the primary issue why hardware in military equipment lacks behind the civilian space, some of it is also due to design limitations being put by the military for the intended application.

For instance, Thales (the defense Thales) got commissioned for an assignment to assess the costs to upgrade network system of the ship (from God knows what to a 10 Gigabit system with future proofing in mind for 10+ Gigabit system in near future, can't recall the exact specifics.
While an obvious solution is to remove old network infrastructure and replace it with new, more modern system. Unfortunately it was not that easy, since this system and (physical) connectors not only had to carry your regular ol' network connectivity, but also supply power and stuff and withstand certain types of forces and military standards (salt water intrusion, EMP attacks to name a few). In short, the solution to the connectors was to use some type of exotic (read expensive) hybrid connectors (looked like a Phoenix Contact M23 Hybrid connectors) that met and exceeded those specs and could carry 10 Gigabit ethernet connection without introducing any further signal losses. That connector alone would cost a few thousands Euroshillings per unit to place it in a LCF frigate.

Honestly, if it weren't for a new Thales radar system, the government wouldn't have upgraded the ships network connectivity, since the old system was sufficient for its intended usage.

FordFalcon 4 points ago +4 / -0

True, they have always been busy plotting their poison in the Anglosphere. There was no return to normalcy once they got into position of authority over culture.

FordFalcon 4 points ago +5 / -1

I have noticed as of late 2020 early 2021 that several Lidl and Aldi stores in my area have rearranged their center isles by adding more walk space, not rotating household products, and (in general) reducing amount of physical goods sold in the store. They did this to promote online webshops as alternatives. But I think that's due to logistics side of it since its quite inefficient to transport unsold goods back and forth between supermarket stores and distribution centers.

Other supermarket store franchises such as Jumbo and Albert Heijn still offer the same products, produce and goods as before of the entire virus "outbreak" shenanigans.

For context, Europe is a vast continent with large discrepancy in wealth and the blockades giving logistics companies hard time to transport goods to all corners of this continent in a sensible fashion.

And no I'm not waving this issue away. It's another stomach blow to us regular citizens who have to endure even more shite. Guess what our EU bureaucrats decided to do, whom occupy their comfy cushiony heated seats in their shiny ivory tower. They voted to combat the ever clear and present danger of.... CO2 emissions by banning selling of new internal combustion engines in 2035. Great job.. assholes.

FordFalcon 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have an onion domain? Didn't know that.

FordFalcon 12 points ago +12 / -0

True, in general, right winged people focused too much on the politics side of the isle, while ignoring culture. What you and I see around us is the consequence of those decisions. This left the door wide open for adversaries to attack the cultural part of America's (and Western European institutions for that matter aswell) and imprint their ideas that the West is bad etc.

Looking back about half a century ago, when the left and openly communists people hijacked Hollywood (via guilds and labour unions) you had considerable amount of pushback from actors and industry itself, such as Ronald Reagan and giants such as Walt Disney himself and more. All of this exposed the left and ended with HCUA trials where communists got expelled from the industry. But to whom got the torch passed to continue exposing the left from Hollywood once proud patriotic actors left due to age, health, career switch, etc. or Walt Disney dying from old age? None really, this left the door open to those people who got exposed to get back into Hollywood and create media describing those trials as witch hunts etc.

FordFalcon 6 points ago +6 / -0

What kind of word salad is this? I know for the fact that this ain't tabbouleh.

FordFalcon 17 points ago +17 / -0

They are painfully retarded, that's why. The entire "stikstof" debacle is just that, retardedness by our dumbass government on a national scale.

FordFalcon 13 points ago +13 / -0

Having rewatched the original Top Gun before seeing Maverick in cinema, I agree that this is a proper sequal with good fan service. I've actually enjoyed it, had quite some laughs here and there. Definitely felt sincerely like a movie made for Americans by Americans.

by folx
FordFalcon 14 points ago +14 / -0

They'll throw a fit.

FordFalcon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fun times, not :(

FordFalcon 14 points ago +14 / -0

That is a pointless question since rules don't apply to them.

FordFalcon 2 points ago +2 / -0

One major drawback for using that Compaq, especially with those new generation motherboards, is the lack of dedicated PS/2 ports. Those el cheapo PS/2 to USB converters have too many reliability issues. Its in my to do list in my next holidays to utilize an Arduino Nano (or equivalent) as a dedicated converter.

About those cheap keyboards, I used to have an old membrane Windows 95 era Microsoft Internet keyboard. That thing was a rock, never let me down and had decent feedback.

FordFalcon 2 points ago +2 / -0

My keyboard has a trackball built in, its a Compaq (or Cherry officially) MX 11800 made in Germany!

Back on topic; I've used it some times a few years back, but I never got used to the concept. It's like those classic rolling ball mice from the Windows 98 era, and I cannot be the only one who turned those rolling balls upside down and tried to use Windows UI that way, right? Anyone tried doing that?

Speaking of another niche input device, who else uses a trackpoint on a regular basis?

FordFalcon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Alles naar de klote!


A classic hardcore single from 1992!

The direct cause for this release was the ongoing rivalry between Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and how the media even blew this up beyond proportion. So the producers decided to disguise themselves as countryside farmers, unaware of anything about urban life. Artist name Harm Reefboer: "boer" is Dutch for "farmer", "reef" is Dutch phonetic spelling for "rave", and Harm was a popular first name on the countryside (there even was a song named "Boer Harms", about a farmer who loved disco). Artist name Teun Hooihouse: I guess "house" is obvious, "hooi" is Dutch for "hay" and Teun was another popular first name on the countryside. Studio de Reefschuur: "schuur" is Dutch for "shed".

The title "Alles Naar De Kl--te" is actually a censored version of "Alles Naar De Klote". The censored version of the title is only heard on the radio version (more about that later). Title means something like "(destroy) everything to utter mess". Both the 7" and the 12"/CDM contain a "Rotterdam mix" but these are different. The version on the 7" will be named "radio version" further in this text.

The Rotterdam mix starts with sounds of a horse carriage ("Hu peerd" is Dutch slang to put a horse to a standstill). "Rotterdam? Amsterdam? Ik weet allebei nie waar da lech, of da-da bestaat..." this dialogue is about being unaware of any big cities in our country. Dimitri is questioned; this is supposed to be popular Amsterdam house DJ Dimitri Kneppers. He is offered a little house record, surely of his liking, maybe he would like to remix it. After Dimitri is requested to listen closely, the mayhem starts. "Mien, haal de koeien van stal" is a typical Dutch line heard on the countryside and means "Mien, get those cows out of the stable!". The line is followed by cow sounds done by humans. "Wij doen niet mee aan de moduh" means "We do not follow the fashion" and is not only a statement of not following what goes on regarding house music in Amsterdam, but also a pun towards Amsterdam as our country's fashion capital. At the end of the track, we hear "Wat denk je? Zal Robin hem draaien?". This means "what do you think, will Robin play it?". This refers to Robin Albers and his then popular radio show "For Those Who Like To Groove" which also used to contain rave but was drifting towards more melodic house and club.


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