Govern me harder, daddy.
That’s my take. They’ve accepted the fear completely. They don’t even need the media to remind them anymore, they have become a perpetual motion self-fear machine. The only saviors are the government and big pharma who provide their fix to temporarily relieve their paranoia.
They’d be better off taking a placebo. At least then they wouldn’t be in danger of all the shit the jab causes. But who am I kidding. They refuse to believe their own eyes.
Melkor aka Morgoth was pretty damn evil from the beginning. Everything bad and fell in middle earth came from him. He kidnapped and corrupted some of the original elves, turning them into orcs. He corrupted many Maia, including bad boy Sauron. Heck, he corrupted the land itself.
The entire History of the Silmarils involved his utter hatred for elves in general and the Noldar in particular.
He was Tolkiens thinly veiled Lucifer.
I have zero faith that they’ll portray him accurately.
I’m not sure if it’s fake or not. I can’t find any indication that it is. But I can’t find many details corroborating the story either.
It’s just a “10 year old girl”. No indication of what city she’s from or other details.
Even if it is true… so what? It’s a tragedy but it’s a very rare tragedy. The media and left act like this is PROOF that RvW shouldn’t be overturned.
What they are doing is taking advantage of the availability heuristic. Highlight the very rare rape case in a 10 year old and the normies think it happens more often than it does.
There was no human sacrifice in the Americas until the Conquistadors came along! /s
Also: the worst massacres and atrocities in history were perpetuated by the Mongols. Genghis and his descendants were not what we call “Europeans”.
It’s right there in the Bible. Genesis 1:8 “And God created man and saw that this was good. Then God created Capitalism so as to exploit man’s labor. But man was alone so God created wahmyn so they could serve as 2nd class laborers and womb factories.”
It’s there. Just read your Bible.
And ye child were borne and Lord VonThundershaft doth nameth hym Woodbert, after his great grandfather. But lo, thine hoe cried out, “Didst thou assume theys gender?”
Cuthbert slappeth his owne forehead, distraught. “What manner of bewitched whore did I bed? She may be touched in the head. Though she may be mine son's mother, truly I can no longer bear the presence of lady Karen of SanFran Sisco.”
It’s likely it’s gang related. If so, off to the memory hole.
And since a gun owner stopped the shooter, it’ll be memory holed anyway.