Devidose 53 points ago +53 / -0

But does it shoot straight? 🤔

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can already foresee quite a few people I know being insufferable about this while completely ignoring the facts where they are advocating for political assassinations because "orange man bad". Regardless of the actual individuals targeted in this it's a bleak day when supposedly [small d] democratic voters support such actions because it's beneficial to them.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Where abouts are you from country wise?

that one English samurai

If its England the reason for the difference is that you come from a country with a history dating back hundreds of years. The USA by comparison isn't even 300 years old. There are countless buildings in England older than that, and not just historic museums or castles, but some places people still live. A lot of Americans are desperate for some kind of family history because their nation is so young relative to others many have no lasting history or idea of their cultural roots. That ends up being even worse the further forward any particular individuals family will have arrived, which blacks are of particular note.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

The executive producer the story revolves around was Bryan Singer, who would have been 37, 38 tops, at the time given the show came out 20 years ago now and he's currently 58 and turning 59 in September.

Considering casting and production time for the November airing of the pilot you have a late 30s American producer who was best known at the time for producing the first two X-Men movies, Star Trek Nemesis, and various other full production movies, projects significantly different from Laurie's usual line of work. House MD was Singer's very first television project, so his complete lack of awareness about Laurie is very likely.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is an impressively retarded level of soft bigotry of low expectations.

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

Even then w3 launch was a bug filled mess that took a lot of time and work to hammer out into the beloved product that helped lift them up to where all their goodwill came from.

Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not the point, and if you can't grasp even the basics of online OpSec at this point then you are simply setting yourself up to fall or as others are joking, a glowie/fed.

This board isn't contained, hell this whole site isn't even contained, so anyone who really wants to can join and see what people post. Anyone motivated enough to cause trouble with whatever information is posted will do so, as has happened before.

I don't need to know where anyone who uses this board is. I don't need to know if they are married, or have children, or anything else along those lines because that's the sort of information that others will want to find and then use however possible as has been the track record of many since 2014 onwards, and even beforehand.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's absolutely a culture thing.

Enterprise has an early episode, s01e17 'Fusion', which involves the ship meeting some very friendly Vulcans who don't follow the teachings of Surak and therefore not only don't suppress their emotions but don't adhere to logic as the rest of the culture do. In general this leads to some very Romulan like Vulcans and while dining with the ships captain he asks Archer if he may try some of the chicken the Enterprise chef has prepared.

It also includes the staple telepathic mindrape scene that almost all Star Trek series have when involving telepaths, but then a lot of sci-fi shows go that route for analogous reasons.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think your example is too small in scale. Salt may be salt but it's not the smaller molecules that are the problem with synthetic food in Star Trek, it's the holistic design of the entire foodstuff and drink.

Wine isn't just alcohol, it's a lot of other intentional and sometimes unintentional ingredients prepared in specific ways then left over time to develop to certain points. Replicators likely miss something here because they are either duplicating a very limited sample previously provided, or only creating the basics and leaving the finished consumable lacking. Traditional wine varies extensively between vintages, even when made with the same ingredients and methods, but that's what many enjoy as it gives each vintage character, or soul. Meanwhile large scale batch productions of modern times lack said character/soul and may still be enjoyable by many, but every bottle under a certain brand and label will likely be the same forever, for better and worse.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

even if replicated food was perfect

The problem might be it is perfect.

A replicator is probably only going to be programmed with one way to make something, be it from disassembling a previous sample or having the programming manually entered. Regardless of the method there will only be one option for "granny smith apple", so every granny smith apple is going to be the same apple and taste identical. The imperfections between apples help contribute to why they are enjoyable. Some are crisper than others , some slightly more tart, but they are all still the same kind of apple.

The synthehol problem is also likely a result of this. Real booze is a process that produces vastly differing results, wine being one of the best examples given how vintage quality varies not just across years but even just across locations. Grass fed or corn fed steak would be another.

While it would be possible to program a selection of a particular food type it may lead to memory storage issues as well as complicate power requirements if both end up being a premium, even in a futuristic utopia like the Federation.

So while replicated food works, it may only end up being 80% as good because the various imperfections that are expected no longer exist. Which is why Picard and whoever else still make real wine, why Sisko and his father still grow and cook "real" food, and will likely be more widespread in species with far more potent olfactory senses or cultural dishes such as the Klingons and Ferengi.

Meanwhile Vulcans are almost all vegetarian, Romulans don't get much screentime for consumables beyond Romulan Ale, Bajor was literally an agrarian planet before being occupied, Andoria is a ball of ice, and the Tellarites evolved from ursine so encompass a very diverse range of species and cultures who will respond to tastes differently.

Devidose 17 points ago +17 / -0

Both TNG and STD have an episode focused around a social misfit character. In TNG the crew work hard to integrate him with the team and help him, he has several recurring appearances and grows as a person.

He'd go on to also be in First Contact as well as Voyager where his autism superpower helped the Federation make contact with Voyager finally.

We are talking about Reg, yes? 👀

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