Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

The article itself discusses this, that since this is new information but very little data has been collected on the extent of the contamination or how it affects infants. So it concludes that until more information is obtained, due to the known benefits of breast milk it's better to keep breastfeeding a baby.

Daucus9 14 points ago +14 / -0

...Did you read the article? They're talking about chemicals that have polluted the environment, not chemicals from booze and narcotics. They're talking about chemicals usually linked to industrial areas but they're now being detected in everyday things. Some might even be in drinking water so people going "oh I'll just give my baby formula instead" isn't a solution. And at this point there is so little information about the long-term effects of these chemicals on infants, while knowing the significant long term health benefits breast milk is to infants, that even contaminant-free formula might still be worse for a baby.

Daucus9 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think there are lots of skilled women and nonwhites, however they are a minority and you quickly hit a problem when every company in the industry becomes obsessed with making the majority of your hires minorities, because you end up with hiring and promotion sacrificing skill for a checkbox.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

Korean arguably has even more high-context than Japanese and shoving it through an English translator and immediately translating that into Japanese runs a risk of Backstroke of the West levels of garbo.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

iirc people with BIID have something gone wrong with their peripheral nervous system and it's not sending all the correct signals it should, which results in the brain thinking "hey this body part shouldn't be here" driving the person mad. So far there isn't a medication to alleviate it.

I really don't agree with doctors agreeing to surgically amputate on people like this, especially when most cases result in the person becoming legally disabled (not this case, which is why the doctor agreed to do it) but often someone with BIID ends up doing some DIY amputation or mutilation. Maybe therapy can help a person cope with the sensations and urges, but it doesn't sound pleasant either way.

Daucus9 9 points ago +9 / -0

Heritage laws are stupid but if you're wealthy enough to plop $5 million freaking dollars on a house, you're wealthy enough to buy a house that isn't a heritage property.

These people just don't want to admit they're such dipshits that they didn't pay attention when they signed all the paperwork.

Granted I'm not a lawyer let alone a Canadian one, but I would assume delisting heritage status of a property is an even bigger pain in the ass and it won't happen just because the original owner was a meany-pants. Especially if the original owner was a meany-pants because it would set a case for any heritage property to get delisted that way.

Daucus9 31 points ago +31 / -0

Well duh the elites will demand to spackle the holes with immigration rather than fix the actual causes of the problem.

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. I did not expect her to sound so whiny every time she finishes a combo. Maybe it's just the English voice actor overdoing it, but she doesn't need to be trying to hard with every exertion. This sounds like a petty thing to criticize but it's an action game so I expect to be hearing these lines a lot.

Daucus9 21 points ago +23 / -2

Yeah the Disney movies were so bad it hypnotized people into thinking the Prequels were actually good. They weren't. They sucked. They ruined Anakin Skywalker from being a noble Jedi into a cringey whiny little creep, they practically character assassinated the Jedi into being a bunch of buffoons, had one of the worst romances this side of Twilight, and the only reason people showed up to the third one was because they believed they'd get to see a good volcano light saber fight with Obi-Wan. Which ended up being okay but the over-reliance on CGI highlighted how it was just two actors dancing at each other and not a real fight.

Now so much time has passed there are idiots who unironically think the Prequels are good. Mostly because they've also had multiple shows and other media to damage control and retroactively make it suck less, but it doesn't change the Prequels were once known as the greatest cinematic disappointment around.

by btbw
Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ow vs Oww

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can we start a list of characters that got turned into black wahmen during development?

Saga in Alan Wake 2

Main Character in Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Main Character in South of Midnight

Any others?

Not sure if it counts but apparently GTA6 has way overrepresentation of black people when Miami is much more Latino.

Daucus9 8 points ago +8 / -0

I seem to remember he wasn't a musical prodigy or anything. That was Mozart.

Beethoven had his father practice music day in and day out, and then beat the shit out of him if he wasn't perfect. I think injuries from his father's abuse have been attributed to his hearing loss later in life.

genome-wide association study (GWAS) of musical talent. However, a subsequent GWAS involving 606,825 individuals identified the specific locations (loci) of 69 genes significantly associated with beat synchronization ability, assessed by the question: Can you clap in time with a musical beat? A follow-up family study showed that polygenic indices had a small but significant effect on several music-related skills and traits.

An important thing to remember is the term "significant" and its use in studies. In studies, the word does not mean "major" or "very important" but instead means, essentially, "does whatever we're looking at have a role in the outcome, and we're not looking at random chance here". It's just an issue of statistics.

So what they did was look at the genomes for 600k+ people, looked for associations with people with musical talent, and identified a 'beat synchronization' gene. Those who have it have a more innate ability to keep a musical beat than those who don't, which has a small influence in a person's musical ability.

However, this also seems to be something a person can compensate for. Such as, as Beethoven did, practice music a whole ton and brute forced the learning curve.

Daucus9 9 points ago +10 / -1

Ukraine seems like it wants to shake Moscow's cage. A lot of Russians are convinced that the Ukraine-Russia war is not a big deal, etc. Bringing attacks to Moscow soil help shake that illusion.

It would be terribly naive to think that something (while very tragic) so small would cause Russia to go "oop! let's quit invading Ukraine and go fuck up an ISIS country now!" so I'm puzzled what benefit Ukraine would have to put so much effort into a false flag operation.

Daucus9 18 points ago +18 / -0

It's been one of those poorly kept secrets that he's been using his wealth and power to get away with a lot of rape/prostitution/sexual slavery/etc. and a couple murders, I think. People acting all surprised when a rapper turns out to be a criminal scumbag.

If it's finally busting out, it's not surprising that even with all his money that would let him afford the best lawyers, he's trying to run for it.

Daucus9 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every time I've seen people brag about how diverse their protagonist, it's always a black/brown woman. Another reason why Stellar Blade stands out to me.

Daucus9 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not that surprised. Zaslav was the easiest money possible. Reality TV is one thing but just buying the rights to anime and all they got to do is dub it over in English and bam.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

The books have stiff writing to them that isn't the fault of the translators. I believe Liu Cixin is a computer programmer, and it shows. That's not to say the books are bad but characterization takes a back seat to the overall "ideas" the books are presenting you with.

So it's not surprising that there are swapping around characters because the characters that existed were already superfluous.

However I think they are doing more to set up later seasons, what would be the second and third books, because Three Body Problem as a first book is really more of a prologue for what's to come.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

Depending on state law, it could be illegal for an employer to do something like that to pressure employees to quit.

Daucus9 10 points ago +10 / -0

Didn't Hard Drive get taken over some months back and now it's just interns and AI? Not surprising the quality has gone into freefall, even if you already didn't like it.

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm all for getting rid of clickbait and having guides, but 50 guides per week?

Wouldn't this qualify as....I'm not sure what the legal term but it's when an employer establishes bullshit employee output and/or cuts employee hours to put pressure on employees to quit rather than get fired.

Daucus9 7 points ago +8 / -1

I think he's just pointing out that "nobody forced her to get pregnant" doesn't fly when it comes to rape.

Daucus9 13 points ago +13 / -0

That is not surprising and seems to be the standard for how multi-share accounts work: be responsible for who you grant access to.

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

There might also be some sample bias. "These deaths" are people who started their manga/anime/videogame/etc. careers in the 1980's-1990's when they were in their 20's-30's on average. People are starting to get old. Yes dying in your 60's is young but as pointed out, given the workaholic culture it's not that surprising and for every person dying that young there are still hundreds others living, they just don't make the news.

Daucus9 27 points ago +27 / -0

The Deaf community (yes, they have Deaf capitalized) is full of psychos that are convinced being deaf isn't a disability (they'll still take disability money tho!). They refuse to acknowledge that being deaf is SUCH a disability that it has shrunk their world and limited their communication so they develop strong attachments to other people who rely upon the special language they need to communicate without using sound.

They are SO attached to this that deaf parents often refuse to cure their babies if they end up with hearing problems and often celebrate if the baby is also deaf.

They are SO insular and elitist that often people who want to learn sign language who do not have hearing impairments get chased out for being posers.

Sign language is fascinating but hardcore Deaf people are insufferable cunts.

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