Daucus9 21 points ago +21 / -0

Ever see that Grizzly Man documentary? There's an audio of the Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend getting eaten alive but it's never been released to the public (someone made a fake, and it sounds disturbing enough). Timothy's mother was allowed to keep the recording but she's never listened to it. The documentary's director Werner Herzog was allowed to listen to it, and he immediately tells the mother, "You must never listen to this."

As humans we have conquered much of the world, to the point almost nobody has to worry about being harmed by an apex predator animal. And this safety has led to ignorance and arrogance - a lot of people think they could take on a bear or tiger in a fight. And every so often, this carelessness and stupidity slips out and some fool gets torn apart.

The Twitter bear discourse is so stupid.

Daucus9 43 points ago +43 / -0

People wondered where all the English/gender studies degree people would go once they left college. They burrowed their way into public relations and HR positions.

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

Blues came from Celtic folk music

That's the point, everything goes back to something else eventually. Claiming a certain type of music is "theirs" is nonsense, but apparently a lot of people are pissy to hear that.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Minor woke elements" the main character has such a MANJAW that I suspected the spelling of "Jesse" instead of "Jessie" was a hint of being trans. Yeah the model actress has a strong chin, but Western game ugly stick smacks the character into "oof" territory, while Control's cover art carefully glows her up to make her seem more like Scarlett Johansson.

Daucus9 18 points ago +19 / -1

I would suggest if you do have to fly, do what you can to avoid Boeing. Boeing is hoping this will make anyone else too afraid to step forward, then they'll just wait for the public to forget about this.

Daucus9 6 points ago +6 / -0

It comes with a price. The disposability of women + polygamy culture results in a surplus of single men. Third world shit holes deal with this by having frequent wars with one another to cull the male population.

We can see what happens when you don't have wars, and wind up with far more men available than women in society, by looking at what China has done to its population. Tens of millions of men in a generation who can't date/marry because there aren't enough women to go around, which causes a demand for immigrants. Not to mention the Princess Syndrome this causes women to develop.

Daucus9 16 points ago +16 / -0

They probably got a fat paycheck from Epic Games exclusivity. A quick look says 1.3 million copies sold at least, which is successful from the consumer side of things in that the game certainly found an audience and lots of people played it.

However, if 1.3 million copies still hasn't gotten them to break even yet (sources says they're close) then they must have had high production costs.

If the bastards had made the game available on Steam or even GOG, they would likely have sold a lot more copies by now. It's effectively a console-exclusive game.

Daucus9 -7 points ago +1 / -8

Rock and roll was originally a black genre of music that derived from other music developed by black artists (jazz, blues, etc.). Then white people started making rock and roll too and black people less, to the point where Jimmy Hendrix stuck out for being a black dude that did rock and roll. Nowadays almost no black musicians perform rock.

Buuuuuut unless Elvis actually plagiarized, it's not stealing. But it's no secret who he was inspired by, to the point where Eminem (another white guy who got popular making music that's a "black" genre) makes a joke about it in one of his songs.

If you want to read some real entertainment, check out how bitter black people are over East Asians making rap or hip hop music.

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

...I'm only talking about these remakes of beloved animated classics. Of all the remakes so far, The Little Mermaid is the only one to not do well at the box office.

One can also argue that Pinocchio and Lady and the Tramp also bombed, but since those two were primarily Disney+ streaming movies it's difficult to tell.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

I bet a bunch has to do with their NFT shit. They had said they really wanted to incorporate NFTs into their games and that's pretty much vaporized.

Daucus9 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'll believe people are sick of it if the movie bombs.

If people complain and still buy movie tickets, then complaining means nothing.

I'm hoping that people start following through and ignoring these bad movies, because Disney doesn't give a shit about the critical reception if it still gets lots of MONEY. So far I think only the Little Mermaid remake was a notable box office disappointment, which is enough for Disney to say was just a fluke.

Daucus9 8 points ago +9 / -1

Better Help? All else aside, fuck that company. It's a total grift and it's scary because they bribe Youtubers to shill their company to advertise it as a good online therapist source, something that might appeal to a lot of desperate people who don't have the time or transportation to reach an office.

Daucus9 9 points ago +9 / -0

7th gen was also really good for handheld Japanese games. The jump to HD was a major hurdle that affected Japanese developers more, since they tended to be smaller companies in comparison to big AAA Western developers. So most Japanese companies chose to just make games for the handheld systems (DS and PSP, and later 3DS and Vita) with a lot of great titles.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because it takes 10x the force to get rid of garbage than it does to prevent it from coming to pass to begin with.

It's even worse than that: Infringement is thanks to the 10th Amendment but if you knock down one of the Amendments of the Bill of Rights, it makes the rest more susceptible for the same. And there could be further problems if you get rid of the Amendment that reserves power to the states - we could end up with a much more powerful federal government.

So even if you painstakingly got rid of all the garbage, there is no way to prevent it from building back up again.

Daucus9 -23 points ago +3 / -26

The guy bought gun parts and was building guns and failed to register them. You need to register your firearms in New York within 30 days, where he lived. He made thirteen guns and didn't bother registering them. That seems to be what all those charges pertain to.

So I guess what the judge was saying, as dumb as it sounds, is referring to how the 10th Amendment allows stipulations on other Amendments so the defense's argument of "but the 2nd Amendment lets us own guns" doesn't hold water since he failed the other half and failed to register his weapons since that's what the law is in New York.

This is just based off of the article, I haven't read the court transcript to see if it has further context.

Edit: lol I give a tl;dr of the article so people don't have to read it, and I get downvoted. Are we at the point we gotta act like the wokies and put a fat disclaimer beforehand "what I am about to summarize does not reflect my own values...." if just an article summary gets so many people riled up.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

Saudis want to make money but they are interested in long-term investments rather than appeasing some dildos for the quarter. The Saudis have been diversifying their oil money investments into all sorts of things because they want to be as strong as possible for when the oil inevitably dries up.

If one of those happens to be rich royalty who loves gaming, he's going to be even more interested in protecting an investment.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oliver Platt is a really good actor who has flown under the radar for his entire career it seems.

Daucus9 11 points ago +11 / -0

I would disagree. There has been no movement towards show production since....December 2022? I think Cavill announced in December 2023 something to the tune of, "Okay this time for real a deal has been signed". Yeah the writer's strike put things on hold for several months but now it's 16 months since the initial announcement and I'm not asking why a show isn't out yet, I'm asking why there has been zero progress and no one else has signed on and the IMDB page is a barren stem. Because normally this stuff gets gradually filled in. It's bizarre that it's still blank.

This may be tin foil hat, but I don't think Amazon is in any hurry to make this show. Possibly not ever. It may depend on who wins the US Presidency because I can definitely see WH40k content get associated with people who support Trump.

Amazon can do one of two reactions to that.

  1. Assuming Amazon is full of wokies, they are terrified about their show being some symbol the "wrong" people. So they won't make this show out of spite.

  2. Amazon is run by soulless cocaine-fueled corporate greed that don't give a fuck about woke, but if Trump loses then they don't want to be associated with losers.

There is also a possibility, assuming Amazon does not care about Presidential politics, that Cavill is being stonewalled over Amazon trying to shove woke shit into the show. However, it raises the question just what the hell contract did Cavill sign to make things so hard? And why hasn't Cavill notified people if Amazon is threatening to pull the same crap as what happened to The Witcher?

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

The world’s largest database to track retractions, collated by the media organization Retraction Watch, does not yet include all of 2023’s withdrawn papers. To analyse trends, Nature combined the roughly 45,000 retractions detailed in that data set — which in September was acquired for public distribution by Crossref, a non-profit organization that indexes publishing data — with another 5,000 retractions from Hindawi and other publishers, with the aid of the Dimensions database.

I guess that's the source.

The number of retractions issued for research articles in 2023 has passed 10,000 — smashing annual records — as publishers struggle to clean up a slew of sham papers and peer-review fraud. Among large research-producing nations, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia and China have the highest retraction rates over the past two decades, a Nature analysis has found.

So the usual suspects are doubling down on cheating and plagiarizing.

Daucus9 2 points ago +4 / -2

It has more to do with if we want to go back to a traditional society then we'll have to stop media that allows people to impotently vent their sexual frustration. Men aren't going to get girlfriends, marry, and have children if they spend their time lusting after fictional characters. The knee-jerk response is that "but real women are whores so it's okay if I don't make an effort" but I'm talking about a holistic, healthy society and if we were ever to return to that then yes it would include, but not be limited to, getting rid of the tiddies. Like welfare, the fantasy woman gives a man no incentive to become a productive member of society.

Daucus9 17 points ago +17 / -0

If the MLB is only 6% black then that's insanely good considering how blacks are way overrepresented in basketball and football. I think it's like 70% of players in NFL/NBA are black?

So think of all the 18 year old black dudes who don't drop out of high school, or commit crimes so they're thrown in prison, or shoot each other dead. Guys who avoid all that shit and keep playing to get scouted and get on professional teams. And think about how so many of a black baseball player's cohorts are football or basketball athletes instead. Factor those things, it's FANTASTIC that as high as 6% of players are black in the MLB.

Daucus9 8 points ago +10 / -2

Elliot Roger also killed guys. Not saying this makes BBC correct, but someone killing both men and women isn't not definitive proof the motivation was not some incel shit.

Daucus9 0 points ago +3 / -3

Recruitment has been in decline for several years. The biggest reason (heh) is that kids are too fat.

Daucus9 15 points ago +15 / -0

I have no interest in seeing it. I took one look at how America gets divided up and nearly cried laughing, it's so stupid. Shit like Washington and Oregon and Minnesota grouping with Idaho, Montana, and the Dakotas, etc.

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