Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

I liked Furiosa in Mad Max Fury Road....but not enough to pay to see a prequel movie about her in theaters.

I also don't like Anya Taylor-Joy, her eyes are so wide they're migrating to the sides of her head and she looks like a fake person spat out by an AI. It doesn't help she got that cheek fat suction surgery to make her eyes look even bigger, but it's going to prematurely age her in just a few years.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shitpost thread but in all serious I've had a female surgeon operate on me after a car accident who did great work. Another was an eye surgeon who ended up not operating on me, but she did verify that my eye was fine.

Daucus9 14 points ago +14 / -0

"Bonus program, what's that?" asks the American.

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hopefully the failure of Starfield was enough to shake Bethesda up and realize they need to course-correct. I haven't done much analysis of why Starfield did not live up to even modest expectations (for a game that was supposed to be the company's original IP magnum opus) but a major factor seemed to be how the game was essentially made by several divisions that did not collaborate with each other and the final product crudely stitched together.

I don't have much faith, never pre-order, etc. but it would be nice if one of these goddamn AAA Western game companies would wake the fuck up before they burn everything they have to the ground.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

Probably not. It's a constant arms race against cheaters.

Daucus9 11 points ago +11 / -0

I don't think it'll go through just for the fact nobody wants to pay to redraw state lines. Looking at the map of the counties, there is a huge awkwardness with the county lines, with some strictly Oregon counties still being within the proposed Greater Idaho. That's a lot of land and property to move, sell, etc.

13 counties making 10% of the population voting in favor at 53%. Unfortunately, the rest of Oregon will probably just Occam's Razor it and tell the 5.3% of the population that wants to join Idaho to move to Idaho themselves.

Daucus9 -1 points ago +1 / -2

But isn't the FBI authorized to use deadly force in just about every raid?

Daucus9 6 points ago +8 / -2

How do you mean? The pilot was a skilled veteran when it came to flying. Signs point to Kobe insisting they fly anyway despite the poor conditions.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah they just scrapped data from 90 million patients. There was no control for trannies that never had surgery. It just shows that trannies who've had sex changes have a higher suicide attempt than the general population, but without data comparing it to no-surgery trannies this isn't anything new.

Daucus9 12 points ago +12 / -0

Some animal species have observed to commit homosexuality but idk how the hell they would claim there are trans animals? ....Oh wait, they're going to claim hermaphrodites are trans, aren't they? Animals that are either both sexes, or animals that can change from one sex to the other at some point in their lives (or due to pollution).

Daucus9 9 points ago +9 / -0

The entire Fate franchise is about bastardizing historical characters and turning them into waifus. So there wouldn't be any fans of Fate to suddenly be upset about this particular videogame. Anyone who gives a damn about historical accuracy knows that Fate is Not For Them.

Daucus9 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The structures of mRNA and non-coding RNAs are different. Way different. In biology, structure is function.

They use the same nucleotide building blocks, yes (Uracil, Adenine, Cytosine, and Guanine) but even those building blocks are used differently. For example, with microRNA this nucleotide sequence needs to be very specific for it to fold and become double-stranded and form a hairpin loop so it can be recognized by the necessary protein complex, attach, and allow the microRNA to guide it to its target. mRNA does not have such sequences. And the specific nucleotide sequence requires several nucleotides in a row, so a spontaneous mutation wouldn't wouldn't be enough to induce the formation of one.

Why other structures are keyed to interact with RNAs also depends on the modifications an RNA has, rather than its sequence. mRNA needs to have a special methylated guanosine attached to the front as well as a chain of adenines known as the poly-A tail to the end. They both keep the mRNA stable and are recognition sites for the mRNA to be properly used. If the mRNA becomes unstable and breaks apart, it gets targeted for degradation because pieces will now no longer have these protective caps.

rRNA, also known as ribosomes, are so structurally different from mRNA it would be impossible for one to turn into the other spontaneously. Same with lncRNA. tRNA is also capped with specific tags on its ends that are completely different from mRNA, in addition to having essential tertiary structure. And to get these tags occurs during the synthesizing of the specific type of RNA, so you can't just have some random RNA floating by get the wrong tags.

Basically, non-coding RNAs have significantly different structures and these structures are obtained by very specific sequences that mRNA just doesn't have. This doesn't rule out mRNA doing other things - like there is some evidence mRNA-based jabs can undergo reverse transcription - but mRNA to non-coding RNA, nah.

mRNA, even highly unstable mRNA, behaving like non-coding RNA, is not eminently possible. I even tried to check for any evidence of this occurring, nada. It's so improbable it's like talking about alchemy. It's like throwing a bunch of car parts into a tornado and having a road-certified car spat out.

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's money.

It's the "influencer" business model. They make money off of social media. They do this by getting attention.

This is also why being a "traditional wife" influencer is a paradox: these women are making money (some of them a LOT of money) by pretending that their husbands are the only ones who make money.

Daucus9 12 points ago +12 / -0

People are over-focusing on the black samurai. I'm not saying the black samurai insertion should be ignored, but there is so much more

  1. The co-protagonist is Naoe, who is an OC girlboss of historical figure Naoe Kanetsugu

  2. It's a single player game that requires online to install

  3. All the fucking $130 complete edition, season pass, live service bullshit

Daucus9 23 points ago +23 / -0

With the Shogun show being a hit, this could have been a GREAT time to make an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan.

And Ubisoft fucked it up lol

Daucus9 -1 points ago +3 / -4

They're not talking about mRNA here.

Dozens of other research groups, scoping out acti­­vity along the human genome, also have found that much of our DNA is churning out “noncoding” RNA. It doesn’t encode proteins, as mRNA does, but en­­gages with other molecules to conduct some biochemical task.

Non-coding RNA is not mRNA. It's completely different.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Perfect Father

Nonfiction about Chris Watts, the guy who had an affair and wanted to start his life over so he murdered his pregnant wife and two young children. He strangled his wife to death and drove for an hour to his work site to bury her, he'd brought along his children who were crying, then he killed them too and stuffed their bodies in oil tanks. Then he went to work like nothing happened.

It got really famous because the wife's friend quickly realized something was wrong mere hours after she was killed, bringing the cops to the house for a welfare check and giving Chris zero time to set the stage for a cover story. There is police body cam footage and you can see Chris behaving guilty as hell and having an internal breakdown of how caught he is.

The Bosch books are really good. I think my favorite might be A Darkness More than Night but The Last Coyote is also great. I fell off the series after awhile because the author has the books set in "real time" so Bosch gets old, retires, comes back, retires, and new characters have to be brought in because he's too old, etc.

Daucus9 14 points ago +14 / -0

My family was huge Doctor Who nerds. As in my grandparents helped get classic Doctor Who episodes digitized because they had recorded them on tape way back when. They toughed out 11th Doctor but gave up by the 12th's poor writing and BBC announced they were going to double down on keeping the writer and pulled out "look a female Doctor" crap.

Daucus9 16 points ago +16 / -0

So the city has so many bum drunks that to prevent them from clogging up hospital services due to alcohol withdrawal (which is one of the most severe drug withdrawals out there), they issue the bums alcohol.

I would normally say let them withdrawal, but you know these fuckers are not the type to quit their addiction even if they end up in the hospital for it.

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's because Microsoft spend 70 billion dollars to buy Activision-Blizzard-King and Bethesda. Microsoft wants that money now. Having medium or small sized game companies not turning much profit (either by being small successes or a little in the red) was previously not an issue because the real goal was to keep up Game Pass subscriptions.

But now Microsoft has this debt, but the market is saturated so there is no way to get a huge load of new Game Pass subscriptions. So Microsoft wants everything to be either making Call of Duty numbers, or to cut things down to the bone by closing entire game studios.

This is also why Microsoft refused to stop production of Redfall even though Arkane Austin warned that it was a mess: because IF Redfall was a success they would be making gangbusters off of a multiplayer game filled with MTX.

Redfall failed, to no one's surprise but Microsoft, so gotta make money this year some other way, so let's close down the studio. Tango, similarly, had a modest success with Hi-Fu Rush and pity that's not Call of Duty numbers, so they were put on the chopping block too.

A lot of people want this big AAA game companies to fail, but to prevent their own failure the companies will sacrifice everything below them first.

Daucus9 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yes, this is why it's bad to eat raw pork and raw fish is risky.

Daucus9 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's recommended to pirate Hi-Fi rush because the game has a lot of licensed music, which means Microsoft will likely 1. let it expire entirely, causing the game to be delisted from digital stores or 2. do a clown job of scrubbing the game of its music and replaced by public domain shit, ruining how the game is meant to be experienced

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately that was Akane Lyon, not Arkane Austin. Austin got shitcanned while Lyon is making the Marvel's Blade game.

Daucus9 6 points ago +6 / -0

iirc ZeniMax insisted on a big multiplayer game with microtransactions, which Arkane didn't want to do since they make single player games, and they were struggling a lot with it, then Microsoft bought ZeniMax, and instead of realizing "oh this is a disaster heading off a cliff" Microsoft refused to mitigate losses and insisted Redfall keep going. And we know Microsoft is also pushing DEI shit. Probably had a Microsoft employee

And this is just Arkane Austin closing. Arkane has its Austin studio and its Lyon studio. Austin did Dishonored, Prey, and co-developed a couple Wolfenstein games. Lyon did Dishonored 2, Dishonored DOTO, Deathloop, and they're in the middle of making a Blade game.

So I'm not sure if this is getting rid of rot, because Microsoft didn't change from this and Arkane Lyon wasn't affected by this.

If Microsoft had been smart, they would have gotten Arkane Austin playing to its strengths because even if their games weren't selling like hotcakes they would have been useful to draw people into paying for Xbox Game Pass. Just scale things back a bit and not try some big budget multiplayer game from a studio that had zero experience with such a thing and never wanted to do.

Yes, a multiplayer game with microtransaction will be more profitable if it's good enough to get people to buy it and keep them playing to start buying microtransactions, but forcing a game to be multiplayer so you can stuff it with microtransactions is just going to crash and burn.

Daucus9 48 points ago +48 / -0

Scandinavian nations that are often propped up as an example of 'socialism done right' have also been racially homogenous. That is, up until the past couple decades with an influx of immigrants and whatever you do, don't compare the rate of sexual assault per capita with the immigrant population!

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