AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

By your logic, there should be no removals, nor bans, for any reason, under any circumstance, because all removals can be re-displayed as "preservation" including illegal content.

By your assertion of my logic, you mean. You seem to think disagreeing that YOUR interpretation of THIS instance (and/or any other) means that I disagree with ALL instances of moderation.

This is what I mean about you being jaded. You've lost all respect for any critique. Any nudge in the right direction. You just handwave it away as some crackpot that wants no rules at all, when that simply isn't the case.

And that's why now you're not even bothering with the content of the issue. Instead you're diverting into other attack to deflect away from the critique at hand: This comment should not have been removed, and was only removed solely on the basis that you found it icky. And while I agree that it can be interpreted that way and would therefore be disgusting, I also know the clear fucking intent here. That you want to assume the worst is a direct fault of your own, not a fault of the community at large.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are several ways to find out exactly what was said if you really want to.

"Please sir, you're free to speak in this specially designated free-speech zone"

What a fucking joke.

you have never been able to advocate for children getting raped. No in in KIA1 ever allowed it. No one ever allowed in KIA2 ever allowed it before I got added. I carry on that tradition.

Cool, great, but frankly, I doubt you in that this comment included what you say it included. It might be interpreted that way. But I doubt it's as cut and dry as you are making it seem to be. Your word does not have the trust-worthiness that you seem to think it does. And going "well, if you just jump through these hoops that make your experience objectively more frustrating, you can still totally follow along" is utterly stupid.

So sure. Carry on and continue to pretend like nothing is a problem. Like you're not jaded and beginning to ignore long-time users here simply because YOU don't want to acknowledge there's a problem. Hide behind that which is easy to defend while you ignore your other shit solely because other places are less open and "lackadaisical". Because again, fuck that pedo shit, but I still doubt you.

Edit: After looking it up, yeah, I don't think this should have been removed. Is it an asshole comment? You bet. Is it encouraging rape? No, and only someone demented would think so. Especially considering you don't know the circumstances. What if the man who got her pregnant was also legally underage? I'm not a fan of it, but I'm not retarded enough to not know that these days, sadly, kids are getting sexual far younger than they should. And they shouldn't. That isn't encouraging rape, and you damn well know it.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's been talk (and attempts) at this stuff for years (For example, Here's KiA5). The problem is that the more this stuff happens, the more splintered it all gets and each tiny little offshoot is more personalised and niche and as a result, more insular.

Unless you get a near 100% adoption rate via exodus, it's just going to cause less cohesion. And what sucks is that people like Dom know this. So either people jump ship and the community gets divided up into more factions, or we stick around and bear his bullshit. It's a lose lose for everyone but people like Dom, which is why for months now people have been pleading with him to either change his ways or let someone else in to help out, all to no avail.

AccountWasFree 40 points ago +40 / -0

I honest to god find it baffling how ANYONE trusts an alphabet agency. After decades of admitted wrong-doing, for some reason with absolutely no motivation at all, we're meant to believe these agencies somehow self-reformed, and then we still see shit like bulldozing terrorist camps, secretly cremating bodies and "there was no motive" over the worst public shooting in US history (Stephen Paddock).

At every opportunity, these agencies have spent decades actively working against the public, but for some reason there's this very weird very obtuse belief that they arbitrarily changed their mind.

And I don't know what's worse. The people who believe the lie that these agencies are the good guys, or that they can or even should reform them to work in their favour.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

It was victim-blaming the rape of a minor.

And how do we know that now? You've censored it, and it's down to your diminishingly trustworthy word.

Since when did we shift from free speech, even unlikable speech, to censoring that which is uncomfortable? I know I'm not the first to make this point, but come on, this is hard to defend as anything less than censorship because it makes you uncomfortable.

And I have no problem with it making you uncomfortable or angry or whatever. But this place was always meant to get away from that Reddit mentality of constant censorship on the emotional reactions of controlling mods. You were legitimately better than this. And I get that modding leaves anyone jaded, but it's such a shame that you don't want to even consider that maybe you're not doing the right thing by the rest of the sub.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

And yet it got positive reception, and open discussion. Why are we taking a broad approach to restricting speech here again?

And don't get me wrong, fuck that pedo freak right off, but why extend that to proper discussions? You just make it harder for anyone else coming in to follow along with what was being talked about.

by Lethn
AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I ditched team-based and solo online quite a while ago now. It's pretty much exclusively limited to co-op, and even that is a rarity for me.

Multiplayer became shit because of the emphasis on matchmaking and public servers. Private servers allowed for self-moderation (or the lack thereof if you preferred) and was infinitely better for nearly everyone. Did you want an unironically good Christian server that didn't allow swearing? It probably existed. You want one where you can troll to your hearts content? It existed. Wanted a try-hard server? You bet those existed too.

The only type of person matchmaking benefits are those delusional enough to believe the algorithm works in matching them up with others. But the hard truth is that it never does. You will never get a skin-head and a feminist to get along online. It simply doesn't happen. But matchmaking says we should put these two in a lobby and surely this will work out.

The end of the private server as the default is the biggest hit to the health of the online gaming landscape, and nothing will change my mind.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

And I'm not going to arm up and storm the White House over something that hasn't even happened here yet, and never will

Never said you should.

I don't know why me saying "this attitude breeds complacency" has got you so worked up. There are plenty of uncharitable assumptions that could be made, but I don't think they need to be made. You could have moved on by now, but it really struck deep with you, didn't it?

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Trade Paperbacks. It's basically the term used generally used for collections of issues sold together.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

But since you are so hung up on "bravado", how about you explain to us what about the UK going after Twitter users constitutes crossing a line that American citizens should be revolting over.

Your whole bravado was:

Good luck with that. We haven't been subjects of the crown for over two centuries. Your laws don't mean shit here.

And in response to that, I pointed out that it's all good that it doesn't mean shit, until it suddenly does. Because here's something that has happened: The government has sold people down river in the past. It hasn't happened yet regarding this, and therefore it doesn't matter, until suddenly it does. You then wanted to take it all personal.

What I wasn't doing was telling you to do anything, except that maybe you should take threats seriously and not just endlessly scoff because you think you're perpetually immune. Because shit changes, and it can change fast.

But fuck it. If that's the person you want to be, you go right ahead and ignore those threats. It's amazing how easy it is to boil a frog.

AccountWasFree 40 points ago +41 / -1

Honestly, even if CDPR hadn't decided to hand over the reigns to a moron, I still wouldn't have the highest of hopes for this. It's the way it's worded where "it's not about him this time" just seems like it's meant to be disrespectful.

Also, it's modern day. Even a semi-trusted developer like they once were wouldn't really be that trustworthy in my opinion.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Except I'm not looking pathetic. You're here trying to bring an internet slap fight in front of other users because you got emotionally wounded by it. And instead of even considering that others might disagree with you too, you have to cope and immediately jump to "alts, alts, muh aaaaallllllltttttsssss" rather than anything else.

You're getting this worked up because a stranger called you on your bravado. And it clearly struck a nerve because a normal person that disagreed would simply go "pfft, whatever" and move on. But you're desperate for attention and want other users to back you up.

Do you think anyone wants to back you up? Has anyone leapt in here to back you up? Or do you think they see a weird internet slapfight and they're just leaving it alone for the most part?

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Since you want to keep this going, but didn't want to post here...

Your other comment in full:

You sperged out because we aren't torching the White House over the opinions of some idiot cop in the UK. It isn't bravado to not be worried about it, not being a subject of the UK and all.

But weirdly your posts were miraculously instantly getting multiple upvotes even though the thread was dead and buried. It's absolutely pathetic. What kind of complete loser has to upvote his own posts on a middle of the nowhere forum like this to feel better about themselves? Or are you just trying to forum slide with your blackpill doomer shit? Either way, get a life.

My response:

You sperged out because we aren't torching the White House over the opinions of some idiot cop in the UK.

No. I called you on your false bravado. Your attitude of "we'll definitely rise up if this injustice comes to pass" is encouraged to keep you continually saying "we'll do it next time!". But the reality is that shit needs to get worse, and you don't want to even consider that it's true. You're so sure you're safe and secure, but you've had your rights infringed all your life and you've done nothing. And I don't blame you for that. But stop deluding yourself that you're going to rise up. Because that delusion is, funnily enough, stopping you from rising up.

But weirdly your posts were miraculously instantly getting multiple upvotes even though the thread was dead and buried.

Not my concern, but..... there is of course this feature. Literally sorts threads by last comment posted. That's what I'd bet on at least. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What kind of complete loser has to upvote his own posts on a middle of the nowhere forum like this to feel better about themselves?

Dunno. Don't care enough about internet points to even really look. Why were you paying attention to that? It's weird.

Or are you just trying to forum slide with your blackpill doomer shit?

It's not doomer shit. Doomer shit is saying that nothing can be done. It's saying that people still have good lives for the most part and don't want to lose that, even in the face of terrible human rights violations.

What is more likely to get people to do nothing is convincing them to hold onto their safety blanket by deluding themselves that they're totally going to do Something™ next time. Just ignore the countless other times you could have done Something™ and didn't.

If you think it's doomer to be realistic, and to acknowledge that people have shit they don't want to lose, then I'm sorry that you have so little that it supposedly isn't what's stopping you from doing anything.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +6 / -1

Stop trying to bring this shit here in an unrelated thread. It looks pathetic, like you're trying to get other users in on it. I'll respond to you again on the other thread.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tell me. Are these "alts" in the room with you right now? Or are they just as imaginary as how you're totally going to stand up with a grand revolution aaaaaannnnnyyyyy second now?

Or is it more likely that someone else just came along and thought you were being an idiot for taking this so personally?

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +6 / -1

So because I disagreed with your bravado on another post, you're now going to stalk my account to try and drum up some sort of crusade? Okay. You have fun with that one.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not using alts. But it's interesting that you're caring about and looking to internet points simply because I'm telling you that posting faux bravado on the internet is all a show.

And again, I'm not decrying you doing nothing. I've also done nothing. I'm just calling you on larping, and how that larping keeps you complacent. Because you'll always do it next time. Just like you were going to do it next time the last time it happened. And the time before that.

It's about being honest with yourself, rather than trying to bolster yourself up pretending to be something you're not.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +12 / -1

Why are you so assmad that you're bringing a separate discussion into another thread? Trying to go through posting history to find dirt on someone to avoid the discussion at hand? Did it hit a nerve that badly?

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

You did nothing last time there was a new injustice.

You'll do nothing the next time there will be a new injustice.

You'll continue to lie to yourself and others that you'll do something next time.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +8 / -1

The western comic industry is honestly terribly ran.

The model of issues at this stage are an archaic holdover. Thanks to modern manufacturing costs, issues should be digital only with TPBs being their main physical option instead. And even then, they could do better by having 2 versions that are basically standard and deluxe. Use basic materials for the standard, and better production quality for the deluxe.

It's not rocket science, but these companies are more interested in focusing on bad stories and archaic models because it's all subsidised by a dying film series that they're not even considering how close they are to losing nearly the entire mainstream western industry because it's in the shitter that bad.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

The US is not, and will never deport American citizens to the UK for this nonsense

And a decade ago, you'd have told me that the US would never demand papers for the citizens to walk into a shop. Yet that's exactly what happened during lockdowns. And what did you do? You might have mildly non-complied. But did you actually do anything? Has anyone faced repercussions for their actions?

It won't happen, until it suddenly does, and you'll continue to do nothing. All bark, no bite.

If you want to go out and fight a personal war to defend the honor of a bunch of spineless cucks in the UK, then knock yourself right out, tough guy.

Make no mistake, I'm not saying you should go out there and fight. But don't pretend like you're a tough guy on the internet when you're not. You've had countless opportunities to call foul and start fighting. There are any number of grand injustices that you could banner behind. But you don't. Because you're afraid of losing what you've got. And I am too. I know I am. But I'm not sitting at home on my computer talking about how we can rise up if they do X. I'm not fantasising about what I'd love to see happen but ultimately doing nothing to achieve that.

I'm not saying you suck for doing nothing. I'm calling you a tool for being an internet tough guy. Wake up. You're not going to fight because, and I don't mean this as a negative, you still have too much good to lose. You have so much good to lose that it's not worth risking it. You think I'm being a "tough guy", but I'm in that same boat too. I haven't thrown it all away either. Nor do I intend to. I'm just not going to pretend that I will if some other arbitrary injustice were to take place.

Sorry mate, but the reality is that shit is going to have to get a lot worse before people will rise up and fight back.

So to go back to my question. That's a no. You haven't done jack fucking shit any of the countless other times shit has gone too far. So why pretend this time will be any different? Why act like this injustice is the one that will finally get you to do that mythical Something™ when we both know that you're not going to do anything?

I think we're at the end here and I've pretty much made my point. So you have a good one, though you should stop trying to delude yourself that you're going to rise up at the next injustice, because there's just no real reason to suggest you will. It didn't happen last time, it won't happen next time, and it won't happen the time after that.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +14 / -1

You know what the sad thing is? They'll convince themselves that it's because they're not going woke hard enough. It's not that their writing is garbage. It's not that they can't create anything original that works. It's clearly because "straight white boys" don't sell. Ignore the fact that Dark Horse's most profitable comic IP is Hellboy and that extended universe, meaning it's characters like Liz Sherman, Abe Sapien and Johann Kraus. Ignore that their most popular tie-in comics are things like Aliens, Predator, and (admittedly surprisingly) Avatar TLA/TLoK. Ignore that the ONLY woke property that makes them money is fucking Critical Role. Of course, even that is fucking pitiful considering that in 2019 it was their 6th most sold comic at...... ouch, 19,000 copies sold. Damn. Even with piggy-backing, you still barely sold a thing. It must suck to suck.

These losers will never learn. The time they could have learned came and went loooong ago. I could have felt sorry for them if they were misguided and then learnt their lesson. But they refuse to even consider it. So why should I feel sorry for people who's downfall is entirely and at this stage deliberately self inflicted? The only sad thing is seeing decent IPs get tossed away, but even that shouldn't be a tragedy since they should learn from the manga market and learn to let IPs go and just create something fucking new!

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Answer this one question: If you've done literally nothing about every other time that shit has gone "too far", what makes this "too far" situation any different?

All bark. No bite.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

And what exactly have you done so far? No really. You've had your rights infringed upon over and over and over. And every time you fuckers claim you'll do an uprising at some point, but you never fucking do. Look at the lockdowns for example. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs. These fuckers have done so much to you. And not once did you do shit. Neither did I. Nobody did shit. Because you'd always do it next time. Next time, the people would rise up and we would revolt! Because last time juuuust wasn't far enough.

But this time, however...

You're not wrong that we have the strength. But are you ready to use that strength? Because I don't think people are. I don't think shit has hit the fan enough for that. People are comfy. The like what they've got, and they don't actually believe it's at risk enough. Revolutions happen because losing their lives is better than the alternative of losing.

You're mocking them for rattling sabres, but I'm not seeing anything but sabre rattling in return. It's all bark and no bite, because you somehow believe that the system can be reformed. Tell me one point in recent history that it was actually reformed. And to give you a window, let's say anything past 1990. Show me any time it has actually been reformed. Until then, it's still going to be all bark and no bite as you continue to back a 90s Democrat and believe that somehow means you're a true Right Wing Champion because you've defined your views in opposition to the Left.

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